chapter 3 - my familiars

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Finally I believed it was time to retrieve her...........

Kaname POV
I and yuki raced to sakura. When suddenly a wolf and a fox appear before her. " leave her alone!" Yuki yelled. The wolf picked her up and placed her on the fox. Then, they ran off just before we couldn't reach them. Juri and haruka tried to stop them with their powers but it came to be useless. They were simply to fast and strong. Within seconds they already escaped with our dear sister, sakura. I fell to my knees in grief. Tears streamed from our faces, we have lost what we hold dear. Please come back, come back and play with big brother Kaname and big sister Yuki. It was my fault, I wasn't strong enough to protect you, I am a terrible brother, I am sorry.... Sakura.

Author POV
As sakura gets carried away, yuki broke down first. "Sakura!" Her yell echoed throughout the whole area. She cried and hugged kaname as he hugged her back with tears staining both there faces and clothes.

Sakura POV
I woke up to a bright light that illuminate the room. The windows were closed with curtains and the door was steal. I sat on my bed holding my head. What happened? "Milady are you okay?" A voice questions. Then a figure walked out of the shadows. I flinched a in surprise. "My apologies for scaring you mistress," he bowed. A fox then came in.  "She is awake?! Why didn't you tell me you baffoon," it yelled. "Sorry dude, couldn't find ya," he apologized. I stayed quiet as they argued. "Whatever, sorry for that milady, my name is raven," the man introduced.
"I ma Ryan nice to meet ya," the fox said has he transformed into his human form. "I am a wolf and he is a fox," raven stated with a warm smile. I nodded and smiled back, "my name is sakura nice to meet you, raven, Ryan," I said.

"So uh.... How do I say this without rudeness, well you see.... Um....  We need master and we have chosen you, so um......can you be it if not then we will take you back to your family if you wish," raven said, shifting uncomfortablely.

"Um okay?" I said unsurely. They looked at each other and came close to me. Raven looked at me and moved closer to my face. Then he planted his lips onto mine. My face heated up immediately. He pulled away and walked back to where he was originally standing. Next Ryan came up to me. In one quick movement he planted his lip right onto mine. As soon as it came it left. He then quickly moved back to where raven stood. My faced was flushed, what just happened.... Their lips were so soft and.... Wait hell no they just stole my first kiss?! But I kinda liked it.... No! I don't like them I don't I do not. I sat there arguing with myself when I felt a hand tap me. I joint back at the sudden contact. "Um mistress are you alright?" Raven asked in worry. I nodded vigorously and then sighed. "That was my first kiss..." I mumbled under my breath. "Your what?! That was your first kiss?! Seriously?! Sorry!!!!!!!" They yelled in unison. "Well now that is in the past.... We are now your familiars, we are happy to be in your service," Ryan said as they bowed. I nodded and smiled, " no need to bow, call me sakura or whatever you are comfortable with. We are family now." They stred in pure shock but smiled softly. "Sure saku-chan," Ryan said. "Alright.... Imouto-san," raven said hesitantly. I nodded and laid back down on my bed fall back to my slumber with my ears and tail out. "Good night saku-chan/ imouto-san," they said as they tucked me in before leaving to there chambers.

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