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"Seorin-ah, wake up." I open my eyes to see jin. Jieun's arm is across my neck while her right leg is on top of both of mine and my left arm was on her stomach. I gently push jieun off me so I don't wake her up.

"We need to go." Jin whispered. I write a note to jieun for when she wakes up and I take my time in the bathroom before going to jin and the other two.

Jin grabbed my forearm and then we are in the house. I thank him and go to my room. Yoongi followed me and lies on my bed. I grab a change of cloths and go into the bathroom, locking it.

I chose a white croptop with long sleeves that where black. The white faded into the black sleeves though so it looked cute. I put on the ripped skinny jeans as well as a snapback that I put on backwards.

I walk out and sit on my bed. I point to my laptop and yoongi hands it to me. I pull up the song we were working on but I got a text.

Ji: unnie, I sent you an email with the song we were working on. I finished it and I forgot to show you. The audio where we both sing is in a different file.

Me : I am going to listen to it. Did you read the note?

Ji : ne, and thank jin oppa for me. The breakfast was amazing.

Me : arasso.

I pull up my email and download both the beat and audio. I put them together and start to listen to it. "I don't sound completely horrible." I say to myself with a giggle.

"Which one is you and who were you singing with?" Yoongi asked. "I start the song off and I am singing with jieun." I reply. "So you can sing and rap. What can you not do?" He asks rhetorically. I just smile and let out a giggle.

Me : we sound amazing, I am emailing you the final copy.

Ji: if it is worthy, go ahead and enter it into the competition.

Me : I just did that. I hope we win

Ji : for sure.

"What competition?" Yoongi asked as he read the messages over my shoulder. "Some competition for a company. They want somebody to make a song for some group but they want us to rap or sing in case they need backup vocals." I reply. "Isn't the group supposed to do that?" Yoongi asked. "I don't really know or care." I reply.

Yoongi and I work on the beat and we are so close to done. We still need to add something though, it needs that extra touch.

"Children, time for early dinner!" Jin called as he walked into the room. "Wow am I dreaming or did one of you actually use the door." I gasp and put my hands on my cheeks dramatically.

Jin and yoongi chuckled as we all left my room. We sit at the table and everyone else is there.

"Hey hoseok oppa, namjoon oppa, Taehyung." I call as soon as everyone is sat down. "Yes?" They reply. "While I was with jieun she asked me about you guy and I noticed I don't really know anything about you." I say. "What about me?" Jungkook asked. "You are a little devil." I say and divert my attention back to the other boys.

"Why don't we go to the amusement park and we can get to know each other that way!" Taehyung excitedly suggested. "YES!" I yell in unison with hoseok and namjoon. "Can we come too?" Jimin and jungkook asked. "Ani, just us four." I say. The others pout but jin just tells us to be safe.

As soon as we finish our early dinner, we head off to the amusement park. "No big rollar coasters please." Hoseok immediatly said as we walk in. "Aww." I pout. "Fine." Hoseok said and I smile. I was about to hug him but I stopped myself again. "Why are you so hesitant to hug everyone?" Namjoon asked. "I'm not sure if it's all of you or not but the smell of my blood. It's overpowering when I hug you because of how close I am." I reply. "Right, I guess we never thought of it because we haven't had someone who's blood smells as overpowing as yours." Namjoon said.

"I wonder how it tastes." Taehyung said. "Keep guessing because you aren't tasting it." I retort. "Why not, yoongi hyung did!" Hoseok whined. "WILL I EVER LIVE THAT DOWN?!" I yell. All three boys shake their heads and I just sigh. "Which ride first?" I ask, changing the subject. Taehyung drags us to the biggest one there.

Hoseok looks scared but I comfort him so he feels better when we go on it.

The rest of the day in the amusement park was really fun. It was mainly Taehyung and I dragging namjoon and hoseok around but it was still fun and everyone got to know each other better.

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