Alex Fierro and the High-Stakes Rickroll

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I don't own Magnus Chase, Rick Riordan does
The headcanons at the top are what I'm basing these oneshots off of.  They belong to riptide2406
                               Alex POV

As the light fades and the feast is set for a few hours away, I spot a Valkyrie flying in with a new einherji.   It's been at least three weeks since the last one, and my newest prank idea needs a new guy.   Not many of these guys know the Rickroll, but Magnus and Samirah do.  And for maximum effect, I need tonight's Valkyrie Vision.

I get the things ready I'll need for it. A loud noise to distract the Valkyrie, and my brain to hack into the footage and replace it with Never Gonna Give You Up. Great song, by the way. "What are you doing, Alex?", Magnus says from behind me. "Oh, just stuff. What about you?", I ask. "Well, there's whitewater rafting to the death! Wanna do that?", Magnus asks. "If we die now, we won't regenerate in time for dinner. I hear there's a new einherji coming in. Maybe tomorrow we can do the rafting.", I say to my boyfriend.

I prefer pottery to the death because I run it, but I digress. We kill some time in my room, before it is time for dinner.  I manage to slip past the Valkyrie and get to the camera.  I replace the card with my Rickroll, and wait for the footage to be played.  I leave the card there so they can play it after the Rickroll.  Meanwhile, I sit down with my friends and feign innocence.  Hopefully Huginn and Muginn, Odin's ravens of snitchery, didn't see. 

The unsuspecting Valkyrie walks up and plays the footage.  Immediately, the Rickroll starts, and Magnus' eyes widen.  Samirah is in shock, and so are the rest of the Valkyrie.  About half of the song plays before the real footage is inserted into the camera.  The Valkyrie who must be in charge of her sighs in relief.  She's another daughter of Thor, with black hair.  She's also the only tolerable daughter of Thor here, besides Cassidy down on Floor 6.

"Kira, we shall now hear your brave deeds, do not mind the slight inconvenience.", the Thanes say, as Kira bursts into laughter.  She looks no older than fourteen.  It's always sad when children join our ranks, but I do wish to know what her death was.  The camera flickers on.   (Umm, there is murder and death in this next bit, skip the italics if you don't want to read it)

The camera is drenched as the Valkyrie rides through icy sheets of rain.  She stops at a normal looking house, although it has a broken window.  Screams echo from inside, as the Valkyrie steps inside.  A girl faces down an older looking man, steak knife in hand.  She's no match against his gun, but she tries anyway.  "You won't get my family!", she roars, attacking once more.  Blood gushes from a bullet wound on her leg.  She's shot once more, but drives her knife into his chest.  Both die, but the Valkyrie stretches her hand out to the young girl. 

"Well, your brave deeds are commendable, Kira Scott.  You showed defiance and courage in a hopeless situation, and saved your family in doing so.  We think that you are a worthy addition to the ranks of Valhalla.", the Thanes say, calling a vala to read her future.  According to the vala, Kira will fight bravely during Ragnarok and will die by falling next week. 

Well, that was sad to watch, and I don't really have an appetite anymore.  None of us really do.  So, we head back upstairs and indulge in one of our favorite pastimes, a good nights sleep.  What, tomorrow's dragons, and we need to be well rested.

A/N, sorry this is really short.  The next one will be long to make up for it, I've been thinking about it for a while.  Thank you, Selene, for the headcanons!

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