I'm Sorry

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Y/N was slowly swinging her legs back and forth as she sat on a table in Varian's lab while the alchemist was working on his newest invention. Most of the invention was hidden by a large curtain, but Varian had the top half of his body in a hatch, working on the inside mechanisms, his feet were sticking up in the air. Clanking could be heard from inside and every once in a while, sparks could be seen shooting out from the hatch. 

"Could you pass me the wrench?" Varian's voice called out politely. Y/N grabbed the tool in question and hopped down from her space on the table, before walking over to the alchemist and placing the wrench in his waiting hand. A short 'thank you' came from inside and Y/N looked away from her boyfriend with a slight frown. 

They had been together for a few months now, and he hardly paid her any attention. She understood that he loved making new things and trying to help his father by inventing machines to make life easier for the villagers. But….was it asking too much for a lunch with him every once in a while? 

When he had first asked for her to be with him, their relationship was sweet, they often gazed at each other in adoration, and the more she hung out with him, the more she fell in love with the goofy alchemist. Then, they almost had their first kiss. It was unexpected, but not unwelcome. At least, not to Y/N. 

After the almost kiss, Varian had begun distancing himself from her. It hurt her, her heart cracking each time he pulled his hand out of hers, snapping each time he brushed past her. 

"Hey...Varian…?" Y/N called out softly, glancing up at the alchemist. "Uh huh?" He muttered out distractedly. "It's getting dark. I need to be getting home." She said, hoping he'd offer to walk her home. It was a long ways away, after all. "Uh huh." Was all the response she got.

"Oh….okay then. I'll see you tomorrow?" She tried, looking at him hopefully. Please, just look at me at least… 

She briefly saw his hand wave her off, making her shoulders drop at the sight. With a soft sigh, she walks towards the door, only to be met with Rudigger, who was giving her a sorrowful stare, almost as if he was apologizing to her. With a small smile, she gently patted the raccoon on his head, before leaving and heading towards the house. 

It took around an hour to get back to her house, and she was shocked to see all of her stuff packed into boxes and her father moving them all into a cart. "Dad..?" She called out, narrowing her eyes at the nervous smile he gave her. 

"Sorry, Angel...but there's a new kingdom across the sea that asked me to be the royal cook! I told them I couldn't leave my daughter behind, and they said that if you wanted, you could have a job in the castle! How's that sound, love?"

Y/N was shocked at the news, but happy for her father. Her mind immediately went to Varian, and her father recognized the look on her face. "Sweetie...you have a choice. You can say goodbye to your friends and come with me, or stay here. I won't force your hand." He said gently, placing a large hand on her shoulder. Y/N looked down at the ground with a forlorn look on her face. 

She crossed her arms and stood by the carriage as her father went back into the house to grab the last of his things. Her boxes were sitting in front of the carriage, allowing her the choice to put them on it, or set them back inside. 

Stay here with Varian and try to make our relationship work, or start a new life in another kingdom? As she made her decision, she stared sadly at the boxes before looking back with a smile. 

When her father came back outside, her boxes were gone, and he slumped his shoulders slightly. With a sigh he hopped into the front of the carriage, reaching for the reigns, before flicking them at the horses.


F/N pulled back on the reigns, making the horses pull to a stop. He turned in his seat, surprised to see his daughter chasing after the carriage. He watched, shocked, as she hopped in the seat beside him and gave him a big hug.

"Can I drive?"


Varian had fallen asleep at his desk, snoring softly as a bit of drool leaked down the side of his mouth. Rudigger frowned at him, before chittering mischievously. Extending a paw, he poked the alchemist's nose, before quickly retreating. The boy had no reaction. Furrowing his brow, Rudigger smacked the boy across the face. No reaction. With a blank look, the raccoon pushed an empty test tube onto the floor, not flinching when the glass shattered loudly on the floor.

