chapter 5 - true cross academy

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Idk? Long chapter? Or not ( ̄ω ̄;)
┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌ (sorry for the mistakes didn't edit alone with the others sorry)

I woke up early today, I can't simply wait to go on a trip to a place with my brother William and grelly! Oh wait why do I call them that? Well.....

It has been a year since I arrived here well I guess time to meet my supervisor. Knock! Knock! 'Come in' was heard as I opened the door and stepped in. "Good morning sir, my name is Sakura." I said.
"Your last name miss?" He asked.
"I don't have one sir," I lied since I could no longer carry the name 'kuran'.

He stared at me, looking at me, I stood up straight not leaning in anyway, my hair was neat my uniform was on point and well I don't have glasses......... Crap! "Okay, miss I guess you can take my last name since I am having a feeling that you are suitable to be, well my sister so come and sit down and I will tell you your mission and then after we will sign a form about it," he said. I was shocked but masked it with an expressionless face.
"Yes sir-"
"No you can call me..... William or..... Brother? I guess anything that suits to your taste," he said. I nodded. "Alright, william-nii...." I said awkwardly. He nodded and resumed back to tell me about the mission.

"Also before you leave sakura, your last name shall be spears from now on. I have already signed and approved on this so don't worry, bye little sister have a good night," he said as I nodded and waved as I walked out closing the door behind me.

Flashback end

Two year into our 'relationship' he found  out I was a demon and vampire neko! Well it didn't surprise him much since my eyes were different. He didn't think much off it and still warms up to me slowly. From time to time I let my ears at tail out to distract grell when he is annoying william which well he is pissed yet relieved that he can get some work done. Grell kept nagging me to call him nii-san to so I did what he asked. Today I decided to let my ears out. My familiars were up and ready to go! Yay we are going to be earlier then them hopefully!

When we arrived at the meeting place no one was there yes we are early! I celebrated in my head. We waited for two mintues and william came. "Wow your early today and you are going to let your ears and tail out too?" He ask as I nodded. I giggled as he patted my head. Grell then turned up with his usually toothy grin. "Yay neko-san is here!" He said as he started to flown over how cute I was and played with my cat ears. Then we went into the carriage that came to pick us up. Inside sat ciel. I didn't like to sit in tight spaces like that so I joined Sebastian up front with raven and Ryan in their toddler form(animal). They sat on my lap as Sebastian gave me a questioning glaze. I struggled and sat back. He struggled after and began to drive the carriage to our destination, True cross academy.

Sebastian and I exchanged words here and there then we stopped for a toilet break. Grell ran to the girls bathroom but was dragged by william to the men's. My ears twitched as I stared at the sky, waiting for their return. Sebastian got bored and started to play with my cat ears. Instantly I purred and leaned into his touch. What? It feel nice okay?  He let out a small chuckle and continued to play with my ears. Raven and Ryan were still fast asleep beside me, cuddling each other for warmth. They did say they were brothers so whatever.

Moments later the group came back and a boarded the carriage once again. Sebastian stopped as I pouted. He chuckled and began the carriage once more. I closed my eyes as I felt the lovely cool air hitting my face. Then slowly I stated to drift into a deep slumber.

When we arrived I was woken up by sebastian tapping my shoulder and then hopped of the riders seat (Idk what it is called). I rubbed my eyes as raven help me down. "Ravy im tried," I yawned. William came up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.  "Are you tired?" He asked as i nodded rubbing my eyes. He patted my back and bent down. I climbed onto his back as he stood up again. I draped my arms around his neck as I snuggled into his back. Raven and Ryan grabbed mine and Williams bags and theirs. Grell grabbed his bags and sebastian grabbed his and ciels bag.

We then walked to the gates of the academy. Well they did I was still half asleep. William-nii rang the bell and waited for a response. "Hello who is this?" A voice called out. "Oh Mr. Cross this is william and we are the new students," william stated as he shivered a tad bit about the student thing. "Oh yes come right in! You will be greeted by my lovely children cya!" Then the door opened. "Hi! My name is Yuki nice to meet you! And this is Zero! You must be the new students yes?" She asked as 'zero' rolled his eyes. William nodded as I waved with my head still up against his back. Raven and Ryan stood behind us, ciel and sebastian beside us grell at the very back.

"Great! I shall lead you to the headmasters office right away, come along zero!" She cheered and skipped away. William had an annoyed expression as well I just patted his head. Grell skipped with yuki towards the headmasters. Sighing I didn't want any susspusion so I added people one by one into a group.

(S-sebastian, c-ciel, w-william, g-grell, r-Ryan, ra-raven and SA, sakura ) (p.s ciel is a demon in the story)

SA- everyone here?

Everyone- yes

W- okay everyone now please corporate and do not let any one know of our actually  species do I make myself clear?

