Battle Networks Mega Sonic.Exe Oc

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Name: Megasonic.Exe

Gender: Male


Age: 17(But is Immortal and Eternal)


Father: Mega Man.Exe

Mother: Roll

Backstory: Roll asked Mega Man for a baby. Which Mega Man agreed to. So he asked Lan's dad if he can build a child for him. Which he reluctantly agreed on. And the child was born. But. As a hedgehog. Mega Man was kinda questioning about it. But Roll already loved her newly born son. Mega Man then joined in. And Mega Sonic.Exe is born.

His partner during Net Navi battles: Cream the Rabbit

Powers/Abilities/Hax: Basically the same as his father(I looked it up in Omniversal Battlefield Wiki. And Damn): Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts (NetNavi's are naturally gifted with hand to hand combat), Weapon Mastery (Shown to be capable of wielding a variety of weapons through cards), Information Manipulation (His nature as a NetNavi allows MegaMan.EXE to interact with, manipulate and even destroy data), Existence Erasure (Virus Busters can delete foes they have defeated from existence), NetNavi Physiology, Non-Physical Interaction (Virus's exist as purely data and can even interact with Spooky's , whom of which are literal ghosts), Darkness Manipulation (Dark Power allows MegaMan.EXE to tap into darkness and manipulate it for offensive purposes), Soul Manipulation (Dark Power effects and can even destroy the souls of other opponents), Intangible (NetNavi's are naturally intangible humans unless taking a form in The Real World), Absorption (Can forcibly absorb the other beings into himself through his CPU), Regeneration (Low-Godly; NetNavi's can regenerate from their souls/conscious, even if their bodies are completely deleted), Transformation (Can modify his own body to achieve greater forms and gain more power, whether it be through chips or Double Soul), Immortality (Type 3), Hacking (NetNavi's are capable of hacking into systems and complex computers innately)

Flight, Elemental Manipulation (In the variety of Fire, Water, Earth, Electric, Wood and Air; Can terraform the battlefield to ocean, grassland, desert, or volcanic regions), Blackhole Creation (Through Black Hole Chip), Plant Manipulation (Set Green allows MegaMan.EXE to control plants and surround them around his opponents, making them unable to move), Ice Manipulation (Set Ice allows MegaMan.EXE to create ice and put them on the battlefield for a slippery effect; Can also do this naturally), Magma Manipulation (Capable of manipulate lava and making it burst within the battlefield. Additionally can create magma and place it on the battelfield), Holy Manipulation (Can create manipulate holy energy that dispells evil and can also make spots where anyone considered "evil" or has darkness in them get dispelled), Instinctive Reaction (Anti-Damage allows MegaMan.EXE to react to attacks, even if he isn't aware. This also in turn counters with MegaMan.EXE attacking faster than the user can react), Attack Reflection (Reflect sends attacks right back at opponents), can half the damage taken by an attack and reduce it's normal damage value, Time Manipulation (Mega and Giga Class stop time whenever they are used), Power Mimicry (Through The Cross System)

