Comp Mega Man Lucas Marvelous Oc

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A comp Mega Man Oc for my Precious Ototou MarvelousSanazuki

Name: Lucas Marvelous

Gender: Male


Age: 14(But is Immortal and Eternal)

Uncles and cousin: Bulk, Skull, and Spike


Z saber

Z Saber 2.0:

God Slayer Weapons:




Powers/Abilities/Hax: (He has all the powers and abilities and hax of all the Mega Man Ocs I made especially Black Lio Convoy, and Greybot):Every power of every character depending on the Bio Metals he uses: Mega Man X,
Sage Harpuia,
Fairy Leviathan,
Fighting Fafnir,
Hidden Phantom,
Omega Zero,
Ultra Necrozma,
Sonic(plus comics version)
Tails(plus comics version)
Knuckles(plus comics version and Enerjak)
Shadow(plus Comics version)
Metal Sonic(plus comics version),  Optimus Prime(Plus IDW Comics version), Anime/Manga physics Manipulation.  He has the powers of the following Legendary Pokemon and some other Pokemon: Arceus, Giratina, Dialga, Palkia, Zekrom, Reshiram, Kyurem, Necrozma, Rayquaza, Groudon, Kyogre, Mewtwo, Lucario, Salamence, Thunderwing, Zacian, Zamazenta, Lugia, Solgaleo, Zororark, Zeraora, and Eternatus, He can understand pokemon language
He can use aura and mimic pokemon moves, being able to fight but he only does that when needed, he can use the 18 pokemon types but each type changes some details on him:

Normal: its his average self, always using it
Fighting: gets more buff
Grass: gains green eyes and hair, vines grow from his forearms
Poison: grow poison fangs and stingers
Fire: hair becomes fire, eyes turn red
Flying: gain bird/angel like wings
Water: eyes become deep blue, fish-like scales grow over his body
Electric: its like movie Sonic when running very fast, but yellow instead of blue
Rock: his body turns rock-like (simmilar to Kirishima from MHA)
Bug: he grows a rhyno-beetle horn, dragonfly wings and 4 spider legs from his back
Ice: hair and eyes turn white
Dragon: gains crocodile-like scales and draconic wings and tail
Ground: body turns into clay/mud
Steel: body turns into steel (like Tetsutetsu from MHA or Gajeel from fairy tail)
Psychic: eyes turns purple and starts levitating
Dark: one eye turns black the other red, shadow takes over his arms and legs
Ghost: eyes become green and hair becomes white
Fairy: gains fairy-like wings, eyes turn pink

He also can live life like a RPG game (the interface is simmilar to the modern pokemon games).

He can also summon his pokeballs from his inventory straight to his hand whenever he wants.

In Mega Man 7 and the arcade games, Bass plays very much like Mega Man, and the only real difference is that rather than sliding, Bass can Air Dash. He has the capabilities of firing a (albeit different colored and skull shaped) Charged Shot, much like Mega Man. In Mega Man 7, Bass can fuse with Treble, and it had exactly the same capabilities as the Super Adapter; a jet booster and flying fist attack. However, unlike Mega Man, Bass has the ability to fire either a regular charged shot or a rocket punch while in this form, as opposed to just the rocket punch. In the Mega Man 7 hidden two-player battle mode, Bass can perform a rising kick attack and an air dash attack, similarly in Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters he can perform two consecutive high jump flips.

In Mega Man 8, Bass gained many new abilities due to the fact that he used one of the Evil Energy capsules. As Super Bass, he can fly as long as he wants, fire two consecutive charge shots before having to charge again, and shield himself with a large, sphere-shaped, purple aura. He can also fire giant, comet like blast that can break apart and fall down as multiple smaller blasts, as well as being able to fire powerful laser beams. Super Bass also had a design change, although it's unknown whether or not this was because of the Evil Energy, or if the artists simply decided to redesign him that way (as they've also done with Roll and Wily).

In Mega Man and Bass, Bass is overhauled to make his gameplay inherently different from Mega Man's. While Mega Man can slide to reach into smaller crevices for secrets, Bass can Dash and double jump. He can also dash-jump to increase the distance of the jump. Bass' Buster was also modified to make him different from Mega Man, and instead of being able to charge, he fires quick, weak shots repeatedly in 1 of 7 directions; however, he cannot move while firing or fire through walls like Mega Man. Bass also shares Mega Man's ability to copy abilities from other Robot Masters. Similar to Mega Man's ability to fuse with Rush, Bass can perform that ability as well with the Treble Boost, being able to fly and shoot in three directions at the same time

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Type 1; As a soul in Valhalla, Adam is unable to die through aging, and remains in his peak condition during his lifetime), Martial Arts, Incorporeality, Fusionism & Soul Manipulation (Capable of fusing his body and soul with a Valkyrie), Power Mimicry (Can copy any technique or ability that he sees with the Eyes of the Lord. This also allows him to copy transformations and biological powers), Reactive Power Level (The techniques that he copies are faster and stronger than the original user), Time Manipulation, Supernatural Willpower & Instinctive Reaction (His will was so strong that his body was still capable of fighting even after death), Social Influencing (A simple speech from Adam motivated the whole crowd to cheer for him, as well as uniting the whole humanity regardless of division, creed, race, gender or nationality), Afterimage Creation

