General Ice Queen

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General Weiss Schnee x Captain Male Reader

3rd POV

Atlas, the strongest Kingdom when it comes to Power.

Battle Tanks, Robot Guards, Aura Piercing Bullets etc.

And with the exception of the most well trained soldiers and dedicated Officers, it was majestic, powerful and most importantly romantic.

Yes, Atlas is an amazing place, buildings that are hand-made, constructed in the most expensive materials.

Turrets that are deadly and killable if triggered, Crafted swords that are suitable for fast swordsman.

Everything is affordable here in Atlas, but everything will change and it will become greater.

Weiss Schnee, a beautiful and mystical girl born in Atlas, with the retirement of General Ironwood, of course someone has to step up in the General's position and what better idea than to put a determined woman, also a Schnee.

The Schnee's were hated but not all of them just two, The so called Bastard Jacques Schnee and the Idiotic son Whitely Schnee.

With Jacques crimes in all of the Faunuses in his damned basement, he would be punished by the law and sent to prison with his brainwashed son of his, not only Atlas was shocked but the entirety of Remnant.

This was the man who they liked and recognized, it's a good thing his influence has been revealed, not only Weiss imprisoned his tortorous dad but he helped every Faunus walk forward and strive.

Some didn't like that and reported that she's not suitable for the General Position but the problem is, she's helping the poor people which made some believe she can do it.

So with all the opposers, they would appologize but some still have their own pride which they will get punished, and that's where a young man comes in.

Y/N L/N, a boy born in Atlas aswell and a long time friend of the General Weiss Schnee, he's a kind and strong man with the help of his families needs and support from Vale since he was called a hero there, he was promoted to Captain which was Weiss' plan all along.

With the duo formed together, they were unstoppable it was either give up or die trying facing the two.

And with all the support from every kingdome, they were the strongest duo to not mess with.

Some were saying that they were a couple which brings up the rumors alot, it reached to every social media which made Weiss smirk and Y/N to smile embarassingly.

As a matter of fact, they were, it was obvious since Weiss promoted a young man suddenly which made the people confused since Generals hand pick their officers.

And with the confirmation of Weiss saying it is true about their relationship, they were estatic, some supported them too much they screamed.

Currently, Atlas is holding a celebration for winning the Grimm Invation with the all of the Kingdoms there of course.

Weiss is seen sitting at her room, working on a laptop, her Myrtenaster dangling on the wall with a photo of Y/N beside it.

Music and people talking were heard outside since the celebration is ongoing, she looked at the window and smiled, she was happy that the world is now a better place but it's not over yet.

A door knock was heard which Weiss calmly said.

Weiss: Come in.

Her voice slightly matured to all the years of experience, the door opened and it was Y/N holding a tray of food.

Y/N: General?

He was rather handsome with a scarf on his neck, he has an engagement ring on his fourth finger, a diamond one.

Weiss: Why so formal?

Y/N: Because I have to Snowflake, we're still in Atlas.

Weiss: (Giggles) But you're not on duty.

Y/N: Doesn't matter, I love calling you that.

He places the tray to the table she's working at, he was about to walk when Weiss grabs his left hand with her own, an engagement ring on her fourth finger aswell similar to his.

Weiss: Stay. I want to see my sweet Husband.

He smiled warmly, he stayed and sat on the other side of the table with them touching hands and looking at each others eyes.

Weiss: We stare too much.

Y/N: I admire, not stare.

Weiss playfully rolled her eyes and kissed his left hand, he then did the same.

Weiss: I'm tired...

Y/N: Well then eat, that's why I'm here. To help you relax.

She sighed relaxingly, her aura was cold as ice if not for Y/N to warm him up.

She stood up and sat on his lap, arms hugging his neck and her face nuzzling his chest.

Y/N: Are you ok General?

Weiss: It's a good thing you're here... I love your warmth.

He peppered his Ice Queen with kisses on the forehead, she lift her head up and with perfect timing their lips touched.

It was a kiss of pure love, they've been through alot and it was a rough one, but they get to see each other everytime.

It was the General Ice Queen, that melted to a Captain.

A/N: I love myself for making this😭

Anyways, hope you like it😁👍

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