Space-Time Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Creation and Destruction on a Multiversal Scale and combine it with Archie Sonic's powers: Self-Sustenance (Type 1. Can breathe within the vacuum of space), Blessed (Protection, offered by The Ancient Walkers through his One Billionth Ring Aura), Omnilingualism (Sonic has an implant that allows him to understand any language, be it from aliens or his dog, with the implant being connected to his nervous system), Absorption (Of Power Rings and Chaos Energy), Genius Intelligence and Hacking (Capable of hacking and repurposing Eggman's technology), Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant, Skilled Swordsman (Has fought with and consistently used swords), Water Walking (Capable of running across the surface of water), Vehicular Mastery (Skilled pilot and Extreme Gear rider), Pseudo-Flight (The Super Peel Out has been shown capable of allowing Sonic to launch himself up to hover above the ground, as well as keeping him aloft), Acrobatics (Repeatedly shows great agility, dexterity, and coordination. Can perform hypermobile movements with his body, such as when he uses his Sonic Spin. Has perfect control over his speed and momentum. Capable of running along many different types of surfaces), Underground Mobility (Utilizing his nature as a hedgehog and unparalleled speed, Sonic has repeatedly showcased the ability to burrow underground), Body Control, Natural Weaponry, and Homing Attack (Capable of controlling the sharpness of his spines and can replicate buzzsaws with his hands), Non-Physical Interaction (Capable of interacting with and fighting his own shadow), Forcefield Creation (Sonic is capable of creating an energy shield to protect himself from attacks), Statistics Amplification (Can use the Super Peel Out technique to greatly increase his natural speed or amplify the power behind his punches), Afterimage Creation (Sonic can make mirages of himself to confuse opponents), Attack Reflection (Sonic can utilize his Spin Attack to reflect projectiles, rendering him unharmed), Rage Power (Grew angry enough to far surpass the calculated limit that was estimated from him by Eggman), Defensive Aura (Sonic can use his boost to barrel into enemies and obstacles without danger to himself), Paralysis Inducement (By precisely striking nerve clusters with fast-paced pressure point strikes, Sonic is able to take down physically superior opponents and cause paralysis in others), Limited Instinctive Reaction (When he becomes extremely serious, Sonic has been shown to be capable of fighting like normal and pulling off evasive maneuvers without forethought), Shockwave Generation (Capable of creating shockwaves to knock enemies back), Summoning (By vibrating his vocal cords and whistling at a high pitch that only certain beings can hear, Sonic is capable of summoning a dragon to aid him in the heat of battle), Invisibility (Can spin himself fast enough to appear invisible and fight while hidden from sight), Intangibility (Shown to be capable of vibrating his molecules to phase through barriers and opponents), Atom Manipulation (Capable of withering away objects with atomic vibrations, and is shown capable of affecting the molecules of objects with his Sonic Spin), Damage Reduction (Can take much more punishment due to the amount of Power Rings he's absorbed that's increased his durability), Portal Creation, Air Manipulation (Capable of creating numerous large hurricanes repeatedly, alongside direct and concentrated blasts of wind), Electricity Manipulation (Can charge up static to perform electrical attacks), Fire Manipulation (Can create scorching flames with his speed), Heat Manipulation (Can generate heat by running, such as when he turned sand into glass), Ice Manipulation (Through summoning Dulcy the Dragon, who can breathe fire from her mouth and shoot freezing bolts from her nostrils), Limited Water Manipulation (Can throw balls of water before the physics of displacement can take effect), Toon Force, Hammerspace, and Fourth Wall Awareness (Shown to consistently talk to the audience, as well as asking the audience to turn the page of the comic he's in), Plot Manipulation and Immersion (Capable of scripting, entering, and leaving his own stories).

Resistance to Mind Manipulation (Unaffected by Enerjak's takeover from the brainwashing hex, which allowed him to possess Knuckles), Precognition (Caused a disturbance and unforeseen event to the Source Of All and the Sword of Acorns, both of which can see all events that have already happened, is happening, and will happen alike, which resulted in the destruction of the last bit of the Source of All) nature), Extreme Cold (Remains indifferent to being trapped and encased in ice, cold areas. Can withstand the vacuum of space with no negative side effects), Poisons and Radiations (Can traverse through toxic areas and wastelands while remaining unaffected. Can walk on the moon unprotected from Cosmic Radiation), Scalding Heat (Only slightly bothered by contact with molten lava), and Limited Acausality Negation (Claimed by Mammoth Mogul to have Fate itself intervene with his First and Second Tenure)

