Operation: BLACK CAT

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Cat Faunus Male Reader x Team RWBY

3rd POV

???: This is Bravo Six!! We're under attack! I repeat! We're under attack!

Overlord: Roger Bravo Six, we know the gas infiltration from Paris and are sending units heading your way.

Bravo Six: Not the gas! We're under attack by White Fang ground forces!

Overlord: Say again, Bravo Six. What White Fang forces?

Bravo Six: The entire White Fang army!! Request immediate resistance!

Battle Captain: Seems like it's not going so well.

Overlord: All units proceed to retreat and head to the nearest evac point. I repeat proceed to the nearest evac point.

Battle Captain: There's gotta be another squad we can link up for this invasion.

Overlord: We have one. Team RWBY this is Overlord give me a sitrep of your position over?

Ruby: Alive and well sir, whatever you need.

Overlord: Roger that, I need you to command your forces and take whatever that's left in Paris, you're clear to engage on any special units, proceed with care.

Ruby: Roger that, we'll take it from here.

(Transmission Static)

Battle Captain: Is that all we need?

Overlord: Actually there's one more. Black Cat, this is Overlord give me a sitrep of your position over?

Y/N: Lovely.

Overlord: Roger, I need you to cover up the entire eastern flank near the sea border, link up with Team RWBY and get your asses out of there over.

Y/N: Team RWBY? I thought they retreated?

Overlord: They didn't. Are we clear Black Cat?

Y/N: Whatever you say.


Submerging under the western border of France is Ruby, followed up with Weiss, Blake and Yang. Ruby holding a custom sniper rifle designed by hers truly, Weiss with a scoped M4A1, Blake with silenced dual Pistols and finally Yang with her SPAS 12.

Ruby: Delta Two, we're just outside the City.

Delta Two: Copy, I'll pick you up in three hours.

Ruby: Weapons tight girls. White Fang forces are heavily numbered, keep it silent, let's move.

Weiss: Rog.

The team proceeds to action, heading inside an abondoned building that was ironically covered with White Fang forces. Ruby signals Blake to take point as she nods, holding her pistols and banking every headshot whenever she sees a White Fang.

She still holds respect to all of her comrades, but in this universe, the one who betrayed first are them. So she did what every person in the world would've done. Revenge.

Blake: Top floor clear.

Yang: Basement here.

Weiss: Checking.

The cold Princess investigates downstairs, hearing chatter from the other White Fang.

Ruby: Multiple contacts, Yang toss a Nine-banger.

The blonde grabs the specific grenade and pulls the pin.

Yang: Fragging.

Tossing the upgraded flashbang blinds every single forces inside the basement following up with Weiss opening fire.

Weiss: Basement clear.

Ruby: Get to the other floors, all unkown are hostiles.

They then proceed to the other seven floors and wiped out every enemy soldier inside, Ruby contacts her squadmates to continue the mission and stealthily finish it with no losses.

Ruby: This camp is clear, proceed to the inner side of the city.

Weiss: Copy that.



While all of that was happening, our local soldier was proned down the grass, finishing what's left of the enemy White Fang on his side.

Y/N: Cheers mates.

Overlord: Black Cat this is Overlord, do you read me over?

Y/N: This is Black Cat, I hear you.

Overlord: Team RWBY is moving up the inner side of the City, I need you to double time over.

Y/N: You got it, I'll take no prisoners.

Overlord: Copy that, out.

(Transmission Static)

Y/N: Bloody wanker...

Not that his angry but sometimes command gets way too annoying for him. But what's there left to say? They're soldiers, the objective is to finish the mission.

Y/N: I better get a double raise for this shit.

However all frustrations aside, Y/N clears the second area of the eastern side and proceeds to link up with the girls. Usually he wanted to take out the last city but you gotta follow orders.

Expertly knocking down the sniper rifler, Y/N grabs said sniper and rained down doom to all unsuspecting White Fang with ease. He crouch walks to safety and enters a building where it was jam-packed.

Y/N: Alright, let's make this quick.

Tossing two flashbangs inside caused alot of ruckus but before they could respond, the Black Cat simultaneously dived on the couch and silenced them with his Deagle.

Y/N: And that's my cue.

Rapid footsteps were heard upstairs, alerting every enemy forces in the building. The second floor to be exact. But the door was kicked down by Y/N blasting his Deagle.

He replaced the gun with one of their AK47's and waited for the footsteps to come to him, and turns out, the White Fang were smart enough to throw grenades. But Y/N won't get thrown away that easily as he slid down to where they were hiding, suprising them all but not fast enough to shoot as he killed them first.

The glass windows beside him crashed down as more enemy snipers tried to catch him, yet he was too fast, running down the alley while punching an enemy White Fang that was hiding.

Exiting the building was probably a bad idea since the entire White Fang camp were outside. Y/N gasped and ran towards a nearby tree for cover.

Y/N: Overlord! Overlord! This Black Cat requesting immediate assistance, I'm currently stuck and getting shot at over!

Ruby: Black Cat we're nearly there hold out as long as you can!

Y/N: Hurry up!

He rolls down onto the ground and blasts his AK, killing some but their numbers are too much.

Y/N: No way I'm dying today.. But if this is my last then...

He gets ready for probably his last moment in this world, bullets almost grazing his skin.

