Mister Annoying

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Note: I had trouble knowing whether Wally was Barry's or Iris's Nephew..so yah, get ready for the confusion... secondly, I might just say Wally is both of Barry and Iris Nephew..okie?


"Ok ok, come on now." I push him in lightly.
And we walk in, I silently lock the door with a single thought,'oh this is going to be fun'. I smirked and quickly followed Dick inside, to observe the new environment.


You have to read the previous chapter(Bad Vampire Mating) if you want to know what this is about.:3

Narrator POV

Batman,or Bruce, (bruce kinda sounds like a tree 🌲 but whatever) was tracking another maybe location of Wally.

He was accompanied with The Flash by he's side..yay(Sarcasm for Batman)

So far, he hasn't found anything about Dick or Wally lately. His recent trace was the tracer at Barry's place....

Flashback/////(oooh, I never had done flashbacks before!030)

In central...

Batman was relieved that it was night time and that the city was quiet.

Batman drove to Barry's house, and got out of the Movile and......Knocked on the door.

After all, it isn't polite to knock down a home's door when inside, there could be a random person inside who isn't Barry inside or any superhero for that matter.

They would be shocked and if he weren't not recognise and he would be recognised as a criminal/Burgalur/Villian,which would not leave as a good impression to the people(aka Iris,or any person who isn't Barry in the hourse).

It would not be a good impression...for iris at least. Finally,Iris came out, and she was having an inner fangirl moment.

What happens if the person, or Superhero comes right at your door and you wanted to meet the person who has made Barry pee he's pants, or suit,lots of times even though he is a funny person which would probably be opposite-whatever...

To her, it was funny,and she wanted to meet batman face to face,and see if he could help her on the day of April fools. Let's say she wanted payback..it was also a shock of happiness that they have THE bats here....yup, that was how she was feeling..

"Uh..Hello Batman! Why are you here?-not to sound rude, I mean I am not stating that I thought it would be rude-I mean-" Iris didn't want a bad impression but she was mixing up her words in a bunch.

"Not to sound offensive to you in any way, but you're as talkative as Barry himself.. I get why you two are together now. I worry for the children." Batman said in his batman voice, whispering the second part.

"Oh! No.. it doesn't sound rude at all, um, so why are you here exactly??" Iris replied confused, by the all so sudden pop up.

"Yes, has Your Nephew, Wally west, returned yet by any chance?"

"Oh,no.!he hasn't come back, I was hoping that the knock was from Wally actually, but I knew he isn't so gently..he usually knocks every five seconds, as impatient as Barry, with a eating overkill appetite.." Iris said in a calm and joking manner,however there was worry hided.

She knew Wally and Barry had a fast healing factor, but that didn't mean they could heal fully in a flash! They could be helpless and vulnerable, and she didn't want that to happen to them, especially to Wally, he was young, and into the hero business was a shock to her.

She knows that there are people who are younger but she doesn't want to hear that, she knows Barry and Wally will be grumpy knowing she would be over protective.

" may I check around? Oh! And is Barry inside? I could discuss with him abou-" Batman wanted to explain why, as people would want to ask why, and didn't want to worry Iris about it.

"Don't need to explain to me Batman, I know you mean well. Barry is inside by the way.Come on in if you want to talk to him..you both ARE in the superhero business after all."Iris stepped aside, patiently waiting for Batman to go in, faintly hearing a 'thank you' from him.

Iris closed the door,"Barry!! Your Friend is here! It's Batman." With that, Barry came fast-SuperSpeed fast.

"Hey Bats! Whatcha doing here? Need..Help?" He said a little faster than normal but Bruce/Batman could understand what he was saying.

"Its about Wally and Robin." Bruce/Batman said in a stern voice, but unknown to people it had a faint worried sound.

"Uh...so you need my help or?" Barry replied, confused written all over.

"It seems I placed a tracer on Robin and Your Nephew took him away. I have tracked it back here. So mind if I take a look around?"

"Wait,WHAT?!" Batman glared at him with his bat glare, sending chills down Barry's back.
"I mean, uh..sure! Get comfortable-"
"It will be a short trip." Passing The couple like a BAWSE.[Sorry...not sorry xD]

Batman surveyed the place, walking towards a room, and with the much science stuff, one would think it was Barry's, but Barry's had more, and he's was a lab,which left it to be,the one and only,Wally's.

Batman traced the tracer to Wally's bed, seeing the tracer, he picked it up and examined it, and after seconds,crushed it in frustration, this was one of his only clues to Robin-and Wally...

Batman punched the Brick wall and went back to the married couple.

"Found anything? What was that noise? Why the gloomy face, is it normal? but it seems not?I gues-"

"Barry! Stop the talking and No, I didn't find anything, Me punching Your wife's nephew's wall, And thirdly, I'm just angry.."

Batman walked out and to continue he's next journey in the Batmovile, with Barry following close behind.

"Oh...why don't I join you? You could use some help, he Is MY wife's Nephew after all, and she would be SO worried if anything bad happened.. I know more about Wally then you do." Barry said with a grin, sensing that he could finally see Wally and when he tells Wally what happened, oh the laughter they would share.

It is handy to have a Detective by your side when you can't find your Nephew.

"You might want to re-think that..remember? I have all the information about every superhero in the league, and the Young Justice team, which has Wally in, so I don't think you can say that." Batman replied, unimpressed.

"Awe.. Come on Bats!! It's me!"

"Exactly,it's you."

Barry made a sad face,looking down and walking away from the batmovile and Batman.
Walking away and facing back to him with Puppy dog eyes and looked back down and continued.

"You know it isn't going to work right?"

Barry looked back, throwing a pouting face, and repeating the words 'please please please' every millisecond.

-After 2 minutes-

"Ugh..FINE! You can come, quiet before I make your face into smash potatoes! Better yet, right into another universe!"

"Oh Yeah! LEARNING JOURNEY! I knew I could get you! Told ya so-"

"Shut." Sitting on the driver's seat in the BatMovile. "Come on and hurry up, unless you don't want to come.." Barry went back into the house and grabbed he's suit and came back fully dressed in he's Suit.

"Hey.. how did no one notice that you came?-"

"Strangely, without you two, not much stuff happens in Central City, especially night time,now keep your mouth trap shut." Batman said, annoyed by he Speedster and quickly started the engine, while, setting auto-driving. With that, he typed in possible locations of Wally and Robin.

"Wait, did you-"
"Yes Barry, I cloaked the mobile too"
"Knew it" Barry smirked at Batman and finally, the exact Headache question.

"Say..Is there any food around here? I'm kinda hungry"Flash searched for anything.

"No. Now stop searching and meddling with my movile's buttons" Batman Slapped Flash's hands away from the enject button and from causing more damage.

"You don't have anything?.."

Batman Signed, 'this is going to be a loooonnggg trip', was batman's thought.

"Found one" He sensed the location to the screen in the mobile to see the location.

He pressed Manual option, and regained control of the BatMovile,with that,drove to the location.

"This is going to be fun!!😃" Barry accompanied behind he's words.He sat in a relaxed position.

"More like This is going to be a pain.." Batman whispered,with a hidden regret of getting Barry to join.


Hoped you enjoyed!!:3

Well, bye!:)
-1477 words

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