Sonic's natural proficiency with Chaos Energy allows him greater access to its abilities compared to many others, which grants him: Immortality (Types 3 and 8. The latter is reliant on Sonic's One Billionth Power Ring Aura, which allowed him to recover from being erased from existence by the Ultimate Annihilator after it overloaded. Was stated by the Narrator and shown to be successfully vaporized, but merely left him in limbo before he was able to return once more), Transformation (Can transform through the Chaos Emeralds, Power Rings, Chaos Energy, or a Super Emerald to achieve various transformations), Space-Time Manipulation, Teleportation, and Time Stop (With Chaos Control, he can rewind time, stop it altogether, or teleport vast distances and across universes), Power Nullification (Sonic's Aura can passively negate Curses and Magic used against him), Physical Restoration, and Soul Restoration (Sonic's Aura is confirmed to be able to return his physical and spiritual essence), Life-Force Retainment (Sonic's Aura is stated to absorb and retain his Life Force), Chaos Manipulation (Passive) and Fate Manipulation (Due to the amount of Chaos Energy that Sonic has been exposed to, he has become the Embodiment of Chaos. As referred to by Dr. Eggman Mark 2, he is patently unpredictable, the constant inconsistency, that hiccup on the quantum level that throws everything off to ensure Sonic's victory), Magic (Limited) and Reality Warping (His Aura is stated to override reality in a ripple of magical energy), Limited Acausality Negation (Claimed by Mammoth Mogul to have Fate itself intervene with his First and Second Tenure).

Resistance to Power Nullification, Magic (Passively nullifies magic and curses, such as the curse hex that nullified access to the power of the Master Emerald), Transmutation (The power of Chaos Emeralds and their Chaos Energy can revert and block out transfigurations and mutations), Biological Manipulation and Soul Manipulation (The power of a Chaos Emerald prevented Mammoth Mogul from suffering any repercussions when he was in the Egg Grape chambers, which drain your life force, infuse you with toxins, deletes your "biofield", and erase your very mind and soul. Even the briefest exposure can cause severe dips in mental capability and drove Naugus to insanity), and Madness Manipulation (The power of a Chaos Emerald restored Naugus' broken mind)

Magical Properties, Wish Granting, Power Bestowal (Can provide as an energy source to various machinery and grant protection from abilities), Statistics Amplification (The more Power Rings a person has, the greater their strength is amplified), Clairvoyance (Power Rings are capable of bestowing knowledge), Healing and Resurrection (A Power Ring enabled Sonic to revive his father), Age Manipulation (Allowed Amy Rose to increase her age by several years), Dimensional BFR (Power Rings have the capability of sending the desired target to any place that the wielder chooses), Power Nullification/Statistics Reduction (Enabled Nate Morgan to negate the Super form of Ixis Naugus and send him back to the Zone of Silence), Absorption (With the energy of an abundance of Power Rings, enough to cover each arm, users can absorb energy from the opponent to transform and become relatively similar in power), Transformation (Can transform users into Super States), and Resistance to Extrasensory Perception (Enough Power Rings on each arm allowed Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails to evade Master Mogul's visualization of reality)

Magic (Power Rings grant protection from magic), Corruption (Type 2) (The Iron Queen could only corrupt Monkey Khan after the Power Ring was taken off), Soul Manipulation (The energy of Power Rings prevented Mogul's disembodied spirit from "dissipating into the immaterial") and Mind Manipulation (A Power Ring can restore or block out manipulation to the mind)

All natural abilities of Base. Cyborgization (Full), Inorganic Physiology (Type 2 upon Roboticization), Self-Sustenance (Types 1, 2, and 3), Flight, Energy Projection (Can shoot beams from his eyes) Explosion Manipulation (Capable of firing missles), Enhanced Senses (Has Infrared Vision), Analytical Prediction and Accelerated Development (Transformative; Intelligence. Sonic's transformation to Mecha Sonic allows him to do quick mental calculations that allows for him to predict his opponent's movements)