Y/N: Then I'm going down with a fight!

He steps out of the tree and started blasting but the unusal part of the outcome was everyone were dead before he can comprehend. Confused and exhausted, he looks around only to be met with a cold steel on his neck.

Blake: Calm down soldier.

He blinks and glanced to his right to see a pair of amber eyes glowing in the dark, as well as a knife neatly placed on his vital point.

Y/N: Sergeant Belladonna..

Blake: You okay? You look lost.

Y/N: Just slightly tired.

Blake: You giving up?

Y/N: Hell no ma'am.

Blake: ..That's my Y/N.

The momentarily stoic face turn into a smirk, flipping her knife at the pocket and pecking his cheek.

Blake: I'm glad you're okay. Sorry for taking so long.

Ruby: Area clear?

Blake: It's all good.

Weiss: Holy cow, hah. What a mess.

Yang: I believe we're just in time.

Y/N: Not really but it was all good.

Ruby: All right soldiers, enough talk. We have to finish the mission. Grab anything you can and let's get out of here.

Y/N: Copy that. Girls let's roll.

Black Cat and Team RWBY have successfully infiltrated the remains of the camp yet the sound of tires on a rocky road was audible enough for them to take cover.

Yang: Seems like reinforcements arrived.

Ruby: Okay, we're going to play this out normally. Blake, Yang and Weiss take point, Y/N with me.

Y/N: Copy.

The three individual soldiers took point and cleanly wiped out the rest of the enemy bystanders. The ones that were too far was the real test as Ruby and Y/N caught up and set up overwatch from one of the buildings.

Ruby: Alright, let's take them out one by one.

Y/N: Hope you still have a great shot.

Ruby: Heh, you worry about yours.

Y/N: Don't worry, you won't see me miss.

Ruby: Right, on my mark... Fire!

Their sniper rifles were the only guns heard throughout the area, headshot after headshot as the White Fang never landed a single shot.

Ruby and the Black Cat stared at each other with a smirk, ending it with a cool bro fist.

Ruby: Team area is secured, how's yours over?

Weiss: All clear.

Ruby: Copy, rendezvous outside. Let's go ho-.


It all happened so fast, so soon. The intercoms were nothing but static. The building was dismantled to the ground up. Eyes are blurry and debris were falling.

Y/N: ..S-..Shit...

He felt his whole body ache, but his determination will last long enough for him to stand up and clear the debris that fell on top. Holding his wound, as it bleeds, he grunts in pain yet has managed to walk.

Y/N: R...Ruby..!

However, he can't say the same to his partner that was covered in broken ply wood, and is bleeding from the head. He stumbled and checked her pulse in search for life.

Y/N: ...Y-You're fin-e... T-Thank goodness..

Carrying her is going to be hard, and the thought of enemy forces coming for back up is going to be incredibly difficult to fight back.

The world seems to stop when he hears sudden footsteps outside, grabbing the nearest rifle, he points at the door and waits.

Yang: Y/N! Ruby! Are you there!?

Y/N: W-We're here!

The blonde woman was just in time and ran towards the two injured soldiers, Yang hugs him and carries Ruby without hesitation.

Yang: Let's get out of here! Their reinforcements have arrived!

Y/N: Ugh.. Just our luck.

The three carefully help out the red-tipped girl whilst the other two take cover fire, as the White Fang swarmed the area. Weiss and Blake kept shooting until one gives up.


Yang: They'll be here! Just keep moving!

Blake: Guys, I'm on my last mag!

(Play Song)

Y/N: Overlord! We need help now! Do you read me!

Overlord: Roger Black Cat, fighter jets are heading your way, ETA. three minutes.

Y/N: Three minutes!? We can't hold out much longer!

Overlord: Hold on, I'm detecting enemy signatures on the right flank. Head back to the evac point over.

Y/N: You're joking!

Blake: I'm out!

Weiss: Blake, throw smoke!

She did just that and sends out green smoke, covering the area and also signalling the fighter jets to open fire. If they can catch up to the party that is.

Ruby: J-Just... L-Leave me a-alone...

Yang: Hell no sister! We're in this together!

Y/N: Don't think about that Captain!

Weiss: Y/N! Cover us!

Y/N: I'm on it!

The one man army instantly fired throughout dozens of enemy troops, every bullet counts especially when you only have three mags left. It was like all hope is lost, and they'll eventually die with a cost.

Until.. The sound of victory was heard.

Lightning 3-1: Black Cat, Team RWBY I see your position requesting permission to engage over.


Weiss: Lightning 3-1 you're clear to engage!

Lightning 3-1: Affirmative. Weapons away.

Y/N: Everybody get down!

Explosions and thousands of explosions were heard as the soldiers covered their ears as the fighter jets sweeped the area clean and precise. The Black Cat stood up and cheered loudly that was enough to make Yang and Blake cry.

Weiss: Whew.. I thought we'd be goners.

Yang: We're safe rubes.. We're safe.

Ruby: A-Amen to that...

Charlie 1-5: Black Cat, Team RWBY this is Charlie 1-5 we're here to extract you guys out of here good work everyone, this one is for the books.

Y/N: Easy day Charlie. Just like always.

Charlie 1-5: Copy that, Charlie out.

A/N: Part 2?

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