Wolfgang x Violet

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Hey guys! I don't own Wolfgang he belongs to a dear friend and I hope you all enjoy this sweet one shot of the two characters here. I love you all very much and I will see you all very soon! See ya!

Originally Published: November 5, 2017

The night was new and things were still as lively as ever in the city of Tokyo, Japan. A young girl was walking around the city doing some small things for her mother before heading home for the evening to bake some sweets for her school meeting tomorrow. He name was Violet Sakamoto and she was such a sweet and smart girl, but she loved to have a fun and wild time with her friends and family.

As had several bags in her arms as well as her school bag as she walked to the station to head back to her mother's apartment for the night. She felt as though someone or something was following her and she slowly increased her pace as she tried to get to the station so she could go home for the evening.

"Oh come on, I don't need this today. I get enough of this at school as is." She muttered as she started to turn a corner to the station and she was grabbed by the arm and a hand was placed over her mouth. She struggled, kicked, and tried to scream but all her attempts were futile. She wasn't going to get anywhere until there was an orange blur out of the corner of her eye and it went by so fast and tackled the guy to the ground. The orange creature got up and slowly made it's way over to her and she could see the resemblance of a werewolf or some type of wolf creature.

"Let's go. Get up now." The wolf like creature said looking down at her before looking around the area. She got up and made sure that she had all of her things before the wolf grabbed her arm.

"What's your name?" She asked looking at him with doe like eyes. She wasn't afraid of him like she should have been but she wasn't too reckless to ask stupid questions.

"H-Huh? Why would you even want to know my name? I'm just a disgrace to society anyway." He huffed and growled lowly it seemed. She gave him a soft and innocent smile as she kept walking with him.

"Well I don't think you're a disgrace. I think you're an amazing wolf to come out and save me like that." She said softly and looked ahead to see where they were going. She was glad to have someone save her and take down that guy.

"Well if you put it like that, then my name is Wolfgang Macgrath." He said without sparing a second glance at the girl. She smiled softly as they walked.

"My name is Violet Sakamoto, it's a pleasure to meet you Wolfgang. Also thank you for saving me." She said softly with a blush lightly dusting her cheeks. They continued to walk and she attempted several ways to make small talk with him but he stayed silent putting her futile attempts to rest with a sigh and just looked at the ground as they walked. He seemed like the type to be left alone but she was going to be damned if she didn't attempt to at least make friends with him. She wanted him to be accepted into society and her life with open arms.

"Where do you live?" He said with a huff and stopped turning his attention to her. She stopped and looked up at him.

"I live in the Doughy Oaks apartment building." She said softly and kept her gaze right into his eyes. She didn't believe in love at first sight but for some reason she felt her heart strings ache as he just glared at her and looked away. She was slowly becoming a love sick puppy for Wolfgang and she didn't mean it in a punny way.

He huffed and began walking again with her trailing behind him looking at the ground. She felt so attached to him and she only just met him. She didn't know what to do about this feeling she held for the werewolf.

During the walk to her apartment building, Wolfgang was contemplating whether or not to talk to the girl. She wasn't like others who were afraid or judged him. She accepted him with open arms and has stayed with him since. He glanced back at her out of the corner of his eye as he looked at her with a soft gaze.

"So, uh, what's wrong?" He asked already wanting to slap himself in the face because of the awkwardness in the question. She snapped her head up and looked at him surprised.
"Oh nothing's wrong, I just didn't think you want to talk about anything." She said with a light blush on her cheeks. The sky had rumbled softly and small rain drops began to fall and she looked up.

"Oh I guess we should take cover soon if it gets any heavier." She said looking up as they walked. He nodded in agreement and walked closer to the awnings and other shades over the small shops to help in any attempt to keep her dry. She smiled softly at him.

"So what are you like personality wise?" She asked him as they continued to walk. He had to think about that for a minute.
"If I had to say anything I would say I more of a loner than anything else out there. What about yourself?" He asked looking down at her short figure.

"I consider myself relatively happy and somewhat level headed." She said softly with a smile of success on her face since she got him to talk to her and they continued walking. The walked seemed longer as they made small talk during the walk to her apartment building. As the building came into view they stood under the awning of the front doors.

"Can I see you again some time? I really enjoy your company." She said softly and he looked quite shocked but didn't want to harm her.

"I don't know if that is the best idea. I don't want to hurt anyone let alone yourself." He said looking away from her and towards the ground. She put a hand under his chin and made him look at her.

"I don't care at all. I want to get to know you more and become your friend." She said softly as she looked into his eyes. He felt something inside of him when he looked at her. He didn't know what it was but he liked the feeling.

"Okay I'll try to come around more often then." He said softly as she smiled and hugged him gently.

"Goodnight Wolfgang. I'll see you soon." She said heading inside the building and going up to her apartment with her bags.

As she settled down that night after taking a shower she kept thinking of Wolfgang and how much she would love to spend time with him again.

"Oh I can't wait to see him again." She whispered to herself as she fell asleep for the evening.


A few months had passed since both her and Wolfgang had started hanging out and they both enjoyed themselves a lot. They were currently walking in the snow as she had just gotten out of school for the day and had some time off for winter break.

"Should we go to a cafe and get some cocoa? You seem awfully cold Violet." Wolfgang said concerned as she shivered next to him. She had her arms wrapped around herself and tried to keep as warm as possible.

"N-No that's o-okay.. I-I'm fine r-really." She chattered out from her spot next to him. He wrapped an arm around her as she shivered heavily in his hold.

"T-thanks." She said softly leaning into him for the warmth that radiated from his body. He smiled softly and pulled her closer as they walked to a cafe near her apartment where they were going to hang out at for the evening.

As they walked inside the cafe he ordered for them and sat down with her at a table and waited patiently for their drinks to come.

"Are you warming up at all?" He asked her and she nodded with a small smile on her face.
"Yeah a little bit now that we're out of the cold. After this we can go to that spot I wanted to show you before we go to my apartment." She said taking her mug from the waiter and took a sip from it.

"Alright but we aren't staying out too long because you're already starting to freeze outside." He said and they both finished their drinks quietly and paid for them before leaving.

Violet lead the way and took him to a beautiful spot in the park that was secluded from everyone and everything around them.

"I wanted to show you this." She said softly looking him in the eyes. She slowly wrapped her arms around his neck and gently pressed her lips to his as she leaned into his touch more kissing him with so much passion and love as she could muster out of her in this moment.

He was shocked but slowly melted into the kiss and wrapped his arms around her as his tail started to wag out of love and joy from her kissing him.

"I have loved you from the very beginning Wolf. I never knew when the right time would be to tell you this but I figured it was now or never. I love you so so much and I can't imagine my life without you in it." She said barely above a whisper as she pulled away from the kiss. He looked at her in shock from her words and to prove he felt the same he placed another kiss upon her lips and cupped her face as he did so. He loved her and she loved him that was all that mattered to them in their lives now.

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