All previous abilities on a vastly enhanced scale and all of the abilities from Power Rings due to them being by-products of the Chaos Emeralds. Is fueled by immense amounts of Chaos Energy, granting him: Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1. All Chaos Energy, be it basic blasts or advanced techniques, can affect, manipulate, and destroy the concepts that shape reality) and Energy Manipulation (Through harnessing Chaos Energy. Can shoot blasts of Chaos Energy, can create energy shields, or both), Higher-Dimensional Manipulation (Those who wield Chaos Energy can affect and destroy higher-dimensional beings and spaces, such as Master Mogul dealing a mortal blow to the Ancient Walkers), Regeneration (Low-Godly. With enough Chaos Energy, beings can regenerate by using their life essence), Positive Aura and Empowerment (Chaos Energy is strengthened by the emotions and wills its users), Reality Warping and Subjective Reality (Mega Man's desires to fix his multiverse while using Chaos Control ultimately did so, to which Sonic scales above in skill and would've done the same had Eggman not interrupted. Wielders of Chaos Energy can change reality in accordance to their thoughts. The power of only a single Chaos Emerald is considered capable of doing anything), Enhanced Space-Time Manipulation (Capable of bending the entirety of existence to his will with all seven Chaos Emeralds), Empathic Manipulation and Morality Manipulation (Super Sonic is able to revert evil opponents to a nicer state and render their will to fight inert. His positive aura can undo evil effects and bring back somebody's original personality. Capable of soothing beings from negative emotions, such as when he did so with Perfect Chaos), Duplication (Chaos Energy can be used to duplicate oneself or others, as displayed when Sonic unintentionally created a separate version of Super Sonic from the red Chaos Emeralds on Thoraxia and Mammoth Mogul created a doppelgänger of Tails. In both cases, the duplicates could only exist for a limited time), Power Nullification (Capable of neutralizing negative effects on others, like effects which allow possession), Statistics Reduction, Holy Manipulation (His Positive Aura passively neutralizes negative energies and weakens those affected), Purification (Type 2. Cleanses negative energies varying from evil beings to negative emotions), Portal Creation and Gravity Manipulation (Users of Chaos Energy are capable of creating portals and levitating objects to other dimensions and the Zone of Silence), Sealing (Beings can be sealed within the Chaos Emeralds), Soul Manipulation (Erased the Next Evolution, an entire spiritual plane of existence), Forcefield Creation (Users can project forcefields of Chaos Energy for self-defense or to trap others. While enclosed in a forcefield, users are capable of simultaneous offense and defense), and Resistance Negation (Continued to weaken Enerjak with his Holy Manipulation despite him resisting its effects. Erased Enerjak and other Chaos Force beings despite them being resistant to Conceptual Manipulation and Existence Erasure). A Super Form naturally grants the following abilities: Aura (Those with Chaos Energy can enclose themselves in auras of the mystical force that allow them to barge into or through enemies and attacks without being physically affected), True Flight and Spaceflight, Acausality (Type 4), Self-Sustenance (Type 3), Intangibility (Super Forms can render themselves intangible), Invulnerability (Unscathed by the riptides of Perfect Chaos. Referred to himself as invulnerable in his fight with Knuckles. Shrugged off Enerjak's magic and physical strikes, alongside his blasts, and referred to himself as invulnerable multiple times throughout their fight. Told Mega Man he was now invulnerable once they became Super, and repeated the statement after he tanked an attack. Super Scourge also stated he was invulnerable, and users of Super Forms are officially stated to gain invulnerability in the transformation), and Causality Manipulation (Super Sonic, Super Shadow, and Super Silver's attacks struck and damaged Solaris throughout all points in time)

Those who can enter a Super State receive up to High-Tier Resistances offered by Chaos Energy, which grants the following Resistances: Corruption (Type 2. The Iron Queen could only corrupt Monkey Khan after the Power Ring was taken off), Mind Manipulation (A Power Ring can restore or block out manipulation to the mind), Soul Manipulation (The energy of Power Rings prevented Mogul's disembodied spirit from "dissipating into the immaterial"), Speed Reduction (The energy of three Power Rings restored Sonic's lost speed), Extrasensory Perception (Enough Power Rings on each arm had allowed users to evade Master Mogul's visualization of reality), Biological Manipulation and Transmutation (The Death Egg Mark 2's Power Ring matrix rendered it immune to the Crystalline Magic of Ixis Naugus. The energy of a single Chaos Emerald later reverted Bunnie's Roboticized limbs back to normal, and reverted mutations, Life Force Absorption, Mind Erasure and Soul Erasure, Madness Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Power Nullification, and Poison Manipulation (Both Mammoth Mogul and Enerjak were subjected to Egg Grape chambers and resisted their effects without lasting repercussions, the latter due to the power of a Chaos Emerald. The Egg Grape chambers erases the victim's mind and soul, infuses them with toxins, and saps them of their energy, with even the briefest exposure to them causing severe dips in mental capability and driving Naugus to insanity), Magic (Enerjak's magic merely annoyed Super Sonic), Electricity Manipulation (The Thunder Arrow technique done by Enerjak was shrugged off by Super Sonic), Paralysis Inducement (Silver's psychokinetic grasp was effortlessly broken the very moment Super Scourge tried to do so), Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1), Law Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, and Reality Warping (Super Sonic and Super Armor Mega Man were unaffected by these things when the Super Genesis Wave activated during their battle)

