The King of Pop's Journey

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Living Legend Male Reader x Gazelle

3rd POV

Savanna Central. Home of the most prestigious district from Zootopia where animals unite as one and live peacefully. Whether they are predator or prey. However, the scene starts up with the famous female Pop Star being escorted in a very luxurious white limo. Are there any reason? Well, not that she knows of. Her manager said it was an urgent call so her weekend plans will be postponed, much to her dismay. Gazelle needs no introduction, but for everyone who's unclear of who she is, let me tell you.

Gazelle is a living Icon throughout Zootopia, everybody admires her passion to singing which encouraged her to become a full fledged artist despite having doubts in her mind. She knew signing the contract will change her life forever, for better or worse. Fortunately, the former succeeded to becoming a certified superstar.

Everyone labeled her as the generations artist of all time. And to think that it was unanimously nominated just goes to show how magnificent she is. There were also a lot of offers from different famous brands but she's quite loyal to Preyda and Vanity Fur. Thus, it led her becoming a hit magazine for a long time. Yet, after everything she's overcome, she remains true to herself. Humble, and definitely down to earth. A loving person. A Living Legend.

"Ma'am, we have arrived."

Her thoughts were interrupted with a husky voice coming from her chauffeur. A grey wolf holding a smile which Gazelle responds with her own.

"Thank you Jerry, where will you be waiting?" She asks.

"Maybe at a nearby cafe. Don't worry about me, you should worry about your manager."

"Very funny." Ending it with a giggle, one of the receptionist opened the door which she respectfully appreciated. Leading the way inside the business building, bodyguards roam, scanning the area however they didn't bother stopping some of her fans who just wanted some autographs. About thirty minutes, including the signing of papers, she immediately went to an elevator made for VIP's and pressed a specific number only for celebrities.

Throughout the ride, she sighs slightly exhausted. While it is unsure why, there is only one answer to that. And that is her dwindling freedom, which is very reasonable for present celebrities. While it's truly pleasurable to have everything on a silver platter in just a call away, it doesn't change the fact that there's no room to breathe everywhere you go.

The elevator ride however was pretty chill followed up by some jazz hip-hop music, and ironically, this will be the only time where she'll find peace and relaxation because as soon as the doors open, the manager was already waiting for her. He's a tall, enthusiastic elephant that looks like a nice guy and only wants best for his artist.

"Gazelle! It has been a while since we last met." He said, quite upbeat.

"Yeah, it's nice to see you too Clyde. I hope I'm not intruding." She asks, a little concerned.

"Oh don't you worry your cute angel horns, you're always welcome here! Come, come take a seat."

Gesturing like a friendly neighbor, Gazelle sat down but there were questions meant to be asked.

"I know you might be thinking why you're here specifically?"
He said surprising her.

"Mhm, what is it that you want from me exactly?"

"Well, nothing much. Although I'm getting a lot of requests from the fans, and let me tell you, this is kinda shocking."

"What is so shocking about some requests?"

"To be honest Gazelle, we've been the stars of the music industry for the past years. I think it's time for a good change of pace eh?" He shows her his tablet in which she carefully grabs it. The person showed from the screen is a young cream-white cat who looks like he's in his college years, however what gave him away was his F/C eyes and attractive smile. Despite being a good-looking boy, Gazelle is confused.

"Who is this?" She asks.

"That my dear pop star is Y/N Jackson. People discovered him as a street performer before becoming an entertainer at one of the famous bars. He's the real deal Gazelle."

"But he's way younger than I expected. Does he have parents?"

"His parents disowned him, leading him for adoption. Kid's got guts I tell you."

"..May I see one of his videos, just for confirmation."

"Way ahead of you girl."

The elephant in the room, literally, plays one of his famous videos singing at the streets with a guitar. His voice is, to say, refreshing. Gazelle can't help but admire the teenager with sparkles on her eyes. Clyde then changed it to him performing at a bar where his voice rapidly changed incredibly.

"He's quite dramatic isn't he."

"Hehe, you could say. Yet, that's one of his main styles when he's in stage. Passionate and a strong voice."

"Not to mention his dancing.. It intrigues me."

Having confirmed of the talented boy, Clyde smiles in success.

"Where is the boy currently living?" She questions.

"He has his own house, not far from here actually. It's just a twenty-five minute walk. He lives alone since we interviewed him via online." He responds.

"Tell him to come by tomorrow. I wanna meet this.. Y/N. Y/N Jackson. It does roll off the tongue."

Clyde can't believe what he just heard with his two big ears.

"That's great to hear coming from the generations artist! I'll send him by early morning tomorrow. He's definitely not going to expect this!"

