Did it hurt? When you fell from heaven?

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Damon: it was the second after your first time and you were breathing heavily while Damon traced patterns on your bare back. "Did it hurt?" he asked. "No-no" you replied with a small smile, pleased he was concerned with your well being. "But falling must hurt". You flipped over and looked at him in confusion. "I didn't fall. What are you talking about?" He touched your face. "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven, mi Bella?" You blushed. "You are so ridiculously cheesy, dork". He vamp flipped you on your back and kissed your neck. "Yes, but I'm your cheesy dork".

Stefan: it was the school prom and Stefan spun you around and around. "Did it hurt, my lovely Y/N?" You were confused. "What?" "When you fell from heaven, my angelic vampire sweetheart, did it hurt?" He was sheepish as you fell apart in laughter. The only way he could stop the mockery from leaving your lips was when he spun you around twice and dipped you low, kissing your lips.

Kol: "hello, darling" Kol smirked. "Oh, god, it's you" you said unenthused. "Don't be so sad, love. I've been meaning to ask you something" he said, touching your cheek. "Mmm?" "Did it hurt, when you fell from heaven?" You chuckled. "Please don't flirt with me". He smiled, pressing his lips against your forehead. "See you around, lovely angel of mine". You felt the dagger in your pocket, unable to neutralise him. Despite his exit, his lips still felt imprinted on your head

Klaus: it was the Mikaelson ball and klaus was dancing with you. "Love, did it hurt?" He spun you around, holding you in his dress. "When you fell from heaven?" You giggled, touching his shoulders. "You're so cheesy. I can't believe your 1000 years old and can't secure me any other way" he laughed too and in a way that was not appropriate for the dance, lifted you up and spun you around. "Oh, sweetheart, challenge me again like that and I'll show you just how much I can seduce you. A word of warning, you might not be able to walk tomorrow" he whispered lustfully.

Elijah: "my dear y/n" he began, holding your hands and looking in your eyes. "It must've hurt." He nodded, convinced you were allegedly hurt. "No, Lijah, I'm fine" you stood up and spun around, proving you were injury less. "When you fell from heaven, fallen angel of mine" he stood and kissed you lightly. "Cheesy" you chuckled and continued to kiss him.

Enzo: "Gorgeous, may I ask if it hurt?" Enzo asked. "What did? you replied. "Your fall from heaven" Enzo replied. You laughed. He looked put out. "Damon said that was a brilliant pick up line". You raised an eyebrow. "And you believed him?" Enzo kissed you against your neck. "You're really my angel, though, my y/n"

Matt: "y/n, got a moment?" You heard Matt call behind you. You spun around. "Yeah?" He touched your cheek. "Did it hurt, when you fell from heaven, babe?" You smiled. "I could ask you the same question, darling". He laughed, holding you and playing with your hair.

Kai: you and Kai were flirting. "Oh, my god. Shut up!" Damon said rudely from behind you. "Damon, I have a question. Did y/n hurt herself?" You two looked confusedly at the psychopathic. "What, no i didn't" you said. "When you fell from heaven, princess?" Kai asked, smirking at your laughter. "Idiot" Damon said frustratedly. You and Kai were so wrapped up in each other, you barely responded. Ok, you flipped him off but he was still alive. Sorta.

Tyler: Tyler was a little drunk. "Excuse me everyone" he called, walking on stage. "I need to ask my baby something. Did it hurt, when you fell from heaven?" You were scarlet and ran up on stage with the intention of pulling th drunken fool off. He didn't want to, though. Instead, he spun you around srm kissed you passionately. The crowd cheered and you laughed as he held you close.

A/N: mi Bella is my beautiful in Italian

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