Limited Edition Human

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Here is the first chapter..........
Example of Alexis above.
I didn't use Ai due to Ai do not get chubby bodies right.
It's like Ai is fatphobic.
If I repeat sentences in my stories, it's due to I need new prism glasses, since my eyes are crossing more, causing more blindness at this time.


I'm a Limited Edition Human; well that's what I have been told by vampires, since they came out of the coffin, them making themselves known to the world, and ever since then, they have visited my home I have lived at since I was only thirteen, which is Bon Temps.
My life changed since then; due to vampires often came to my job, and asked my age, including asked if they could bite me, them saying I smell like a rare drug, my scent addictive, which I didn't understand why I smelled like that.

And my job? Well right now I'm being fired; due to my boss, who is anti-vampire, and a religious zealot, had complained I'm bringing vampires to his restaurant, and putting families at risk.

"You're slutting around to vampers aren't ya?!"
He yelled at me, and no I wasn't slutting around, in fact I'm a virgin, a chubby virgin, that is a girl.
I remained silent; me taking his berating upon me, that is until he points to the door.
"You're fired!
Get the fuck out!"
I get up, and walk to his office door, and pull it open, and left, and I heard him yell at me as I left.
"Stop slutting around to vampers!"

I felt tears brimming my lashes as I grabbed my things from my locker, and my phone too, me sticking my phone into my purse, and I left the restaurant I was just fired from, and I walk to my car, and unlock it, me checking the backseat, to make sure nobody was in the back, and nobody was there, so I get in, buckle up, and turn my engine over.


I had to find a different job; truly I needed it, and what job would be best for me?
Well my thoughts went to immediately a job involving vampires, since they are attracted to me anyways, so why not take advantage of it?
I mean I could earn quite a bit if I used my alluring smell to gain the favor of a vampire, and possibly get paid alot to be bitten.
I heard vampires will pay two thousand dollars to bite someone; but I won't go that far, and yet I heard about a famous vampire club, which is owned by a vampire, and the club was called Fangtasia.
I also looked online to see if they needed an employee, lo and behold they did.

Apparently they are in need of an employee; it just says that, and I would be paid thirty bucks and hour, which is good to me, whatever floats their boat, so I decided to email the email given on the application, and what I said was.

Hello; I am Alexis, and I am interested in the job you have listed, that pays thirty dollars an hour.
If it do not trouble you; I would very much like to be interviewed for the job, if you do not mind that is.

I sent the email from my mobile phone as I'm sitting on my couch at my apartment that I'm renting from Sam Merlotte.
Sam Merlotte was a good landlord, and if I'm ever in a financial hurdle he says I can pay my rent when I can, and I let him know I was fired yesterday, so he understands.

I got an email immediately back, from an email with the name Eric Northman1000 on it, and the person replied.
I do not mind.
Come to the bar tonight at ten in the evening or whenever you can.
It is six in the evening now.
Eat dinner as well, since we vampires forget humans eat.
Do not be late.

I then reply in an email.
Thank you.
I will come now, since I already ate dinner.

I immediately pull on my shoes, and grab my purse as well as my keys, and left out of my apartment, and locked my apartment.
I then get into my little Toyota, the red car was really reliable, though the paint was coming off it, and the vehicle had a sticker on it, a sticker that said.
Don't Ride My Ass Unless You Tip First.

It was a funny sticker; and I bought it at the flea market awhile back, and was worth the buy.
I get into my Toyota, and buckle in, me shutting the door, and I turn the engine over, it struggling to start, but I wiggle it in the ignition slightly, which is what I have to do to attempt to start it, then I click it forward, and it started the engine, in which I pull the stick gear in the middle console, and I pull out of my driveway, and head towards the address I just received in another email from the boss at Fangtasia.
I figured that email was the boss's email.

I look at the address as I was driving, and I would find the building the old fashioned way with my eyes, and I push up my round prism glasses, and yes I have severe lazy eye, and both eyes combat for dominance, and I recently got new glasses that I paid out of pocket.
My right eye crosses the most, and my left eye is trying to do the same, but slowly.
I can't go without the glasses legally if I'm driving.
I figure I'll go blind before I'm twenty-five, but we'll see when time tells.