After an hour about business related management, the female pop star can finally rest for the day and since it is the weekends, she started making her plans however she suddenly has flashbacks of the young teenager back at the meeting. If he was disowned, how come does he live such a normal life? And by himself? She doesn't believe in luck but fate.. And I think that fate must've encouraged the young'un to be determined.

"He's quite the mysterious one indeed. I'll see what I can do for you Mr. Jackson."


The next morning, the familiar white limo is seen driving by the busy streets of Savanna Central but instead of the Icon, the person inside is none other than Mr. Jackson who seems flabbergasted when he got here. Well, why wouldn't he be? It's like he got kidnapped from his own house without reason because of some "important business" he needs to attend. But he's not complaining, especially when you're already inside an expensive car.

"Would you like some refreshments sir?"

Just like the recent event, his busy thoughts were intruded by the same pal Jerry who offers kindly.

"O-Oh. It's quite alright, maybe later I suppose."

"Are you sure? You looking a little pale there." He insisted.

"That's not it sir.. I'm just.." He trails.

"I get it youngster, don't beat yourself to it. Tell you what, if you can show her what you got, you'll definitely make her day. She loves talent if she sees one and you're very much the exception. Grab the opportunity kiddo, you will not regret it." Really gracious words that Y/N needed to hear.

"I... Thank you sir..?"

"Jerry is just fine."

"Thank you kindly, sir Jerry. I won't forget that."

"Don't mention it Y/N. You're a great man, I have high hopes from you. Seems like we're here."

The white cat glances outside his window to see a rather tall building, sparkling from the sun rays. One of the receptionist opened the door once again to be greeted with appreciation by Y/N. He was kindly escorted inside the building and into the familiar elevator.

"So, you're the reputable Y/N Jackson? So the rumors are true, you're quite young mister." The receptionist voice his reason.

"O-Oh.. Am I getting gossiped a lot these days?"

"You have no idea. You actually got on the Sunday Morning news article. They say you were a.. One of a kind."

"Eh?! T-That's outrageous... I'm not that special."

"Hehe, don't tell her this but, you're response sounds like I'm talking to Ms. Gazelle. I can see you go far Mr. Jackson."

The cat seemed so lost without a doubt. These praises aren't your usual kind phrases.. It must be funny to look at his reactions.

"Sorry to be bothering you Mr. Jackson but it seems like we've arrived."

Y/N ironically tensed up, he completely forgot that this isn't no ordinary meeting. This a huge once in a lifetime opportunity, anyone would want to be in his shoes right now.

"Good luck sir. I wish you a great day."

"Y-Yeah, thank you for the ride."

He steps inside the wide room filled to the brim with achievements of one particular female celebrity. His favorite Icon. His role model. He can't believe what's going on, yet, it seems like he's trespassing at private property.

"S-Should I just leave..? I-I'm not really welcome here, the pressure is... Insane."

"Oh, there you are. I've been waiting."

That delicate voice. The tapping of heels. The sweat building up and his body tensed even further. He slowly looked back to make sure he's not getting paranoid and sure enough, this is not a drill.

"You probably already know me but I'll try to introduce myself. Hello! I'm Gazelle, welcome to Zootopia."

And that was the nail in the coffin as the white cat faints down the floor with Gazelle blinking, she finally realizes at the last second and immediately called for help.

Wow, what a first impression.


"So, let me get this straight. He just went haywire because you said your name?"

"I'm not lying to you! I just introduced myself, why would I not be honest?"

Clyde and Gazelle were having a moment while their expected guest returns back up, it's not that they're taking so long, it's just kinda weird to hear someone fainting inside the room.

"What are we gonna do now? It seems like he won't be waking up for too long." Gazelle questioned.

"Don't you worry, I know just the way to handle these types of problems." He comments rather mischievously.

"W-Wait.. You don't mean.."


"Ugh, you're insufferable."

Clyde grabs one of his tablets and played an annoying sound that ultimately wakes up any type of predator no matter how asleep he/she is. He made sure it's in loud volume and pushed it right on Y/N's ears, startling him like an actual cat as he pounces out of the couch. The elephant laughs his ass of in which Gazelle sighs.

"HEY! What was that for?!"

"Forgive him Mr. Jackson.."

"Oh man- HAHAHA! Now that was unhinged!"

"Clyde stop that. You're scaring the poor kid."

"Okay, okay I'll stop. Now that that's all clear, I'm sure you know why you're here right sir Jackson?"

"What's up with everyone calling me by my last name? I'm not that old you know."

"Well, it's a sign of respect, but we understand what you mean. So Y/N is just fine?"

"Yes please, none of that Jackson stuff.."

It was finally Gazelle's turn to ask.

"So Y/N, we've heard a lot about you becoming a well-known person in these parts. Perhaps you might wanna share your story on how you got here?"

