Chapter 2

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I readied a few...surprises for my guest. Hopefully she falls for some of my...tricks. I grin as I hide in a closet on the second floor. She will be here soon.

My alarm went off and I shot out of bed. I'm very excited! I run to my closet and grab a clean pair of black jeans and a pure black shirt with white around the collar. I walked into my bathroom and quickly changed. I brushed the tangles from my hair and brushed my teeth.

I walked down stairs and found a note on the table by a plate of eggs and bacon.

"Lucifer, I was called into work today. I won't be back until after seven. Be safe when you go exploring. Love Mom"

Ok so Mom is gone today. Well doesn't bother my plans. I quickly ate and waited for noon to come around. About five till I ran upstairs to grab my bag of supplies and phone. A text just came in as I unplugged my phone.

"Lucy I'm here, Kim is running a little late. She'll meet us at the house. ~Kate"

I sighed. Looks like Kim was late for once. I ran down the stairs and opened the door. I found the hidden key and locked the door.

"Ok let's go!" I said to Kate excitedly. She sighed.

"Lets just get this over with." she sighed again. We began to walk to that old creaky house. We arrived at the old rusted gate. We sat there silently for thirty minutes. Then Kim came running.

"Sorry I'm alarm didn't go off." She said between gasp of air.

"Don't worry about it. I'm just glad you could make it." I told her.

"So are you going in now?" Kate asked with a shaky voice. I nodded.

"Stay safe." Kim said. I walked up to the rusted gate and pushed it open. It screeched as I pushed it. The yard was surprisingly nice and clean. No tall grass. You would at least expect tall grass from an abandoned house.

I walked up the slightly crooked steps and turned the cold doorknob. The door opened smoothly. I walked in and the door slammed shut, making me jump. I looked back at the door, but nothing was there. It was oddly cold in here? I figured with no electric, that it would be hot in here.

I turned my attention to the room I now stood in. It looked like the living room, just void of most furniture. Yet there was an old red couch that had white spots near the legs. Is that a white couch covered in blood!? I shook my head an continued to search the first floor.

The next room was the kitchen. The kitchen was bare, nothing remained. The only thing in the kitchen was another door that led outside to the back yard. I turned back toward the front door and made my way to the crooked wooden stairs that lead to the second floor. The stairs creaked and cracked as I put pressure on them.

At the top I came to a stop. There were only four doors, two on each side of the hallway. I entered the first door on my right. I entered a small bedroom with only a bed. Nothing else was present. I walked over to the closet and cautiously opened it. Empty.

I make my way to the room across from the one I just checked. It was the same, a lone bed and empty closet.

I left that room and continued down the hall. I turned right and entered a bathroom. It was bare and the closet was too, empty. The door to the bathroom slowly creaked closed. It then slammed when it was close to the frame. I jumped and almost let out a scream. I grabbed the oddly cold knob. It turned and opened without resistance. I peeked through a crack before I opened the door all the way.

"What could have slammed the door?" I asked aloud. I mentally shrugged it off. I looked down the hall and saw nothing. Get ahold of yourself Lucifer. There is no monster.

I walked into the last room. It was bigger than the other two bedrooms. This must be the master bedroom. There was a queen sized bed by the far wall. I walked over to the window and looked out. I saw my friends sitting against the fence. I turned around and notice a red stain on the wood floor. Ok this looks like blood. I walked over to the stain, knelt down and ran my finger over it. Nothing came off. It could be a wine stain.

I stood and walked back into the hallway. I made my way downstairs and right as my foot hit the last step, Crash, a glass like shattering sound echoed through the house. I jumped at the sound and stood still. It sounded like it came from the kitchen.

I cautiously made my way to the kitchen. I walked to the middle of the room. I scanned the windows, none were broken. What was that sound?

I stood there motionlessly. A slight cracking sound started around me. What's that sound? I looked around the room then at the floor under my feet. Crap! The floor then shattered and I fell into the darkness under me. I landed on my feet and heard a loud snap. I feel to the floor. My head hit the cold hard cement under me, knocking me unconscious.

Kate POV.

Where is she? Its been over an hour since she went in. Its a small house and it shouldn't take this long to search it.

"Hey Kate, I'm starting to get worried. Shouldn't Lucy have come back by now?" Kim asked. I nodded.

"Should we go in?" I asked. She shook her head.

"If we haven't received a text, we don't go in. By this point, the monster probably got her by now." Kim replied.

"I don't believe that! I believe she just fell through a floor or something and got knocked out!" I yelled slightly. Kim was shocked by my suddenly raised voice.

"We'll wait for a little longer." She sighed. We waited for another hour when we heard yelling down the street.

"Hey you kids! Get away from that house! Its no place you should play at!" An old man came yelling.

"But our friend..." I started but was cut off.

"No buts. Get going!" he yelled again. I sighed then looked back at the house before we ran to Lucy's house.

"What should we do now?" I asked Kim. She shrugged.

"Maybe we should just go home. If Lucy text one of us, we go get her." Kim said. I nodded and she started to walk to her house. I stayed though. I waited for Lucy's mother. She got back around seven thirty.

"Hi Kate. What are you doing here?" she asked. I hesitated on telling her the truth.

"I uh....wanted to tell you that....we lost Lucy in the woods." I lied. I couldn't tell her the truth yet.

"Well she'll probably come back. She likes to wander the forest alone. She knows the woods like she knows her house." She said. I nodded and began to walk home.

I text Kim and tell her, no matter what that I am looking for Lucy in that house if she doesn't come back. My phone vibrates only minutes later.

"Ok...I will go with you...into that house. I'll gather supplies tonight. ~Kim"

I ran home and continuously texted Lucy hoping she isn't dead.

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