Animal mimicry
Prehistoric animal mimicry
Mythical animal mimicry
Alien animal mimicry
Cryptid mimicry
Demon mimicry
Gods mimicry
Partial or complete animal transformation
Giant monster mimicry
Fusion animal mimicry
Imaginary animal mimicry
Werebeast form
Nanite manipulation
Armor creation
Armor summoning
Weapon creation
Weapon summoning
Pocket dimension
Virtual reality manipulation
Super speed
Super strength
Energy projection
Size alteration
Gravity manipulation
Spatial manipulation
Enhanced agility
Enhanced durability
Extraterrestrial Machine physiology: Adaptive Appearance,
Cyber Mind,
Adaptive Mind,
Interface Creation,
Digital Soul,
Energy Signature Manipulation, Absolute/Godly Condition:Strength, Speed, Durability, Healing Factor, Invulnerability, Invincibility, Endurance, Stamina, Agility, Reflexes, Combat/Martial Arts, Senses, vision, Power Source,
Adaptive Energy, Ability Creation/Power Destruction, Artificial Element Manipulation,
Artificial Energy Manipulation,
Energized Body, Nanite
Namite mimicry, Plasma manipulation, Self Sustenance(All types), Large Size(Type 1 and Type 10), Inorganic Physiology(Type 2), Air Manipulation, Vibration Manipulation, Data Manipulation, Reality Manipulation, Space Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation, Fate Manipulation, Resurrection, Absolute Flight, Absolute&True Immortality, Logic Manipulation, Plot Manipulation, Physics Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Dimensional Travel, Dimensional Manipulation, Higher Dimensional Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Summoning, Vehicular Mastery, Size Manipulation, Technology Manipulation, Homing Attack, Energy Manipulation, Energy Absorption, Reactive Power Level, Awakened Power, Durability Negation, Power Negation, Power Immunity, Meta Power Negation, Meta Power Immunity, social influencing, Cosmic Awareness, 4th wall awareness, 4th wall interaction, 4th wall break, Flawless Precognition, immunity to heat manipulation and fire manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Absolute Zero, Radiation manipulation, Acid Manipulation, Magnetism Manipulation, Fear Manipulation, Erase Manipulation, Empathic D Void, , Rage Power, Rage Manipulation, Indomitable Rage, Rage/Anger Empowerment, Rage/Anger Embodiment,Feral mind, Archetype: Berserker, Rage Manipulation, Rage Absorption, Anger Augmentation, Anger Beam Emission, Anger Energy Manipulation, Anger Inducement, Archetype: Avenger, Archetype: Berserker, Berserker combat, Absolute Violence, Feral Mind Manipulation, Hatred Inducement, Hatred Manipulation, Hatred Amplification, Indomitable Hatred, Primordial rage manipulation, Vengeance Embodiment,violence aura, violence embodiment, Violence empowerment, Violence inducement, Violence Manipulation,Wrath Aura, Wrath Embodiment, Still force, Negative Still force, Rage form, Berserk mode, Rage power, Rage Constructs, Rage Aura, Hardening(Nanomachines son!),Adaptive Energy,Reactive Evolution, Reactive Power Level, Non Physical Interaction, Forcefield creation, Gravity Manipulation, Life force absorption, Combat Manipulation
Combat Empowerment
Combat Specialist
Enhanced Weapon Proficiency, Emotion Metabolization, Pain Suppression,
Power Negation, Self-Power Augmentation,
Self-Sustenance(Types 1-3), Berserker Combat, Fighting Instinct, Size Manipulation, Large Size(type 1 and 2),
Killing Instinct,
Predator Instinct, Menacing Aura, Intimidation presence, Deconstruction and Corrosion Inducement, Anti Matter Manipulation, True Divinity, Existence Erasure, Conceptual Manipulation, Conceptual Erasure manipulation, Death Manipulation, death empowerment, Death Embodiment, Death Force Manipulation, Death force absorption, death force: Artillery, attacks, aura, combat, constructs, weaponry, Darkness manipulaion, Dark energy manipulation, Abyss Lordship, Absolute erasure, Absolute destruction, Primordial nothingness manipulation, Abyss Manipulation, Absolute Soul Manipulation, afterlife manipulation, Afterlife: Border, marking, prevention, insanity inducement, Void symbiosis, Darkness manipulation, primordial darkness manipulation, absolute Darkness, bio darkness manipulation, bio twilight manipulation, black hole attack, black hole manipulation, Darkness constructs, Light absorption, Holy Light manipulation, Holy Light empowerment, Holy Light embodiment, Light Dark force manipulation, Light Darkness Aura, Light Darkness attacks,Angelic destruction, Virtue Empowerment, banishment, exorcism, destruction embodiment, all destruction powers, destruction manipulation, destroyed matter manipulation, destroyed space manipulation, destroyed soul manipulation, destroyed time manipulation, destroyed universal manipulation, destruction negation, destructive force, energy manipulation, judgement manipulation, judgement inducement, meta fear inducement, Gates of Babylon, Requip, Takeover magic, Dragon Slayer Magic: all elements Fire, wind, iron, lightning, etc, Judgement Eyes(if you read my Doom slayer Ocs book and you know what it does) Video game physics, Anime/Manga Physics, Dating Sim physics, Cryptid physiology, Nigh Omnipotence, Absolute Omniscience(your very smart ototou), Nigh Omnipresence.



Armor forms now:

(I hope I got it right Ototou)


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