My Sweet Manager

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K/DA Akali x Manager Male Reader

3rd POV

Being a Manager to one of the most influential artists in Piltover is... Tiring. What? You think it's a dream come true? To have such beautiful girls messing with you? It might be for y'all simps. But me as a Manager, I don't think so.

And I know I get it, they may be matured at some point but they're... Let's just say they're too freaky. Very needy and cuddly at the same time. And they do it to their own Manager! The Manager of all people!

But you might be thinking, they may be learning their lesson, and are just being friendly-

NO~! In no way in hell they're being friendly! You think touching someones stomach because you saw how hot you are is being friendly?! Really?!

Now you simps better shut the hell up cause you're thinking that I'm overeacting everything I say, okay then. How about you swap places with me and see just how I prove my damn point, it's so, and I mean SO ANNOYING!

(Sigh) Who am I to say that.. You'll probably like my offer anyways, like the simps you are. Listen I'm sorry for being rude to y'all right now I just wanna pent up some stress cause these girls are.. Woo! So frustrating.

Anyways, let's just meet with the people I'm annoyed about right now. K/DA. Yup, you heard me. One of the best girl group in our generation, they've achieved the dream that every artist would want and let me tell you, I wouldn't be here without them.

So.. Respect for the girls for giving me a chance in life. Yes, I'm just like one of you who is listening to me right now. A pile of shit, boring ass dude that has no idea what music is.

When I first found it music was, basically K/DA recruiting me as their Manager. Their amazing voices, the choreography, and more. I might not like their needines, but I gotta say. They talented as hell. No doubt about that.

And because of their performances, they've stormed throughout the whole world. Like a massive tsunami flooding every continent. It was a sight to see, and they can't be stopped.

Somehow throughout the journey we had, a certain woman confessed her feelings to me which made me wonder if she's listening right now. Too bad she can't, since they're shopping right now... Huh?... You think I'm lying? Oh it's fine, it's not like I know her-

Suddenly, the camera transitions to a photo of Akali and Y/N cuddling each other at the couch. The photo is taken by the one and only best Gumiho Stalker, Ahri.

...Ahh, I didn't do that. C-Can you guys look away?... Pretty please? No, no! It's not what you think-

We then transition to a tired Y/N covering his blushing face at the table, he was wearing a black suit with red tie, some black slacks and F/C shoes.

Y/N: ...You didn't see anything right?... No? Okay, thank goodness. Hi, yeah it's me, the guy who's talking. So~... I would like you to get out of my office room so I can work, thank you.

He mustered up a smile on his tired face, looks like all the things he's been through really were true. His life is like a story, a boring, plain, simple person. To becoming a millionaire, famous Manager.

But all the things in life, whether you can have everything or not. You're still a person. Yes, you're rich, but you're still.. Well, you. Nothing changed, and for Y/N it will always be that way.

He just didn't get this job for free because the girls think he's cute. No, they recruited him because they trust Y/N. I would be lying if he and the girls weren't friends before, but it's true. It looked like they have this wonderful chemistry throughout their challenges.

Suddenly, a bell rang throughout the Mansion of K/DA, which made Y/N perk up at the noise. The girls are home and he's not finish yet.

He sighed, defeated that he couldn't get his paperwork before done before sunrise. He looked really tired and is in need of sleep. He took power naps and not long after morning, Akali made a coffee for him to keep him awake. Oh, and a sweet kiss on the cheek before going out with the girls.

He had nothing else to do, so he lowered his head to the desk and supported his forehead with his arms. Taking a nap like this is okay, but it wasn't enough for the young man.

Hopefully the girls have leftovers for him.


The girls have finally arrived at their home after a really fun grocery shopping, excluding the amount of fans they tool pictures with, it was still great.

Ahri: Eve, could you please bake some pancakes for dinner?

Evelynn: What? You already had like twelve pancakes in the morning.

Ahri: Don't care, pancakes supremacy!

Kai'Sa: Hate to break it to you dear Gumiho, but it's only for our Manager.

Ahri: Aww come on~! Can I atleast have some?

Akali: Jesus, Ahri. Would you stop it with that mouth of yours? You have fetishes for sweet things or something?

Ahri: Excuse me! Pancakes are the best, and you can't change my mind!

Kai'Sa: Oh dear...

Akali: Whatever. Now if you excuse me, I have to cook for my boyfriend.

As the Rogue Ninja went upstairs to cook for YN. The girls smirked at the thought of them being finally together.

Evelynn: Honestly, it's a suprise she confessed to him. Our Manager of all people.

Ahri: I don't mind it. They look so cute together~.

Kai'Sa: Mhm. Our two passionate dorks. Perfect couple.

The three giggled at each other thinking about it, as they went on for the night.

Akali POV

Happily walking up the stairs while gently tying my hair, I walked infront of our Manager's Office. My Manager, hehe.

I walked infront of his Office door and gently knocked, waiting for his answer. But there was none. I got slightly confused but nonetheless, tried knocking again.

And just like the last time, no answer. I got worried so I opened the door for myself. And what caught my eyes was a very cute Y/N sleeping at his desk. I don't blame him, signing all of these paperworks are tiring. Not to mention he hasn't eaten lunch yet.

I feel slightly bad for my Manager. I quietly walked beside him and massaged his neck. He groaned in his sleep which made me giggle. He looks so cute right... Don't mind if I do~.

I sweetly kissed my poor sleepy manager, but I can tell he liked the kiss since I saw a small smile. I giggled and contain how cute he is, I wish I could squeal right now.

I grabbed a chair for myself and sat beside him, maybe he just needs my company for now. And then I'll spoil this Manager of mine.

Akali: Hehe~. I wonder what kind of prank I'll do to you. But you're safe... For now~.

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