Everyone- yes

S- and also we have to stick together no one is to not corporate alright

W- for once I agree on that term

SA- good no keep it that way for now

Everyone -okay

C- so the reason why we are here is to search for a few things. 1. We ha e to kill of some vampires called -

SA- Level E meaning end. This is where there sanity no longer exists. They are blood thirst and show no mercy. They outside of this school premises so we can deal with that after. 2. For us reapers we are to search for a person called Tessa (not an actually character) in the day class, she is assigned to be dead in May 20th okay?

Ra- can we be in groups to narrow the search for the level Es and the girl

R- yeah can we?

G- I dibs I want to be with sebastian~

W- no grell and yes raven and Ryan I already took care of that. There us 7 groups so it will be uneven but doesn't matter. Okay listen closely for your names, group one are, ciel, sebastian and grell. Group two are, my little sister, raven, Ryan and I. No agruements?

C- yes! Why do we have to be pared up with grell?!

SA- well william doesn't get along with sebastian and -

SA, R, Ra- we never separate.

W- and I want to look after my little sister so any more disagreement.

Everyone- no

W- okay good.

SA- so who is doing what?

W- group one is looking for the level Es and sakura you can help them from time to time

And group two we are looking for this girl, Tessa mandle. Okay now end this since we are here.


"Oh my lovely children~" a blond man yelled as he walked up to us. "Headmaster we brought the students," she said with a smile. "Yuki call me father please," he wailed. "Gosh he is like grell," I whispered to william. He nodded. The man ran up to her and tried to hug her. She stepped aside as he fell onto the floor. I jumped iof Williams back and walked to him. "Are you okay mister?" I asked as I accidentally let my ears and tail out. "So cute~ call me daddy~" he said as he rocked me back and forth in his arms. "Um....... D-daddy?" I said confused as he started  to play with my cat ears. "Nya!" I said jointing in shock but purred so after. "So cute! Yuki, zero why can't you call me daddy like this girl!!!!" He cried as I awkwardly patted his head with my now small chibi hands. William then picked me up and stood me back onto my feet.

"Oh well, Welcome to my academy children! I am the headmaster kain cross and these are ny children yuki and zero!Hope you enjoy your stay!!!!" He yelled. He handed us our uniforms and it was white. "Wait their vampires?!" Zero exclaimed as he lifted his gun. Oh yeah did I forget to mention that I changed our scent ever so slightly to smell like vampires? Also our weapons are hidden so no one will know about us being grim reapers. I made them put on fake fangs to you do the affect meh. They wire it for a week to get use to the sensation and can talk like normal. The teeth ain't like those fake ones that fall out easily but they stick firmly and don't fall out. Me being me, don't need those and raven and Ryan since we are already vampires haha and Sebastian and ciel. Only william. Since his teeth ain't sharp. Grell well all of his teeth are sharp hahaha.

Zero pointed his gun at us and we just stared. "Please put the gun done kiryu it is rather impolite," a familiar voice called out. I made my ears and tail disappear as I was now dangling from william again. "Oh you must be the new students, my name is kanane kuran nice to meet you I am the moon dorm president, I shall be leading you there. Gkkd bye headmaster," kaname said as he walked out with us following behind.

Once we arrive he showed us to our dorms. I was sharing a room with kaname since they knida ran out of dorms in the girls section. Werid I know. "Um..... Are you sure you are alright with me staying with you? I can always share a room with someone else," I requested. "No it is fine I am feeling generous today," kaname said as he prepare another bed for me. Yes, yes I know what you are thinking do I remember him. And Yes I do! I want to ask about yuki but that would be a bother. I wonder where is mother and father? "Oh thank you kaname-san how can I ever repay you?" I ask. "No it is fine but, I wiluf like to ask you a few questions if that is alright with you." I missed as I sat on my bed that was across from him. Wow his room is so spacious never thought it would be this big to fit two people! "Well to start of do you happen to know of someone named sakura kuran?" He asked looking striagth into mg eyes. "Um....... No?..... Not that i know of," I gulped. The tension in the air was overwhelming. "Your lying I know that," he said. "You do know sakura I just know it," he walked up to me and leaned closer as I unconsciously lean backwards.

He began his finger under my chin as he lifted my head. Looking directly into my eyes he started to study them. A few seconds later he dropped his hand and hugged me. "I knew it was you sakura," he breathed into my ear. I shivered and place a hand on his chest, in attempt to push him away.

But he was to strong. "Why are you pushing me away? Do you not love me anymore?" He asked making me feel guilty. "Kaname? What happened where our juri and haruka? Why is Yuki human?" I asked letting my curious side take over. He sighs and stands up. "They are some where and for yuki she is a human because of a curse okay?' He said harshly as he turns away. "I am using the bathroom, you get settled in," he said before turning away.

"Well that was werid," I muttered as the door of the bathroom closed. "Well let's get unpacking!" I cheered as I began to unpack.

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