I finally saw the driveway ahead, which I'll need to turn right, and I turn my blinker on as it started to rain outside, it pouring rain, and so you know, prism glasses are a bitch to clean, meaning they are hard as hell to clean.
So I carry a tiny bottle of spray and a big cloth in a baggy to clean them.
I started looking for a place to park, and soon found a place, and I noticed people were leaving, since it started to downpour, people getting in their cars to leave, rather than stand outside in a line to go into the bar.

I grab my umbrella; and pull off my glasses, me putting them in their case, and set them inside my purse, which I zipped up, and all I saw was double of everything, and blur, so I used my sense of hearing, and touch to guide me out of the vehicle, me locking it, and I pull open my umbrella, and walk up to where I saw blurry double visioned blobs, and I saw a lighter haired blob, and stop in front of them, and I heard a voice say.
"Back of the line."
The voice was female.

"I'm here for the job I emailed about?"
I say to the female voice.

"Alright cross eyes; follow me."
And I follow her, though it annoyed me she called me cross eyes, and pull on my glasses, as I follow her, me taking them out of my purse once we were inside, and fold my umbrella up, me tying it in order.

She guided me through the dance floor, and to a hallway, and I noticed a stainless steel door that lead to I'm guessing a basement, and she guided me to a door next door to it, that said Office.

She knocked on it, her speaking in another language I don't know, and I heard a male voice speak the same language back at her, then say in English.
"Bring her in!"
The woman with blonde ash brown hair opens the door, and motions me inside, and I noticed a tall man, he had to be at least over six feet tall, his hair was losing it's blonde color, his hair combed in order, and he had a slight week old very short beard.
He wore a black tank top, that showed his muscular arms, chest, and six packed abs, he had full pink lips, and deep blue eyes, the bluest of blue eyes, and he wore black jeans, and black boots.
His arms were folded to his chest and his muscles in his arms flexed when I entered the room.

"She's cross eyed."
The woman says as she shuts the door.

"Cross eyed?"
He asked me.

"I have bad lazy eye.
I wear glasses to correct it, but will need surgery in the future."
I tell him.

He nods to me; and he was leaning against his desk, and motioned one hand to a long leather brown couch.
"Please sit."
I walk over to the brown couch, and sit upon it, as he stared at me, and I recognize that stare from other vampires in the past that visited my last job, it was a look of hunger.
"You have a unique smell."
He comments that to me.

"I get that alot from vampires."
I tell him.

"Is that why you were fired?"
He asked me, him raising a dark brow.

"How did you know I got fired yesterday?"
I ask him.

"I have my ways."
He answered me, him giving me a look to not test his patience with stupid questions, but I don't believe in stupid questions like Albert Einstein.

"I got fired because vampires kept coming to the last place I worked, due to how I smell, and my boss hates vampires, him thinking I'm slutting myself to them, and I'm not."
I tell him honestly, since I could tell he was awaiting my answer to his question.

"I see; so what did you do at the last job?"
He asked me.

"I was a waitress.
I served drinks and food."
I tell him honestly, and he rubs his chin with his hand.

"I'll hire you.
First though; I would like to know if this is the first vampire job you have ever worked at?"
He replied to me.

"Yeah; this is the first vampire job I worked at.
I've kept to myself actually.
I'm not one to slut around either like the last boss thought."
I tell him.

"I see; so how old are you?"
He asked me.

"I'm nineteen.
I graduated school at seventeen."
I tell him honestly.

You are young.
Are you sure you want to work here?
The hours are late and long?"
He asked me and I nod furiously.

"Yes I do.
I need a job.
I'll do anything you ask."
I tell him.

"I would be careful at saying you would do anything, lest vampires take it the wrong way."
He says to me as a warning.

I cover my mouth and say.
"I'm sorry.
I didn't know.
I wasn't thinking."

"It is quite alright.
Just be careful what you say in a vampire owned business.
You can start tomorrow night, but you will need to be here by six in the evening, and do not be late."
He tells me, and motions me to stand up, then motions his hand to his office door.
"Go get rest at home."

I nod to him and say as I stand up.
"Thank you sir."

"Call me Eric."
He tells me and I nod.

"Thank you Eric.
I'll see you at six."
He nods to me as I say that, and he opens his door for me, and I left out of his door, and he shuts the door behind me, and I left the bar, the rain stopping, and I get into my red Toyota, and headed home.


To be continued.....

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