Chapter 3

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Sun: "moon he's back to normal"

Moon: "thank goodness"

Drex looks at Sun. Then looks behind himself to see moon. He is a bit confused.

Drex: "what are you guys saying"

Sun: "should we take them off him"

Moon: "no, it's still storming and I think the storm caused that"

Sun: "maybe we can write it down"

Moon: "that seems good"

Drex is just very confused. He eventually notice he is wearing headphones. He is about to take them off but moon notice and stops him.

Moon: "no star you can't do that right now"

Sun: "star? Why are you calling him star? And remember he can hear you right now"

Moon: "I know he can't hear me and I don't want to keep calling him human. Star just felt right but starlight seems good too"

Sun: "so you're nicknaming him"

Moon: "yes"

Colin: "arf"

Sun looks down to see Colin.

Sun: "oh hi little guy" Picks him up.

Drex: "why am I wearing headphones"

Sun goes to his room to get a notebook and pencil.

Drex: "where is he going"

Moon shrugs. Sun goes back with a notebook and pencil.

Drex: "what's that for?"

Sun: so we can still talk to you but you don't have to take off the headphones.

Drex: "why can't I take them off"

Moon: are you scared of the storm?

Drex: "it's not really the storm itself. It's the thunder."

Sun and moon: oh.

Drex: "it sounds kinda childish to be afraid of that but for me it brings back bad memories"

Sun: what kind of bad memories?

Moon: "SUN, you can't just ask that it's probably personal"
Moon: you don't have to answer his question.

Drex: "ok" yawns "and sorry I didn't feel comfortable telling you why"

Sun: ok. He drew a little frowny face.

Moon: you tired?

Drex: "a bit"

Moon:"sun let's take his to a bedroom and no, he is not sharing a room with either of us"

Sun: "fine" Has a little pout.

Drex looks up at them and sees Sun's little pout. It made him giggle bit. Sun and Moon both look at him.

Sun: "what is he laughing at?"

Moon: "maybe at you or you can just ask him"

Sun: "ok I will"

Sun: what are you laughing at?

Drex: "oh sorry, your pout was just kinda funny"

Sun: oh, ok.

Moon: oh we never introduced ourselves. I'm Moon and the other one is Sun.

Drex: "my name is Drex and my dog's name is Colin"

Sun: "Moon we should tell him"

Moon: "that we're vampires"

Sun: "yes"

Moon: "didn't you read something that said humans are scared of vampires"

Sun: "But you know not everything in books are true"

Moon: "I guess. Fine let's do it but who is telling him"

Sun: "I think he trust you more so you should do it"

Moon: "but he barely knows either of us"

They didn't notice that Drex had taken off the headphones and heard everything they said.

Drex: "you guys are what"

They look over at him.

Moon: "sorry starlight"

Sun: "we were going to tell you eventually but we also didn't want you to be scared of us"

Drex: "ok let me just process this and also Moon did you just call me Starlight"

Moon looks down.

Moon: "yeah, it was a nickname I made up for you since I didn't want to keep calling you human"

Drex: "oh ok. So you guys are vampires."

Sun: "yes"

Moon: "yup"

Drex: "so that means you drink blood right?"

Moon: "your right"

Drex: "so that means everything about vampires is true"

Sun: "not everything"

Moon: "what you humans have read in your story books is greatly exaggerated I don't even know where you guys got the idea of those things."

Sun: "Moon don't forget we can hypnotize the creatures and other powers"

Moon: "ok that is true but everything else is so exaggerated"

Drex: "oh and how do you know about the vampire stories?"

Moon: "there is a library in this house"

Sun: "It has a bunch of books in it. like it every kind of book. There's even some books there in different languages but the translation of right underneath the words oddly enough."

Drex: "wow"

Sun: "and there's always some new books in there. every day I can just like walk in and they'll be some brand new books on the shelf still has all the old books as well just brand new books are added to the shelf every day. we have no idea how they get there. They just appear and we know nobody's putting them there otherwise we would have heard it."

Drex: "that's very odd but interesting"

Moon: "why was your dog in the woods"

Drex: "he ran into the woods but I don't know why"

Sun: "so you live near the forest?"

Drex: "Yes, I moved into the old cottage that's near the edge of the woods"

Moon: "there's a house at the edge of the forest?"

Drex: "yes it's been it's been on the market for quite a while"

Sun: "what market?"

Drex: "the house market I guess you could say it's a human thing"

Moon: "oh"

Out of nowhere Sun's stomach growls of very loudly making him blush from embarrassment.

Drex: "you guys are hungry aren't you"

Sun and Moon: "yes"

Drex: "you guys want my blood don't you"

Sun: "yes"

Moon: "but you don't have to give some. We can try to find something in the wood"

Sun: "but Moon that hasn't been working"

Moon: "we'll find something"

Sun: "Moon it's been three days"

Moon: "only if he lets us ok"

Drex: "wait you guys haven't had blood for three days"

Moon: "yes it's made Mister sunshine over there super cranky"

Drex: "how long can you guys go without blood"

Moon: "a week or two. it's just we can get Agitated easily when we haven't had blood for a while"

Drex: "so why haven't you guys gotten any blood"

Sun: "hunting hasn't been going good"

Drex: "wait you guys don't hunt humans"

Moon: "no we've never been out of the woods"

Sun: "we hunt the animals"

Drex: "so that's why the woods we're so quiet. There are no more animals or they are all in hiding"

Moon: "either way we haven't been able to find anything to eat"

Sun: "well we were going to drink your dog's blood until I saw the collar then I knew it had a owner."

Drex: "and you waited for me to find your giant house"

Moon: "yes"

Drex: "so you want my blood"

Sun: "yah"

Drex: "fine you did find my dog Colin and helped me out with my little panic attack so I do owe you guys"

Moon: "really"

Drex: "just don't drink all my blood ok"

Sun: "ok"

Hey the few people reading this. I'm so sorry it takes me so long to publish chapter 3. High school is not easy neither is human geography. Again I'm so sorry for the wait but I hope you liked it. I will continue the story it is not discontinued.

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