chapt. 15

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Hey! Hey! Hey! Looks who back~
Sakura- but not for long...
Evee- party pooper.
Sakura-💢 what?
Evee - nothing! Uh... Enjoy?

Sebastian came in with the most hilarious expression ever.... I fell to the floor laughing my guts out as Sebastian tried to crack a smile but failed, miserably. "Good evening," he tried to say without making it oblivious that he was gagging in disgust.

"Good evening to you too Sebastian," I chucked as Ryan and raven bowed still keeping on their grins. "Bassy!" Grell yelled as William tighten his grip on his neck. At this point Sebastian actually chuckled at the sight. "Thank you William," he said as he tried to keep his cool. "No problem demon bastard. What do you want anyways, better not have to do anything with my sister," he said glaring at Sebastian. "Nothing at all, William. But we should start our hunting by today since we have quiet a lot of enemies to hunt down. The young master suggest we start right after class ends. So we will slip away trying not to be notice and go. Do you agree with the plan?" Sebastian asked.

"Yes... We will all go in groups. We will arrange then later but firstly, we must get to 'class'," William said shivering in disgust. I straighten my uniform and skipped out. "Let's go then~" I cooed. The others nodded and then we head to the front yard.  "Sakura, come stand next to me," kaname said with a smile. I nodded and played a fake smile. "Okay~" I sang and twirled over to him. Sebastian gave me a pittyful smile as shrugged.

Then as the doors opened I skipped out with a grin. "How are my little hard working  day class angel today ~" I cooed. "Sakura," kaname said with a smile. I turned around having a crooked smile on. "Yes?" I said smiling like a mad man. "Come on," kaname was totally unaffected by it but everyone else besides the day class since they all fainted or left, was left shivering from my deadly aura.

I walked over to him and my smile just got more sickeningly sweet. Everyone back away, yes, yes even William, Sebastian, Ciel, Senri, Rima and Ruka.  I walked over to kaname and place an arm around his neck pulling him down to my extremely short height (-_-'). "Yes?" I repeated with the darkest aura an aura can be (too confusing?). "We will be late for class come alone," he said as he walked away. "Right....." I said as everyone other than kaname, stood there silently and walked awkwardly as the tension in the area started to lift, only a little though. The tension was still so thick that everyone within that radious will suffercate (yes Sebastian too and William everyone. I know the out of character probablem is real but meh. Who said I need to play by the rules).

I walked after kaname and just continued my smile that made everyone shiver. Once in class my smile died down. "Toga..." I said under my breath. "Hello vampires and... Sakura," he said with mocking smirk. "Good to see you too Toga. I am quite surprised that you actually excepted this job for that baffoon, let alone still in service. I thought you would of retired, since.... Your quite old, don't you think? Before I left to join the dispatch I remembered you being 30 how old are you now? 60?" I said with a mocking smirk. "I am 35. I am not that old," he said irritatedly. "And there is the Toga I know~ I thought you changed into aocking smirking sassy type, or what not. Thank god," I giggled and smiled at him. "You haven't changed either I see," he said sighing. I nodded and we continued class.

After class takuma, threw a knife at him. "I will be keeping this as a severner of the time that I thought vampires. No affence to you sakura. Please just don't try to crack my neck like last time," he said shivering as everyone backed away. I laughed. "I was just trying to help with your injury~" I giggled. He shook his head and left. Kaname stood up as I skipped out.

"Sakura!" Hanabusa called out. I turned and smiled. "Yep!" I replied. He held his phone in front of me. "You need to see this, it is something to do with you and it is ergent," he said as my smile flattened. "Is that so...." I said and held his phone for a better view. I read it.

This is the senate. We are telling you to look out for a girl named 'Sakura Spears' she isn't just your everyday average pureblood girl. She is wanted. Please be on the look out for her.

I finished reading it and I was damn furious. "Sakura? Why are you wanted? What have you done?" He asked. I looked at the message and grunted my teeth. "So 'he' finally acknowledges that I ain't there no more. Sh*t, and he is out for me. My life is a mess. I should have known!" I whispered to myself. "Huh?" Hanabusa questioned. "What have you done to make the senate want you so badly?" He said looking at me suspiously. "Nothing. I have done nothing. But 'he'. 'He' is still out there. He will kill me when he finds me," I said as I started to shake at the thoughts when I was with 'him'.


"Saku-chan~ come here~" he cooed. I obediently followed his orders as he dragged me into his room... There he tortured me. He took me as if he owned me. I pleaded but nothing he still didn't listen. He said he loves me but all he does is torture me.....

A/n good?.... T^T saku-chan has been blistering me to do it and I have been busy 😣

Saku- that took long enough.

Evee- T^T see saku hates me

Saku- your even worst then the headmaster.... God
Well bye stay safe and until next time~

Evee- you messed it up! It is supposed to be stay safe and until next time bye. Not whatever jiberous you just said.

Saku- be quiet and just go and write.

Evee- fine, bye.

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