Varian shot up with a shout, a piece of paper sticking to his cheek. "W-What happened?! What is it?!" He cried out, looking around in alarm. His gaze narrowed into a glare as he heard the chittering laughter of his friend. "Oh, hah hah. Very funny." The alchemist rolled his eyes, ripping the paper from his cheek, before standing up and cleaning up the glass shards. As he did so, his eyes caught sight of something under his table. Reaching out, he gently grasped the piece of paper, before looking at it with a fond smile.

It was a picture Rapunzel had painted of him and Y/N. She was hanging by her legs in a tree, her face right in front of Varian's, who was sitting on the ground with a book in his lap. Their noses were touching and they gazed into each other's eyes with lovesick expressions.

Varian frowned softly. It was so much simpler back then, during the beginning of their relationship. It was when they almost kissed that he realized he fell in love with her. 

And that thought terrified him.

Everyone he loved got hurt. He didn't want that to happen to Y/N, so he tried to ignore his feelings for her the only way he knew how. 

By ignoring her.

With a sigh, he placed the picture on his table and began to work on the machine. 

A few days passed by, and Rudigger became worried when he didn't Y/N come into the lab at all. Varian was still tinkering away and didn't seem to even notice her absence. He kept asking her to pass him tools that Rudigger would hand him. 

Finally done with the teen's ignorance, Rudigger pulled Varian's apron, yanking him out of the hatch. The alchemist stumbled backwards, shocked at the sudden action. He looked down at the raccoon with an annoyed glance. "What, buddy?" He huffed out, watching as Rudigger jumped onto the table and pointed at the drawing. "What about Y/N? She's right her--" Varian stopped as he looked around, not seeing the h/c haired girl anywhere. Rudigger chittered sadly, looking up at Varian who's eyes widened. "What do you mean she hasn't been here for the past 4 days?!" Varian's heart began to race. His worst fears had finally come to light. 

She'd been kidnapped.

Varian grabbed his satchel and bolted out the door, heading towards her house as Rudigger perched himself on his shoulders. He ignored everyone as he ran by them, his mind set on his destination.

When he came upon her house, he shoved the door open, only to gasp at the sight.

All the furniture in the house was covered in sheets, dust had begun to settle, and any personal items had been removed. Rudigger jumped from the boy's shoulder as Varian stumbled further into the house in a daze. Chittering from the raccoon caught Varian's attention and he made his way over to a small table by the front door. There was a small piece of paper on it.

With trembling hands, Varian picked up the note, his eyes scanning over the contents quickly.

Dear Varian,
I've left this note to inform you of my decision. My father was offered a job as the royal cook in a kingdom across the sea! He asked me if I wanted to go, and so I said yes. I'm sorry I didn't tell you in person, but to be frank, we hardly talk anymore. As much as I enjoy helping you with your work, I feel as though you've been ignoring me. The only attention I ever got was from Rudigger, who happily greeted me whenever I came over. You never even spared a 'Hello'. So, I don't see the point in continuing our relationship. I enjoyed it while it lasted, but I don't think we fit together as well as we thought. Have a wonderful life, and perhaps I'll see you around. 

I will always love you, my sweet alchemist.

Yours Forever,

Varian began to find it hard to breathe as his chest felt as though an elephant was sitting on it. He took in and let out several shallow breaths, beginning to hyperventilate as he collapsed to the ground, his fists clenching the note tightly, ruffling the edges. Tears filled his eyes and he closed them, begging to wake up from this nightmare. He sobbed on the floor, holding the note close to his chest as he curled into a ball. 

"I'm s-sorry…" He whimpered out, his voice barely a whisper. "I'm sorry…" He repeated, nuzzling the note to his face. He could still smell her sweet strawberry scent.


He screamed out into the empty house, his voice echoing as he lay on the ground, tears running down his face.

A/N: I hope you all liked it! I'm thinking of writing a part 2, what do you all think? Let me know! And if you have requests, don't be afraid to ask! Have a great day, and stay safe!

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