Yusuke x Soleil

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Hey guys! Here's a chapter for @Kadikki89 and I do hope that the last chapter was amazing for you and this one will be even better for the fluff that you requested. I have enjoyed making all of these one shots for you guys and please do enjoy and have an amazing day or night wherever you are in the world and enjoy!

Yusuke stayed close to his lover, Soleil, as they walked through the park, their fingers linked as the cool fall breeze cooled their cheeks.

Yusuke kept his free hand in his pocket and the other in hers. He was happy to have known her and they have dated since they met in high school years ago. He wanted to take things to the next level with her.

They walked around the park slowly, just enjoying the scenery and view of all the trees as the leaves changed color from bright, vibrant greens to the beautiful flame reds, sunset oranges, sunflower yellows, and chocolate browns.

Yusuke had noticed that Soleil was becoming a bit tired and decided it was time for a small break as he found a bench for them to sit on.

"Are you enjoying yourself today my love?" He asked her with a loving gaze in his eyes. She smiled softly and looked up at him.

"Yeah, I'm glad we decided to take a walk today. It's a beautiful day for it too." She said softly and he smiled as he gave a deep breath, taking in all the scents of fall.

He opened up his small bag he had over his shoulder and decided while they were taking a break he could sketch something he could paint later on at home.

He started sketching and decided he would wait until she was ready to walk again before they got to the spot he wanted to go to with her.

Yusuke had gotten focused on sketching what he wanted and it seemed to be an hour or so before Soleil snapped him out of his focus.

"It looks amazing as always, Yusuke. Is this going to be for your next exhibit?" She asked him and he gave her a loving smile as he nodded.

"Yeah. I don't have many autumn paintings to display. I'm in the process of making a few more paintings at the studio." He said softly and his voice full of passion as he finished up his sketch before closing up his book and placing it back into the bag.

"Are you ready to continue our stroll darling?" He asked as he fixed his bag while standing up to look into her eyes.

"Yeah, where are we headed to, Yusuke?" She asked as she took his hand when he offered it to her. He squeezed her hand gently and linked their fingers once more.

"Not much longer love. It's only another short walk." He said with a smile and started walking with her.

"Alright, do you mind if we grab some dinner on our way home?" She asked, looking up into his blue eyes. He nodded his head and smiled.

"Sure. Your choice love, I'll pay for it." He said with a knowing smile as they slowly got closer to the secluded area he spotted the other day.

"Yay! I want sushi from that fancy place we always go to." She said as her face beamed with excitement making him let out a small laugh.

"I figured you'd want sushi from that place." He said with a laugh as he steered them off the walking path to the meadow.

"Yusuke? We're going off the path." She said with a worried tone and he dismissed her with a smile as he walked with her. He pushed aside the bushes and tree branches as the got closer to the meadow.

"I wanted to show you this, my love, just for your eyes to see." He said with a loving tone and soft gaze on his face. She looked around in awe and looked at all of the flowers.

Yusuke took this moment to pull the small box from his pocket and took a deep breath and made sure it was loud enough for her to hear as he got down on one knee.

Soleil turned around and her eyes widened as she slowly walked over to him with a hand covering her mouth.

"Soleil, we've known each other for a long time, and you've shown me things that I couldn't have ever learned on my own. I want to make you happier than anything, and be the only man in your life. Would you do me the honor of becoming Mrs.Kitagawa and making me the luckiest man in the world?" He asked as he spilled out his heart to her.

She was at a loss for words before she jumped and hugged him tightly as he slid the ring onto her finger and cupped her cheeks giving her a kiss before she jumped into his arms allowing him to hold her bridal style.

He held onto her and she wrapped her arms around his neck before she pulled away and looked into his eyes with rltears brimming her own.

"I love you, Yusuke Kitagawa, I will marry you." She said as she hung onto him as he kissed her again before walking with her in his arms back out to the path.

"Shall we go celebrate with sushi now darling?" He asked with a bright smile as he set he down. She nodded and together they walked to go and celebrate the happiest day of their lives.

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