chapt. 33 The Visit

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Sakura POV
Kaname told us and Yuki that were to wait in the main lobby for someone.
It had been an hour and yet no one has yet to show up.
Eva whined and whine stating that she was super bored.
"I rather do paperwork, cause at least I am occupied with something to do," Eva sighed as I rolled my eyes.
Yuki just sat there watching in amusement.

Eva sighed as she leaned her head on my shoulder.
"I am tried so shut up and leg me sleep," Eva growled as she closed her eyes.
We waited for another three hours, and yes I timed it.
Yuki was about to fall asleep when we heard a bang on the door.
Eva's eye shot open as she slammed the door open.
"Eva deary, please calm yourself, I know we must of disturbed your slumber, apologies," haruka or father said.
"Sakura! Yuki! How lovely it is too see my two lovely daughters again!" Juri or mother cheered.
Eva just glared at her as she closed the door and left.

"Hey, ev-" haruka was cut short when Eva slammed the door.
Kaname walked out confused at the sudden door slamming.
"Where is Eva?" He asked.
"She left to her room, I guess she wasn't all to pleased on seeing us," juri said sadly.
"Well of course she would especially after what we did to her, I understand if she hates us, if I were her I would be too," haruka sighed.
Kaname looked confused at them as they continued their chit chat.

Kaname POV
I stood there confused at the scene I just saw.
What did Haruka and Juri do to make her hate them so much?
Why didn't they tell me about her?
What happened to her in her past?
Was it that bad to make her like this?
Millions of questions filled my mind as I sighed in irritation.
I walked down the stair and played a smile.
"Good afternoon Haruka, Juri," I greeted as Juri hugged me.
"Nice to see you well my son," she smiled.
Haruka nodded but didn't look me straight in the eye.
"Haruka, Juri, what reason do you guys have to be present her instead of being at the manor?" I asked.
Haruka's eyes widened a bit,
As Juri's smile fell.
"O-oh, w-we um... Wanted to see our precious daughters that have awakened again!" Juri chirped as my eyes narrowed.
"That's not the answer I am looking for, mother," I said looking at her.
She sat next to haruka and he still avoided any sort of contact to be made.
"Juri's right, we just wanted to greeted our daughters," he cracked a smile and looked at the two girls before him.
My eye narrowed at the two suspiously.
"Why are you lying father? Mother?" I growled.
"That's not a way to speak towards your parents now is it kaname dear?" Juri said to avoid the question.
"Don't. Avoid. The. Question," I stated firmly,
My patients was running thin and I was about to explode.
"Yuki, sakura, can you please leave us alone to have some private talk time?" Juri asked with a smile.

They nodded and soon they disappeared.
"Now tell me. Why did you come," I growled.
"Calm down and sit... I guess we'll tell you on one condition," haruka stated as I sat down in front of them.
"And what is that condition?" I asked.

A/n sorry sorry sorry sorry! Sorry for the late update guys! ╥﹏╥ forgive me please! *bows* I hope you are enjoy the book so far *sniffles* I will try to upload quicker! But I don't promise!
Well I guess that's it for now....

Kk, pie~ Evee out!

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