Kai parker imagine

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You sat up in bed, unable to sleep. Again. All you could think about were the people you loved like Jenna, Katherine, and Kol. Odd combination. But they were all your friends and they were all dead. You sighed, pushing your hair off your face. There was a noise outside and you grabbed a stake to defend yourself. "Evening, sweetheart" Kai grinned, walking into your room. You screamed and flung the stake at him. He looked at the stake on the ground and raised an eyebrow. "I'm not Damon; I don't Die if you throw wood at me, Buffy". You scoffed at his remark, prepared to reply with a really sharp insult. But then he peered at your face, ringed with purple circles from the lack of sleep you'd been having. "Hey, y/n, when was the last time you slept". "An hour ago." You lied. "Try again" he demanded. "...a week ago" you mumbled. "Why?" He asked, genuinely curious. "All my friends are dead!" you cried, letting it out of your system. "Jenna...Katherine...Kol..." You wailed. Kai looked at you in shock. "And I hate hate hate Elena, she killed most of them" you trembled. "Wow, ok, then, y/n, come here". You walked forwards shakily. He put his hands on the side of your head and filled your head with images of Jenna and Alaric kissing, sitting together, laughing. Of Katherine and Elijah running through rose bushes, laughing and talking in old fashioned robes. And of Kol and Bonnie kissing passionately, teasing one another and fighting playfully.

He let go of you and you blinked, coming back into your meager existence. He helped you into your bed and lay beside you, stroking your hair softly. "I love you, y/n" he said just before you fell to sleep. I love you, too, Kai, you thought softly before going to sleep.

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