Y/N froze. She never wanted to ask this sensetive question to a kid like him, but in order for him to trust them, you gotta bend the rules.

"W-Well.. That's quite... U-Umm.."

She sees him getting uncomfortable so without hesitation, she gently caress his hand which Y/N never expected but insisted. He breathes for a minute then speaks.

"I came from a wealthy family known as the Jacksons. They were stubborn and untrustworthy it's like wherever I go I couldn't really trust them. They were infamous for being egoistic bastards that want nothing more but to be royals in this world. Because of their economic power, they have tons of help from other dangerous communities. My mother never loved me and she would mentally harass my existence. My father beats me up almost everyday, if you want to see proof then my right arm has a long scar since that's his favorite spot. And my siblings were power-hungry. All they talk about is how rich they are... Fucking spoiled idiots think they're so special because of money! I thought to myself that if I learned from any of them, I'll end up like "them". So at the perfect night, I ran for my life. Ran and ran until I have nowhere to go... But there was a friend I met.. It was a fox. His name's Nick Wilde. Pretty sarcastic fellow but he's a great friend."

"...And then what?"

"..Then I promised to myself.. To you, as my idol.. That I'll always play from the heart.. Because I actually love to sing.. My parents however, didn't acknowledge it whatsoever... They said it was just a waste of time."

"Well, then I'm proud of you for keeping that promise. Always remember that you live in Zootopia, where every animal unites as one. Where every animal could be what they want to be. Anything can happen.. If you Try Everything."

Y/N's eyes widened with a big smile, sure she did make a pun but that was also quite heartwarming coming from the pop star. He quickly hugs her for comfort in which she accepts with Clyde watching them interact.

"She always has a way with her words. It can really melt you."

"Thanks Ms. Gazelle.. I'm happy to hear that..."

"Don't thank me. Instead, be grateful of yourself because you made it this far. You're a tough nut to crack Y/N, you just need the right amount of confidence."

He nods, wiping some of his tears away.

"Alright! Now that was touching ain't it? It's time for the real fun."


Clyde grabs a microphone from one of the tables and gives it to Y/N, he stared at it confused but nonetheless held it. Gazelle stood up beside her manager and spoke the magic words.

"Go ahead, we want to hear you sing. If you can impress us both then you're in."

"...You're kidding..."

"Kid, do we look like we're joking around? It's your moment! Earn it."

Gazelle rolls her eyes and instead gave him a wink towards the white cat which he responds with a flustered smile.

"Alright.. Let's do it."

He clears his throat... And sings.

"I'm gonna make a change for once in my life~. It's gonna feel real good, gonna make a difference, gonna make it right~."

"As I turn up the collar on my favorite winter coat, this wind is blowing my mind. I see the kids in the street with not enough to eat, who am I to be blind, pretending not to see their needs~?"

"A summer's disregard, a broken bottle top! And a one man's soul~. They follow each other on the wind, ya know. Cause they got nowhere to go~, that's why I want you to know~!"

"I'm starting with the Man in the Mirror! I'm asking him to change his ways~! And no message could've been any clearer, if you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself and then make a change~! Na-na-na, na-na-na, na-na, na-na!"

It was just the first verse but Gazelle and Clyde already made different reactions. The elephant's jaw looks like it completely broke from how much it opened widely and Gazelle.. She looks like she's seen a ghost. That voice isn't even recorded nor sampled. It's all coming from his mouth, and that speaks volumes. Sure she can sing wonderfully but this kid... This kid's no joke.

"I've been a victim of a selfish kind of love, it's time that I realize~. There are some with no home, not a nickel to loan~. Could it be really me pretending that they're not alone~? A willow deeply scarred, somebody's broken heart. And a washed out dream~. They follow the pattern of the wind, ya see~. Cause they got no place to be, that's why I'm starting with me~!"

"I'm starting with the Man in the Mirror! I'm asking him to change his ways~! And no message could've been any clearer, if you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself and then make a change~!"

"I'm starting with the Man in the Mirror~! I'm asking him to change his ways~! And no message could've been any clearer, if you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself and then make that change~!"

He ends it with an almost dramatic finish. Gazelle needed to relax because her heart was thumping like crazy. To think someone this talented was forgotten and treated like trash irks her. She clapped, very impressed while Y/N awkwardly smiles.

"That was perfect. The way you express your song is out of this world. I think it's time for our final decision."

She pats the elephant in the room, who was still shocked, yet handed him the recruitment papers. This made the young boy tear up, ending it with a thanks.

"Welcome to the show, Y/N Jackson. I'll be expecting more coming from you. But don't push it, you are still young."

"Hah.. This is... This is crazy."

"Told you anything can happen in Zootopia."

A/N: Part 2?

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