Chapter 1 Their First Meeting

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Sorry for such a long wait I had testing and then I got distracted and I also so had writer block so yeah sorry.

"Moon that trap not going to work" Sun said pointing at the poorly hidden trap.

"It will" Moon growled back.

"No animal is going to fall for that" Sun said. (Sun being a bit of a butt cause he hasn't had any blood for three days)

"Okay if your so sure about it. Then how about we have a bet." Moon said confidently, "If you win I'll do all the chores for a week but if I win you do all the chores for a week, got it.".

"Alright but be prepared to clean" Sun said a bit sarcastically

"I could say the same thing to you sunshine" moon said giving sun a small smile. (Just telling you for the future. Moon rarely smiles.)

Sun: "Wait Moon did you just smile"

Moon: "No"

Sun: "Oh my goodness you did"

Moon: "I did not"

Sun: "Did too"

Moon: "Did not" They did that for a bit until Moon finally amit it. "Fine it did smile happy now"

Sun: "Very" And as soon as they stop arguing it started to rain. Sun and moon run inside their house. (Their house is like a giant log cabin mansion)

"And now we wait" Moon said as he sat down on one of the couches near the giant fireplace.

"Yup" Sun replied as he sat down next to Moon.

~Meanwhile with Drex~

"Oh great now it's raining" Drex said very sarcastically. "I hope it's not a thunderstorm" (Drex is not a fan of Thunder.) And as if it was waiting for him to say that. He heard it the noise that reminded him of that horrible day. "fudge" He covered his ear desperately trying to block out the sound as he continued his search for Colin.

Back to Sun and Moon

An odd jingling was coming from outside. Sun: "Moon did you hear that"

Moon: "Yeah, what do you think is making that noise"

Sun: "Food I hope" They went out to see where the odd sound was coming from.

Moon: "Hey Sun, guess what"

Sun: "what"

Moon: "something tripped my trap"

Sun: "Really?"

Moon: "Yeah, come look"

Sun goes over to him and saw that moon was speaking the truth.

Sun: "let's see what you caught then"

Moon undoes his trap and find a little dog.

Moon: "A dog?"

"A DOGGIE" sun squeals.

Sun snatches the dog right out of Moon's hands.

Sun: "Oh my goodness, it is so adorable. I wonder what breed it is"

Moon: "you can find out after we eat"

Sun: "Wait, Moon look it has a collar"

Moon: "that means it belongs to a human"

Sun: "And I bet the human is in the wood right now looking for their pet"

Moon: "now the question is whether we find them or let them find us"

Sun: "lets do the second one cause it still raining"

Moon: "good choice"

Sun and Moon go back to there 'house' and Sun is still holding the dog.

Now with Drex

Drex is still wondering around trying to find Colin.

Drex: *The storm is getting worse and they is no sign of Colin*

He trips on a root causing him to fall face first into a mud puddle.

"Great, now I'm cold, wet, and dirty"

Almost as soon as he got up slipped and fell down a small hill that brought him to a clearing. He got up and saw the giant mansion.

Drex: *what is a mansion doing all the way out here*

"I hope someone lives here"

He walked up to the door and ignored that he was limping a little. He knocked on the door hoping someone would answer and someone did.

Sun: "hello"

Moon: "Sun who are you talking to"

Sun: "A human, come see"

Moon walks over to Sun.

Moon: "do you think he is the owner"

Sun: "I bet he is"

Drex: "umm... I'm looking for my dog"

Sun: "Oh Moon didn't we just find a little dog"

Drex: "you did!?"

Moon: "Yup"

Sun: "want to see"

Drex: "y-yes pl- please"

They let him come inside to warm up, while Sun gets Colin.

Drex: "umm I-is there somewhere I- I can wash off"

Moon: "Oh yes, please follow me"

Drex: "Ok"

Moon lead him to one of the many bathroom.

Moon: "I'll try to find something for you to wear"

Drex: "Ok' umm thank you"

Moon: "your welcome"

Drex: *Oh thank God now I can get out of theses dirty clothes*

He started up the water so that it could warm up while he undressed. He was about to get in when there was a knock on the door.

Drex: "who is it"

Moon: "it me, Moon"

Drex: "who?"

Moon: "I just showed you where the bathroom is"

Drex: "Oh you"

Moon: "I found you something to wear"

Drex: "ok, just put down somewhere and I'll get it when I'm done"

Moon: "or you can open the door a little and grab it"

Drex: "that works too"

And he did just that. He opened the door just enough for his hand to get through and grab the outfit moon was holding.

Drex: "thank you again"

Moon: "yeah yeah, just get done so we can see if you are the dog's owner ok"

Drex: "Yup"

Drex got done with his shower. He checked out the clothes moon brought him.

Drex: *a hoodie and shorts?*

"The shorts are a bit big ,but this hoodie gigantic"

Lucky he was able to find the living room.

Moon: "Finally, I thought you got lost"

Drex: "I almost did and also why is this hoodie so big"

Moon: "it is not big your just small"

Drex: "no your a giant"

Sun walks in holding Colin.

Sun: "sorry I took so long I wanted to figure out what breed the dog was"

Drex: "COLIN!"

Colin: "arf"

Colin wiggled out of Sun's arm and runs to Drex. He picks him up and hugs him.

Drex: "I missed you boy. How can I repay you guys for finding him?"

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