chapt. 28 - a dilama drama!

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(So this is a texting one, I got this idea from when I was texting someone ... In which I won't mention who cause then you will be a creepy stalker and most parts are made up some are from the actual text but not all so don't be suspicious ~ Jk! But not all parts are true okay? Enjoy~)

next morning
( S is for Sakura and E is for Eva)

E- sakura! You there?! I need your help >.<

S- yes? Yes?! What?!

E- i-i have a b-bit of a lhlove problem... Sakura-chan...(; ;)

S- oh~ really now 😏 tell me about it girl~

E- d-don't tell anyone ok?

S-yep! Promise!

E- s-so... I-i am kinda in a messy situation a-and was hoping you could help me...

S- okay spill it out Eva

E- so y-you know I have been hanging around Takuma and S-senri r-right?

S-yes? What of it? Oh... You like them don't you~😍

E- N-no! I-i mean y-yes...  a-and i-i don't k-know w-what to do...(/ _ ; )

S - aw~ there, there my little tsundere~ take a deep breath and let's talk about your crushes~

E- y-your so mean... So I i-i like takuma and senri yes, I do... But I can't chose who a hand I c-can't tell t-them since it might break up our relationship a-and or they think I am insane T^T

S- I feel bad for you...

E- it must be easy for you Sakura, since every boy seem to just fall to your feet and ask for your hand in marriage...

S-not true!

E- don't lie! I know that happens!
H-honestly I sometimes envy y-you... I am sakura-chan~ horrible friend! T^T

S- no you aren't! I envy you too... So come on tell me and I will help you promise!

E- you will?

S- umhph! Yep!

E- Who do you think is better Sakura?

S- both are really good choice Eva...

E- exactully! It is so hard to make up my mind! Please! Please just help T^T

S- before you make a decision... Let it more time to see their true nature okay?


S- I know I am not much of a help -_-'

E- it is okay, story time?

S- hai!!!

E- which takuma or senri

S- both~

E- okay, okay ^.^' which first?

S- ummm, Senri!

E- okay, so... Um... Today... W-we played the pocky game.

S- wait... What?!

E-when his lips brushed against my, hanabusa burst in and slammed his hand in between us

S- oh?! Really?! I am going to kill that b*stard!

E-no, no it is okay, so takuma?

S- okay!

E- so yesterday as you know it was abume night for me and takuma and senri right?


E- so when it was almost sleeping time...


E-geez no screaming please.

S- s-sorry so what happened?

E-so before he got onto the bed senri pushed him towards me and me against him and tryed to make us kiss. Guess what happened next

S- he did it successfully

E-yep! So we kissed and then as soon as senri had his fill we parted


E-after that we were feel mean so halfway during the night we pushed senri off and took all the place for ourselves haha  ^.^'

S- ahahaha!

E- welp I need to go sleep sorry sakura maybe next time okay?

S- okay! Sleep well!

E-okay... Good bye


A/n okay so I know I told you already, but this is a true story! I won't state who had this conversation since Chi-chan said no...

But no the kissing never happened okay? Parts of this are true and some are fake and some are partically.

Forgive me please ----------- (friends name)

Loop hole~

Stay safe and until next time pie~

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