Challenge #1: Neat Freak

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"Where are the Wet wipes?" Kat rummaged through her purse.

"Wet wipes. Vampires don't use wet wipes', replied the woman tying up her hair in a loose bun.

"Well, how do they ... we ... they get the blood off their face?"

"WE drink every last drop of it", The woman licked the blood on her lips. Then she grabbed something from the floor. "Here, use this", she said handing Kat the dead woman's scarf.

"Ewww ... that's disgusting I ..."

She raised an amused eyebrow. Kat immediately wiped her face and then her fingers trying not to throw up thinking where the scarf had been. She then gingerly put it the waste basket.

The woman had not moved but continued staring as if trying to decide if Kat was to be next or not. "Come on, we haven't got all night" making up her mind, she waved Kat towards the door. Kat followed cringing as she passed the mangled body.

In the car

Kat sipped her champagne as the car rolled slowly away from the gala event. The woman sunk into the leather seat, her eyes closed as though in a deep sleep.

"Where are we going?"

"You're a curious one, aren't you? Always asking questions", she asked, her eyes still closed.

"Well a girl ... a lawyer has to be prepared for anything and everything.

"So you are a lawyer Ms. ..."

"Kat. My name is Kat and yes, I am a lawyer ... at Holmwoods ... in fact I am going to make partner".

The car stopped at a red light. The woman sat up and smiled, "Is that so Ms. ..."

"Kat, call me Kat and yes that is so. I plan on being the first female partner at the firm ... at 32 ... I got my who life sorted. High school at 18, Bar at 26, Partner by 32!"

The car started moving again.

"You got some blood on your cheek", the woman grinned, "So was tonight planned as well?"

"The gala ... yes ... the rest of the evening ... no ... I ... I ... don't know ... I don't normally go to these events ... but my colleagues were going ... all the big name lawyers were supposed to ... I don't know what happened ... I felt so hungry ... like ..."

"Like you hadn't eaten in days. It's alright. We can discuss all that later. Right now, I've got a better offer for you."

The car stopped. The woman slid out and Kat followed.

"Come work for me, Kat"

Kat looked up at the sign board.

'H & H, Bram & Stoker"

Word Count - 443

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