Everything prior on an unfathomably enhanced scale with a link directly to the Chaos Force that is constantly strengthening. Accelerated Development (Passive; Abilities. Ultra Sonic's transformation gives him complete mastery over the elements and the skills to use it accordingly without prior training or knowledge on the matter), Enhanced Time Manipulation (Was able to move time forward with sheer speed alone), Continuously Rising Power (Had used a Super Emerald to progress through his transformations, and was constantly getting faster and stronger with the amount of Chaos Energy he was being exposed to), Adaptation (Is shown and stated to change his form to match his environment, taking the forms of Polar Sonic, Solar Sonic, and Eco Sonic), and Dimensional BFR (Can create portals to a zone of his choice that suctions enemies in, leaving them trapped). Resistance to Time Manipulation (Tanked the Time Beam, which forced time to flow backwards)

Ixis Wizards have access to the elements of Mobius and more, with Ultra Sonic himself having near-perfect mastery over this branch of Chaos Energy. This grants him all previous abilities as Super Sonic as well as: Elemental Manipulation (Ixis Magicks are, as their namesake suggests, magical techniques invented by Mammoth Mogul), Air Manipulation (Can utilize gusts of winds and contained vortexes to blow others off of their feet), Darkness/Shadow Manipulation (Shadow-melding is an ability that allows Sonic to appear anywhere he desires when doing so), Earth Manipulation and Barrier Creation (Sonic can easily manipulate rocks and underground material for things such as creating and closing passageways or forming walls of granite as a means of defense), Fire Manipulation (The power of fire and brimstone can be used for offensive capabilities through blasts and combusting the air or defensive measures by a person turning themselves into scorching flames. Adapted to scorching heat, taking the form of Solar Sonic), Ice Manipulation (The applications of ice range from turning the area into a frozen wasteland to freezing a being on the spot. (Adapted to a freezing tundra, taking the form of Polar Sonic), Plant Manipulation (Adapted to the plantlife of a forest, taking the form of Eco Sonic), Smoke Manipulation and Elemental Intangibility (Repeatedly shown the capability of turning into and having a corresponding, intangible makeup to smoke), Water Manipulation (The element of water allows Sonic to use it for shields and other different applications), and Weather Manipulation (Sonic is capable of summoning snowstorms that are thick and powerful enough to produce whiteouts), and possibly Transmutation (Through Crystalline Magic, which can turn nonliving material into green crystal that is especially efficient against cybernetics and robotic opponents)

Statistics Amplification (Can enhance his speed with a Super Emerald), Extrasensory Perception (With the Ionic Residue tracer, Sonic can detect traces of magic despite Ixis covering his tracks to avoid him), Energy Projection (Capable of shooting lasers with the Laser Glove), Body Control and Regeneration (High-Mid with the Elasticity Stone, which allows him to be nothing more than mush when flattened under a rock), Size Manipulation (With the Reduce/Enlarge component, which can shrink or enlarge himself or others), Power Nullification, Holy Manipulation, and Invisible Barrier (With the Sword of Light, which negates dark magic and anything stemming from it while protecting him with an unseen barrier), All the abilities from the Sword of Acorns when wielding it.

Tier: High Complex Multiversal - High Hyperversal

Looks:(human form)

Looks:(Net Navi Actuality)


Super form

Ultra Form:

Hyper form:

Armor forms:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Starforce Armor:

X armor

pokemon armor:


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