Vampire Kingdom??

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Let's just go and check ok.

All the 4 girls were currently in the car which they rented because they are broke duh.
Jennie- How much time will it take??
Jisoo who was driving said that maybe 10 minutes.
The location was on the outskirts of the country, according to humans it was nothing but a big ass forest with some wild animals..
But what they don't know that is it is the entry, entry to an unknown world, a world humans are not meant to know, the world of magical creatures...But then who sent these 4 broke girls this parcel..

Jisoo- And this is it..
She said happily while parking the car as they finally reached the location, but when all of them looked where they were, only some sighs left their mouth..
Ro.- Don't tell me we spent 130,000 won just to reach here.. in front of this forest.
Lis. That was our last chunk of money which we just wasted.
Jenn.- Guy-Guys...What is this??

Jennie said while looking at another weird thing.
Well Jennie was currently looking at a witch's wand which she obviously didn't know is a wand.
All the girls gathered around her and the wand.
Jisoo- Umm Idk...
Lisa was about to say something but just then a blinding blue light flashed from the wand which resulted in making the girls unconscious ..

???- Our work is done, let's take them to our kingdom..
???- Yeahh otherwise Your Highness will kill us..
The very next second the 4 girls were on the shoulders of the 4 younger men while 1 was guiding them...

After 1 hour,
???- When are they going to wake up?
???- They are supposed to wake up within 1 hour..
???- But it has been 1 hour and 10 minutes and they are still not awake..
???- Yaaa be patient, oooo ohhh look they are waking up..

The girls move a little bit and then finally open their eyes only to see 5 young boys looking at them as if they were some sort of aliens.

(Sorry guys I was only able to find Soobin's pic which is appropriate for this hope you got the idea how they were looking)

Jennie- Ahhhh
She screamed at the top of her lungs as a result all 5 of the boys covered their ears, as for the girls they were used to it.
???- Ya ya calm down...
Jisoo- How can we calm down you- you guys kidnapped us..
???- We didn't kidnap you, we brought you here for your job..
Rosé- Soo are we seriously employed??
???- Yeahh.
Lisa- Soo what do we need to do?? You guys cannot change the pay okay, we need the exact amount you mentioned in the letter.
???- Ofcourse rest assure and first you need to calm down and second you need to change.
Jennie- Okay and Mr. whatever your name is why do we need to change, and why do you look a little weird.

She said scanning the five boy's outfit, which was a little weird for mere humans like them, all of them were dressed old fashioned clothes with their floor length cloaks and the shirt and pant beneath and their canine were a little too sharp for a common human being.

???- Ohh we forgot to introduce ourselves, forgive us, actually we don't usually have visitors especially humans, we got a little nervous.
???- Well I am soobin and I am the leader of our group.
???- I am Yeonjun I am the oldest among us.
???- And I am Beomgyu, and I am the center of our group cause I am neither included among the hyungs nor the maknaes.
???- I am Taehyun, 2nd youngest of our group.
???- And last but not least I am Kai, the youngest member of our group.

Jisoo- Ohh hello, I am Jisoo I am the oldest one, she is Jennie, then we have Rosé, and lastly our maknae Lisa.

Too focused on the new environment around them, the girls missed Beomgyu's excuse for their nervousness.

Soobin- Okay so I suppose all of you are older than us, soo noona you all have to change your clothes we will soon be meeting the queen she will not be pleased to see her future daughter-in ahh I mean her future maids in these clothes..
(The girls were too confused to notice that Soobin just called them the queen's daughter-in-laws)

Rosé- Wait what century are we in again and I thought we had a president in Korea.

Yeonjun- Well you are in Vampire's Kingdom and please don't mention the president and stuff over here the queen will not like it.

Lisa- Woahh, see I told you mythical creatures do exist you didn't believe and that explains your canines..
She said excited to the very next level while the other girls were not really excited, to be exact they quite scared like a normal human being, but now all the things were starting to making sense to the girls.

Lisa- But I thought Vampires are scary, afraid of sunlight, extra pale well that you are and they get mad for blood when they see humans??
Taehyun- That is not true, soo this is what humans think of us, do we look like we are scary..
Rose- Actually you don't really look scary instead you guys are polite.

Their discussion was put on a hold by a knock on the door, and a maid came she was dressed in an old fashioned maid dress..

Maid- Sir the queen will be here in 10 minutes.
Maid said before bowing and then disappeared from their vision.
Beomgyu- 10 minutes, oh hell no, we are screwed!!! What do we do?? the girls are not ready they smell like humans, and are dressed too vulgar for queen's liking and--
Soobin- Beomgyu calm down it's alright we got this.

Even though Soobin was trying his best as the leader to calm others down he himself was feeling very scared, if the queen got to know that they brought some humans in the castle then they are dead meat for sure, they need to take action fast.

Beomgyu- What are we gonna do??
Kai- We wasted too much time, now we do not have much time
Soobin- Calm down, Beomgyu and Taehyun go get the dresses, Kai you go and get the scent we use, need to cover their human scent.

He said authoritatively as Taehyun and Beomgyu ran to get the dresses and Kai ran to his room while the girls just stood there confused as hell.

Jisoo- Yahh Yeonjun.
She whispered as Yeonjun came close to her.
Yeonjun- Yes noona??
Jisoo- Is the queen that scary??
Yeonjun- You will see when you meet her.
Even though Yeonjun did not give her a clear answer his expressions told Jisoo everything.

Jisoo- Okay girls we need this job very much soo for now let's just go with the flow.
She said as all of them nodded before opening their hair and did a little bit of touch ups.
While in the mean time Taehyun and Beomgyu came in running with the dresses in their hands following them came in Kai with his perfume in his hand.
Kai- Faster noona we only have 6 mins left, noona we are leaving the room call us when you are done changing okay??
Jisoo just nodded taking the dresses from their hand as the boys left the room.
Rosé- Well I guess it's worth it after all I always wished to wear vintage dresses.
She said excited as all of them quickly got ready.
Their dresses...

Lisa examined their dresses before saying " don't you think our dresses are different from the maid's dress that just came??"
Jennie- Yeahh ours is short and a bit more revealing than the one she was wearing.
Jisoo- Leave it, BOYS WE ARE DONE.

She said as the 5 of them came in running again.
Kai- Just in time we have a spare 1 minute.
.This is it for this chapter,
Hope you like it and please share your views and please show this story a little bit of your love.
If you like it then you can check my other stories.
Thank you and finally in the next chapter the entry of the queen and BTS will take place...

Memes time,

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