Where Our Paths Met

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Kronii x Amelia's Brother Male Reader


Many interesting physics and sci-fi beings could be sometimes seen in live T.V in which people wonder, is Earth really that majestic.

I mean, to fanarts of creepy drawings and to horror videos you randomly see in Social Media, of course it sometimes gives us the creeps but do you ever wonder, how the hell do they make these shit up?

Don't worry, I don't understand why they make such creepy creatures. It makes me feel like a complete idiot just by taking these seriously.

Hi. The name's Y/N Watson and I'm a famous Vtuber with my sister, Amelia Watson.

Being a sister to this annoying shit is good, but she's a real pain in the ass. Come to think of it, I didn't even teach her on how to be a naughty and creepy person.

Whatever, that doesn't make any sense on why I'm her brother, I'm not adopted but we look unidentical or maybe we just don't sound the same.

Anyways, being a Vtuber and a detective is kinda hard considering you must be up early and ready for the day, but playing games with your English mates are awesome.

Today, I just want to relax... Or maybe explore the past to see what's interesting there, especially find the creature called Big Foot.

I grabbed my red satchel and yellow clock, I stood up my gaming chair and walked inside my room in which I grabbed my ring, it was similar to my sister's.

No, we're not married that's disgusting. It's just a communication device so we can talk with each other even though it's not the same year.

Amelia: Going somewhere?

I turned around to see my sister with her arms crossed and a grin on her face. God, I hate that face so much.

Y/N: Yeah. Why? Wanna join?

Amelia: I'm good, just be safe out there.

Y/N: ...You're talking to your big brother, missy.

Amelia: Hey! You're just old for 3 months, don't you missy me!

Y/N: Still older.

She just pouted cutely in which I slighly chuckled, yep, just stay like that and face the truth you Gremlin.

Y/N: Goodbye sis. Make dinner ok?

Amelia: Yeah. Be safe please?

She walked up to me and kissed my cheek in which I hugged her, she can be cute sometimes but I still hate her.

Y/N: Good luck to me I guess?

She nods and stood back to watch the magic, I pressed a button on my clock and it glowed, engulfing me and transported me to Old London, our home.

Amelia POV

That boy better be ok... Or else I'll kick his ass before he dies.

Amelia: And did he just ordered me to cook dinner? That son of a bi-

Oh wait. Same mother...


Big Ben still looked old before, I smiled at the sight, my mother said this is where her and dad first met.

How ironic, and they're still detectives to this day.

I paid no attention to the people looking at me since they were wearing the modern clothing before, buisness suits and dresses for the girls.

I walked inside a police station which made the people look at me and salute.

Everyone: Good Morning, Sir Watson!

I salute on my own for respect with everyone now dispersing, I then went to my office and predicted for the worst.

Turns out. It was just plenty of paper works.

I grabbed two of it and inspected my job for today, the left one doesn't interest me that much, it was just a heads up of a robber that got taken care off easily.

But the right one. It's headline is very convincing for me.

Big Ben was took control from some sort of lady in an ancient dress? Is this one of God's servants?

God's servants? I look at the photo of the lady they were headlining but it was too blured, damn cameras from the 20's.

I sighed and rolled up the newspaper and went oustide the police station, I took a closer look at Big Ben that was said to be manipulated by someone or something.

The time is correct but there was a hole inside it, I couldn't jump that high but that's where my teleportation commenced.

I ran to a shady hallway with no sight of people in it and instantly teleported to the hole of Big Ben, it looked like it was destroyed from some sort of blast?

Was it a grenade? No, grenades can't reach this high.

A missile? A rocket? ...No, that would've blown Big Ben itself.

I grabbed my magnifying glass in my satchel and closely inspected the damage, again, I don't know how someone or something blew up a hole in Big Ben like this. It's lucky it's still holding up.

I went inside and saw the big chains of Big Ben moving for the time to continue managing, it looked dusty since it always get cleaned once.

But the thing that stood out is blue particles from the chains, it was glowing like a crystal that is ready to be picked up.

But not me, I know something shady if it happens so I grabbed one toothpick and touched it, and so I was right, when it touched the small carved wood it magically disolved.

It blew my mind. What's this creation? Is it some sort of high-tech poison?

I picked up another toothpick and tried to see if it happens again, and it did but this time it was fast.

Suddenly, the blue substance was glowing even brighter which made my eyes slightly hurt, so I covered myself and waited for it to stop.

Many minutes later, it eventually stopped so I looked at it but the blue substance is no longer there.

I got confused when suddenly two ancient blades were placed from my shoulders, they look really pointy and deadly.

I couldn't move for no reason, I was so confused and scared until I heard a voice behind me.

???: Who are you? State your buisness.

I wanted to talk, but I'm so defenseless here. I mean, two deadly looking blades on my shoulders isn't helping me speak.

???: Speak Human.

Her voice got deeper and threatend me, I just spoke but it turned out to be really scared.

Y/N: Y-Y/N... W-Watson..

It was silent for a moment but I heard her sigh.

???: So she does have a brother..

The two blades were no longer there in which I could turn around to face the woman, and holy shit... She looks absolutely outstanding.

But, she does look familiar... Wait, she looks familiar... Is this one of my Kouhai's that will be debuting?

Y/N: Wait.. Kronii?

She looked at me shocked at her name getting exposed, so she is Kronii, The Warden of Time.

Kronii: How do you know that?! ..Oh right, you are one of my Senpais.

Y/N: What are you doing here? Did you do this to Big Ben?

Kronii: ...Yes, I wanted to keep Big Ben as a base for my powers. It turns out people noticed.

Y/N: No shit. You just blew up one of the most important buildings in London, of course they'll get bothered.

Kronii: Hey! I didn't blew it up, I just put a hole on it!

Y/N: ..That sounded wrong.

Kronii blinked for a second but blushed at the realization, she was about to slap him he teleported behind her.

Y/N: Come on Kouhai. Let's get out of here before you destroy shit up again.

Kronii: You dare address me, The Time Warden?! How dare you!

Y/N: Just follow me you idiot. I don't knoe who's more annoying, my sister or you.

I walked out with Kronii angrily staring at me in which I just chuckled.

Y/N: But you two are cute sometimes. Now come on, we need you to debut.

I pressed the button from my clock and and we were engulfed in a bright yellow light, it then transported us to present day.

Kronii: I can't believe it. I just wanted to see Big Ben.

She comically cried but wasn't paying attention, Y/N was laying in his bed with her sitting on his lap.

Y/N: Uh.. Kronii..

He tried to talk to her but to no avail, suddenly someone opened the door.

Amelia: Hey bro. Glad you're ok, so what happe-

She looked at the scene in front of her with a blush and a wide grin, Kronii was laying on his chest taking a nap from her outburst while Y/N was starting to get a heart attack.

Amelia: Hehe. Brother scored a hot one, well played bro. Looks like you got lucky this day. Come on though, I cooked dinner like you said.

She walked off with her usual grin with Y/N slightly cringing at the exposure, Kronii is still happily taking a nap with Y/N trying to pry her off.

Kronii: Mmh~.. Senpai~.. 5 more minutes~....

Y/N: Damn it!! I just can't do this to my Kouhai! She's still young, or maybe not. But this is wrong!!

I just couldn't believe, That's Where Our Paths Met.

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