Mystery Appearance

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Hey! What's up? Happy I'm updating? 😂 you should.

I want to say to all the people wondering why I updated, Thank all the people who told me to update xD

I want to say, THANK YOU ALL so much! That you have me such love!
#girllove #boylove 😂

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My Reaction: WHAT?! *tries to hold shock face and looks constipated*

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Your Reaction: *looks the book and looks* oh..okay..

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My Reaction: I have ruled the world!
Yours(lazy xD): *Doesnt care*

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Your Reaction: okay 👌

Showing: 9k views
My Reaction:WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?!*drops down dramatically and tries to re-enact damsel in distress look*

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Your Reaction: oh..

My Reaction: I have made a BIRDFLASH book! My first *stands up proud*

Your(BIRDFLASH readers) reaction: mm..okay..

Aftermath of this chapter(book) reading:
My Reaction:Yay! I can now never update and discontinue the book *smiles and looks at all of you* what?

Aftermath of this chapter(book) reading:
Your Reaction: Whatever..*looks at other books*

Anyways, I'm sorry if this chapter isn't of your expectations or level you wanted, but that's what happens when your ideas run out! 😭
So keep reading and hoping for a better chapter ;3; cause I'm hoping too!😘👏



 you go 😂

Narrator POV

The team decided that it was time they needed to take the connections with each other to action.

Superboy sneaked out of the farm house and headed for the direction of the mountain without any of the family members knowing

Kaldur swarm up,keeping alert pass Guards and fellow families. Once walking on the surface, started to run to the mountain's destination.

Megan started to mind link, trying to sense anyone of the team,none of them were here however..she started to fly above everyone, her route towards the mountain.of course telling her 'uncle' her excuse.

Artemis and Roy entered the mountain earliest however, and sent a remote transmission, however, the moment they did,the others immediately appeared.

And scared the shit out of them.(😏)

"Oh my gosh guys!!" Arty's eyes twitched, and her fingers made to look like she was rest to Strangle someone.

However, Roy was unfazed, having sort of Brother bonds with a shadow ninja and speeding eater. With that, took some of jumpscares out of the way.

"So what are we going to do?" Megan whispered to the others, as she ignored to use mind link, as it was not really needed.

"I don't know about you but I'm going to the kitchen" A sudden voice rang into the mountain like an alarm, surprising the whole team as everyone brought out their weapons to lash out on the holder of the voice.

They had their backs together, looking around, trying to pinpoint the loud Flirty eater they once knew, and once welcomed with open arms.

"Where are you...Wally.?" Artemis spoke loudly, trying to get back her courage. The only reply, and answer Artemis was returned back however, was the previous words spoken.

"What sick game do you think this is!" This time not so surprisingly was Superboy, or Conner Kent, he was furious that his so called 'friend' would be responsible on kidnapping someone, particularly his Best Friend. Especially, the reaction of the kidnapping, in acting so roughly and mean, to the people who cared for him.

This meant Artemis his Girlfriend as well.

Artemis started to move slowly into the shut down mountain, alerted of her surroundings. "Guys! Megan! Kaldur!-I found something!-" The voice was heard from a far, as the left of the team ran towards into the direction of her voice, distracted from what they were doing.

The others closed in and found that what she found was a recording tape,with the speedster's voice replaying over and over.

"What trick is this?" Kaldur picked up, holded, and inspected the tape still playing. Eyeing suspiciously for anything that could have been a threat to them.

"I don't think it's a trick or...threat Kaldur.." Megan replied and placed her fingers to her forehead, floated up, with her eyes glowing bright green, hair messed up and flowing high.

"It seems to just be a ..plain recording tape machine. Nothing of a bomb or such.." Megan stopped her glowing eyes and returned to proceed on her feet down onto the ground. However once again they were all eyes wide, to see the Martian suddenly float up again.

"What are you doing Me-" The archer was interrupted by sounds of a bunch of hits to the barrier that had suddenly formed.

"What-" A loud obnoxious laugh erupted from the dark areas of the mountain, making them jump.

"You all have to work on your investigation skills.. you're just lucky Sweet megalicious was here.." There was the abnoxious sound that rang in their heads.

"Where are you, tell us where and why!" Megan's voice held firmness and worry, that hit the group a ton, she was tearing up..

"Megan..."  Artemis looked up from her position and called out to her.

The person chuckled loudly, almost sounding like the person was mocking the group. "It's really funny how you think this going to change anything..cause WHY,would I tell you?"

The mysterious person stepped out of the shadowy area and leaned to the side, having a wicked smile appear.

"You answer us NOW!"

"Oh Conner, don't be so angry at me, aren't we friends~" Wally walked towards them slowly, almost like a predator hunting it's prey. They could sense danger on their way, they were about to act.

If it wasn't for the fact that they couldn't move at all, they were frozen still, like a magician had cast a spell in their area, even Megan couldn't move, forcing her force field to disappear and allowing Wally to move in.

"This is going to be fun~
Isnt that right Artemis~"

Wally spoke, and he lifted Artemis's chin up slowly. Artemis wanted to scream, slap the living shit out of Wally and scream again.

she just couldn't though, Wally was having the most hypnotizing eyes at her direction, making her wanting move to him steadily.

All she could do was stare, and having her mind betray her as well. She was falling back into Wally, but she knew, she knew they couldn't be together again, that this was a way to distract her from the truth.

Finally, the speedster said to her silently,
"Hey, Arty~
had fun lately?-"
However, before Wally could talk to Artemis, they heard steps, loud running steps tonne precise, someone else had came into the mountain.

Wally turned around to face the intruder, a smirk up his face, he adjusted himself and sped to the mystery person, Artemis being forgotten.

Wrapped the little body in his arms, and kissed the lips of the person, more romantically than he had ever, with the archer.

Artemis moved her head, with a gaping look, to see what she thought was never ever coming back..


Enjoyed it? While hope you did cause the last chapter is quite near! ;)

GOODNIGHT *mike drop*


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