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Varian. Varian. Varian. He had such a nice name. Oh gosh, I'm thinking about him again. I don't know why I keep thinking about him, I just know that I really, really, reallyyy want to be his friend. He just seems cool. And, he is the only person to speak to me so far. And he has really nice eyes. Such an amazing blue, like the ocean, or the sky...Damn it. I decide to go outside and buy some food in town. Maybe fresh air will clear my head. I step outside and I am already feeling better. I start thinking about how nice it is to feel the breeze blowing the hair away from your face, and it makes you want to just stand there, the wind pushing against you. But I need food, so I can't do that.

When I get into the town I instantly feel overwhelmed by all the people. I never really liked being near large crowds. They make me anxious. I tried to push my way through the wave of people coming towards me, but they were all pushing against me. And, right now, the wind wasn't very relaxing, it had changed direction and was now blowing into my back, pushing me further toward the crowd, blowing my hair into my face, forcing me forward. I started panicking, yelled out loud, and turned to get out of there, tears threatening to escape my eyes, when a hand grabbed my wrist. "Radyn. Hey Radyn. Calm down. What's wrong?" A calm but worried voice made its way into my ear. I looked up, my hair still in a tangle, covering my eyes and mouth. I brushed it away and saw Varian's bright blue eyes. He looked concerned. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I don't know what I was apologising for. I guess...for making him come over and have to calm me down. I don't really know. My heart was still beating too fast and my palms were sweaty. "What are you saying sorry for? You haven't done anything wrong." He pulled me away, his hand still around my wrist, which was shaking, and took me over to a bench. A tear fell from my eye, but i quickly brushed it away, hoping he wouldn't notice. 

"Radyn...What happened?" What scared you?" His voice was comforting. He made me want to talk to him for some reason. So I did.
" I don't really know. I just...I don't like crowds. I know it sounds weird, but it stresses me out. I was just trying to get through, but they were coming at me and I couldn't get past them all. I didn't like it. I don't know what't wrong me." He chuckled slightly. He had a nice laugh. "There's nothing wrong with you. Large crowds stress me out too, but you get used to it. Come on, I know how to get through without trying to go through the sea of people." He took my hand and guided me through the street. When we got through to the shops I finally felt myself calm down fully. He was still holding my hand, which made me feel awkward. I let go of his hand to point at the shop I wanted to get to, and he didn't really seem to notice or mind. I sighed in relief.

When we were on our way back, we started properly talking. "What is your cat called?" It seemed a pretty random thing to ask, but I replied. " Bubbles. Because she has really nice blue eyes." He grinned at this. He told me it was a cute name and laughed. "Do you have any pets?"
"Yeah. I have a white cat called Frost and a raccoon. He is called Ruddiger. He hangs out with my dad a lot though." I looked at him.
"A raccoon? That is such a strange pet." He laughed and then said " Yes but Princess Rapunzel has a pet Chameleon, and Cass has an Owl. Called Owl." He continued to laugh loudly and I grinned happily. I liked Varian's company. He was such a nice, funny person. I guess I would now call him my friend, which I was glad of.

We got to his house and he waved to me and grinned happily at me, and we said goodbye and turned to go into our own houses. Bubbles was in and she jumped up onto the table for me to stroke her. I reached out my hand towards her. " Oh my gosh. Bubbles, I actually have a friend. Isn't that mad? Varian's so amazing." Obviously she didn't reply, but I swear I saw her give me a little cat grin as she purred and rubbed her head against my hand joyfully.

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