chapt. 32

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Kaname pov
Lately Elura and Emina have been following Eva and Sakura like little lost puppies.
Everywhere the Kuran twins went, the minasawa sisters followed.
Lunch at the roof top, bam! Say no more they are there.
In there bed rooms. You walk in elura and emina are sleeping on the beds the girls sleep in.
I smiled softly at the kuran twins.
My smile quickly turned into a frown as I walked out.
'How could Juri and Haruka keep this away from me?' I asked myself as I headed into my room.
'Why did they keep Eva away from me?' Millions of questions raced through my head as I closed the door behind me.

I sat on the couch with my head in my head.
I sighed and shook my head.
Yuki came in as I put on my famous fake smile.
"Hello Kaname-nii," she smiled.
"Hello Yuki," I said calmly.
"Kaname, is Eva really apart of our family?" Yuki asked during across from me.
I looked at her.
"I am not too sure, but Sakura did say that she was apart if our family so we have to trust her words, for now, but to make sure we must keep an eye on this Eva Knox or Kuran," I said with my eyes closed.
Yuki nodded as she stood up and left.

I went to the phone and then rang my parents.
"Hello? This is the Kuran maid speaking, who is it?" The maid asked.
"It's me Kuran Kaname, please can you pass this call to my parents?" I asked.
"Of course Lord Kaname," she said and then went to give the phone to my Father probably.
"Hello? Son?" Father answered.
"Yes, I have... A few questions," I said.
"Yes?" He said.
"Dad do you trust me? Do you ever keep anything from me?" I asked.
"... Of course I trust you, and no I don't... Keep things from you," gmfather hesitated as my eyes narrowed.

"That's a lie isn't it... Father..." I said with irritation.
"What makes you say that Kaname?" Haruka asked.
"Recently I had found a girl that claims to be apart of the family," I reported tapping my fingers in the table.
"And what would her name be?" Father asked.
"Eva," I stated.
"E-eva?" He repeated.
"Yes, Eva Kuran, ring any bells?" I asked.
He stayed silent.
"Why do you ask?" Father avoid the question, at this point I knew he was keeping something from me.
"Don't. Avoid. The. Question," I said firmly.
"Bye." He said quickly.
"Hey! Wa-" I was cut if short as Haruka ended the call.
I growled in annoyence and slammed my fist into my table.
I threw the phone somewhere in the room and stormed out.

Sakura pov
Kaname slammed the door with great force that the door got stuck.
Hanabusa attempted to opened the door but failed the whole night class not including Me and Eva and the Minasawa twins.
We watched in amusement as they failed to open the door.
Eva rolled her eyes and walked through the crowd.
"Is it really that hard? Can I try?" She asked with a smile as the three of us chuckled.
Everyone moved aside as she tried to opened the door.
And typical Eva not wanting to do any work, she kicked the door down.
Everyone's jaw dropped.
"Your welcome," she said as she walked out followed by Me, Elura and Emina.

We jumped over the walls if the moon dorm and walked out towards headmaster Cross' office.
"Yo! Cross!" Eva said boredly and kicked the door open.
Kaien looked up with a confused look.
"Kaname is on his man period," she said as Kaien sweat dropped.
"W-what?" He asked dumbfoundedly.
"Kana me is on his man period! Meaning he is on a rampage," Eva rolled her eyes falling onto a near by couch.
"He jammed the door, causing Eva to kick it down or else we all might have been stuck in the dormitory," Elura explained siting at the end of the couch Eva laid on.
Eva place her head on Elura's lap as she patted her head.

Kaien's jaw dropped to the ground as he ran out of his office.
Yuki and Zero came in and gave us questionable looks.
Eva chuckled as she strolled out with Elura tailing behind her.
I waved good bye as Emkna mimcked my gesture and followed me out.
Eva teleport to the dorm with Elura, as Emina and I strolled around the school compass.
I saw some destroyed trees along the way, guessing they were from kanames wrath, I didn't think to much of it.

I continued my and emina's stroll as I hear cursing nearby.
I crept closer to see kaname with a pissed expression.
"K-kaname-nii?" I called out as he turned around with a crooked smile.
"H-how long have you been there Sakura-chan?" He said awefully sweetly.
"Long enough, tell me big brother what made you do worked up?" I asked.
"They, them! Nevermind it is my problem I don't want to envoled, okay?" He asked.
I nodded.
"Nii-sama, just to let you know, yuki-nee, Eva and me are always here if you need company," I smiled.
Kaname nodded as he walked up to me.

Smiling softly he pulled me into a tight embrass.
"Thank you, Imoto-san," he said as I gladly returned the hug.
"Its okay just know everyone is here for you," I grinned.
He ruffled my hair as I giggled.
"Bye~" I said as he waved.
Then we went our sperate ways.

A/n I know late and short, please forgive me >.<

Well... Um...

Stay safe, until next time... Pie~

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