Kai parker preferences

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1. How you meet.
You were Damon's baby sister and he was always annoyingly overprotective of you, considering you were a vampire. Ok, maybe, considering the two of you were both dead-dead, he had a reason to but still! You walked into the grocery and saw a man sitting there. "Where are my manners, I'm Kai" he said politely. "I'm Damon" damon replied. "And I'm with Bonnie Bennett and Y/N Salvatore" Kai fixed his eyes on you. "Mmm, two vampires and a witch. Aren't you two hungry?" "You know, I could tear your throat out and let the insides bleed out" you pointed out. You two half smiled at each other.

How he asks you out
"Y/N, my lovely and darling angel" Kai said dramatically. You and Kai, much to Damon's exasperation, had become good friends and you felt attracted to him. "Kai, my psychotic and certifiable best friend" you replied in the same tone. "Y/N, when I try to talk to you, you need to stop with the sarcasm" Kai demanded playfully. "Hmm, no." You replied. "Y/N. Go out with me?" Kai asked and you giggled. "Really? Yes!" You said happily. He smiled at you.
What he does to purposely annoy you
He puts vervain in Damon's bourbon. Yes, Kai was annoyed that Damon didn't so much as let you go for a run without the right "equipment" but he was your brother and you loved him more than anything.

How his family reacts to you:
"Stay away from her" Liv said angrily as Kai strode over to you. "Relax, she loves me. It's cool" Kai said arrogantly. "Who said anything about love?" You asked playfully. "Y/N, have you gone mad?" Liv asked, horrified at the thought of someone who was as I/c/a/h as you with someone as murderous as him. "I'm sorry, liv, but Kai makes me feel less pain". Liv scoffed. "Less pain? he tried to kill me! What, did you forget? Did Kai's little fake promises cover your tiny memory?" You bit your lip in sadness. Liv had been one of your best friends but now... Kai saw your sadness and stepped forwards angrily, threateningly. "Do not ever talk to y/n like that again" he growled.

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