chapt. 23 - we need to go

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Sakura pov
"Morning Eva~" I giggled and bursted into her room. "Wha!" She screamed as she looked over to me in shock. "Sakura, you are so dead," she said in a menacing voice. I laughed nervously as shuu appeared next to her. "Told you not to wake her up," shuu chuckled and disappeared.

"That b*tch..." I muttered and looked over to Eva. Her glare was intense. She was techniqully burning holes into my back. I gulped and took a step back.

Yes I know see isn't an early bird like me. I know because I used to live with her, cause of work.
Yeah, sure, you could say she look scary but this is worse.

"I give you 10 seconds to run sakura," she said giving me a sickly sweet smile. And truste you don't ever want to waste your time and wait okay? I did that before... And let's just say, it didn't turn out so well...

I took of running. I ran towards kaname room in a rush. I knew William was there and Ronald. So I raced there hoping for the best for my life.

I slammed the door open and ran behind kaname. "H-help, Eva is going on a r-rampage," I sputtered as Ronald facepalmed. "You woke her up didn't you? I thought you know better then to do that," Ronald sighed as William's face drained of colour. "Well, we're doomed aren't we." Kaname stood there confused. "Wha-" Eva kicked the door down, interuping kaname.

William, Ronald and I dragged us kaname out the room and through the window. We ran as fast as we could. "Ah!" I screamed as I saw her on our tails. Okay, so she is quite fast, no she is very fast. Kaname laughed nervously and tried to freeze her feet. But that only stopped her for a few milliseconds until she broke through and was at our tails once more.

We ran over the now ice water of the river. Eva flew over and was now flying after us. I spread my winds and grabbed Kaname and William. "Good luck Ronald!" I yelled and flew up.  Kaname and William breathed hard as I told them to hold on tight. Kaname gripped onto my back tightly but not enough to make me bleed, and William was hugging kaname... Awkward.

Once I knew they were on me tight, I spread my wings and flew faster. I soar across the shy as fast as lightning. Kaname's fave paled and William was full on terrified. "Why going so fast Sakura?!" William cried as Kaname's grip tightened. "To get away duh, unless you want to die," I said.

I flew to the dispatch and towards my friends. "Angel! Mi-chan! Help! Eva is going on a rampage because I woke her up again, haha," I laughed nervously. "Of course you would do that," Angel sighed and teleported farther away as I landed on all fours.

Kaname and William got off as I dragged them into the building. "Sir. William welcome back, Lady Sakura," the door keepers welcomed. So me and William are special okay? We are greeted like this. "Eva, what a fancy meeting you here," Lord Guren smirked. "Very, Guren-sama," she glared.

"Lord Guren, I just wanted to report of our research, milord," I knelt.
"Okay. Who is that boy Eva?" He asked. "Kaname Kura , guren-sama, he is the pureblood prince," she bowed. He nodded and looked Kaname up and down.

"Very good," after he said that I began to explain. Once I finished I said that I must get back to school.
"Eva, be a dear and join," Guren's voice boomed. "Yes, guren-sama," she bowed and walked with us to home. "I guess she for got huh?" William whispered and is name nodded.

"What a relief," kana me sighed as Eva glared at the ground.
"That idiot, stupid, stupid, stupid," she ranted. "Who?" I asked.
"Guren of course?! I could of beaten him! But I am to weak💢" she yelled in anger as she clenched her fist.

I stared at her pittyfully. She and Guren have both a good and bad past together.

Eva pov

"Guren~" I cooed. "Will you leave me if you win the general spot?" I asked looking to the ground sadly. "Of course not my dear," he grinned.

Flashback ended

But of course that was a lie... Everything he said was one big fat lie!
My fist clenched tightly as I punched a tree.

"Ugh! That b*tch! Who does he think he is! Bossing me around like that!" I growled punching every tree in my way. The birds flew away as I kicked a tree sending a strong force knocking down several trees behind it.

"E-eva, p-please calm down," sakura sputtered as she smiled wearily. Kaname was sweatdropping at my extreme strength. William and him nodded and smiled nervously.

"Fine," I growled and spread my wings. "See you later," I huffed in annoyence and flew away, far away to my room to pack.

Next day
"Come on Shuu, we have to go," I shoke him, holding his prepacked bag. He moaned in irritation. "No, 5 more minutes," he groaned as I sighed. I pushed him off as he screamed. "W-what the he- Eva!" He screamed. I walk out after I told to prepare. "This is certainly going to be interesting..." I smirked as I walked out...

A/n I hope you like it ^.^ I know it is short but I tried. Stay tune to know what happens next~ and until next time... Pie~

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