Mega man Optimus Prime Oc

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Name: Maximus Prime X

Gender: Male


Age: 15(But is Immortal and Eternal)


Father: Optimus Prime

Mother: Mega Woman X

Rival and Friend: Megatron Jr

Weapons: X-Buster: The new model of original Mega Man's Mega Buster, it fires powerful shots of condenced solar energy. And can be charged up for more power.

Z-Saber: He carries his partner Zero's weapon, the Z-Sabre is a beam sword that can reflect projectiles and cut through nearly anything.

Ion Blaster:

Energon Axe:


Star Saber:

Powers/Abilities/Hax:(he has both from his mother and his father's side) Variable Weapon System: Similar to Mega Man, he gains weapons systems from boss or more specifically, Reploids. The weapons are split into eight different kinds that Mega Man X uses throughout the games as mentioned below...
Shotgun Ice: Blasts ice shards that can freeze opponents and spread out further upon impact. Charged version creates an ice sled.
Electric Spark: Fires a ball of electricity that travels along the walls and ground upon impact. Charged version fires giant walls of electricity in all directions.
Rolling Shield: Fires a spherical ball that rolls along the ground. Charged version summons a very powerful shield for a limited time.
Homing Torpedo: Fires homing rockets. Charged version fires a barrage of more powerful fish shaped rockets.
Boomerang Cutter: Throws a sharp boomerang that can grab and return objects. Charged version surrounds X in a series of large cutters.
Chameleon Sting: Fires three bolts if energy in different directions. Charged version turns X invisible and intangible.
Storm Tornado: Fires a horizontal tornado blast. Charged version drops a powerful vertical tornado.
Fire Wave: Fire a constant stream of short range flame that doesn't work underwater. Charged version shoots a fireball that creates fire pillars across the ground.
Sonic Slicer: Fires two energy blades which can ricochet off of objects and enemies. Charged version fires five energy blades into the air which then fall back down.
Strike Chain: Fires a chain whip that can latch onto and pull objects and be used to swing. Charged version fires a longer chain.
Spin Wheel: Fires a saw disc that crawls along the ground and other surfaces. Charged version fires energy projectiles in all directions.
Bubble Splash: Releases a continuous stream of explosive bubbles. Charged version creates a damaging bubble shield.
Speed Burner: Releases a super fast fire wheel that leaves behind a trail of flames. Charged version creates a midair flame dash attack.
Silk Shot: Launches hunks of magnetized garbage which will fire in all directions. Charged version fires even bigger masses of junk.
Magnet Mine: Fires a mine that moves forward constantly and can be controlled vertically. Charged version releases a miniature black hole that can be controlled in a similar fashion.
Crystal Hunter: Fires a liquid projectile that encases enemies in crystal. Charged version slows down time for a while.
Acid Burst: Fires a splashing acid orb. Charged version fires two acid orbs that bounce along the ground.
Tornado Fang: Fires up to three drills at a time. Charged version creates a large drill on the arm that can stick X to walls.
Triad Thunder: Creates three thunder dynamos that will shoot lightning bolts in three different directions. Charged version has X punch the ground, releasing a damaging shockwave that will then fire electric bolts along the ground.
Spinning Blade: Fires two spinning saw blades that then curve back in an arc. Charged version fires a giant saw blade attached to a wire.
Ray Splasher: Scatters small bolts of energy spreading in all directions in front of X. Charged version releases a ball that will fire a similar stream of energy.
Gravity Well: Releases a ball that creates a zone of high-gravity. Charged version releases a Gravity Well upwards that creates a black hole.
Parasitic Bomb: Fires an explosive charge that can stick to enemies. Charged version creates crosshairs around X that will seek out enemies.
Frost Shield: Fires ice darts that turn into spiky ice shards upon contact. Charged version creates a spiky ice shield that will eventually detach and slide across the ground.
Lightning Web: Fires an electrically charged web that stuns enemies and can be used to wall jump. Charged version fires a web that networks to eight other webs.
Soul Body: Creates a silhouette in front of X that can damage enemies. Charged version creates a clone of X that he can control for a short period of time.
Aiming Laser: Creates a crosshair that can target up to three enemies and fire a rapidly firing laser. Charged version fires a constant laser in front of X that can be moved up and down.
Double Cyclone: Fires two wind-based energy spheres that curve in an upward arc. Charged version releases two large cyclones.
Rising Fire: Shoots a large blast of fire upwards. Charged version has X perform a flaming uppercut that will shoot the fireball at the end of the attack.
Frost Tower: Creates a giant block of ice around X that protects against enemies and can be dropped for an attack. Charged version creates ten large ice shards that fall from the ceiling.
Ground Hunter: Fires an explosive drone that travels along the ground. Charged version fires a larger drone that can shoot energy bolts as it moves.
Twin Slasher: Fires two blades of energy in opposite diagonal directions. Charged version fires eight energy blades in a large spread in front of him.
Crescent Shot: Fires crescent shaped plasma shots in all directions. Charged version creates a shield of crescent blades.
Goo Shaver: Fires a blob of gel across the ground. Charged version fires eight large blocks of ice around him.
Tri-Thunder: Fires three lightning bolts that transform into spheres that roll along the ground. Charged version creates six random lightning bolts to sweep the field.
Firefly Laser: Shoots a remotely controlled firefly shaped projectile. Charged version fires a massive laser.
Dark Hold: Causes time to freeze for a short period.
Wing Spiral: An uppercut fires a tornado upwards or diagonally upwards. Charged version fires a tornado that expands as it goes along.
Ground Fire: Creates a fire wheel that shoots bursts of fire in random directions. Charged version shoots large waves of fire.
Spike Ball: Fires a large spike ball. Charged version makes the ball bounce all over.
Yammar Option: Creates three dragonfly drones that orbit X and fire projectiles forward. Charged version causes the drones to auto fire in all directions.
Ground Dash: Fires a slow moving boulder. Charged version fires a much larger boulder at high speed.
Magma Blade: Swings Z-Saber which shoots a fireball. Charged version creates eight large fireballs that fire randomly.
Ice Burst: Fires three shots of ice, one of which turns into a large block which X can stand on. Charged version creates spikes of ice as X dashes.
Meteor Rain: Fires a large orb of water that will bounce from the ceiling and back. Charged version fires a large meteor-like storm of water orbs.
Metal Anchor: Fires a maximum of two anchors that bounce along the ground. Charged version fires a meteor-like storm of metallic Storm Eagle clones.
Guard Shell: Deploys an energy shield in front of X that blocks projectiles. Charged version creates four scallop shells that fire eight energy projectiles each.
Ray Arrow: Shoots a beam arrow that goes up if it hits a wall. Charged version fires five larger beam arrows skyward.
Volt Tornado: Creates a vortex of electricity around X that is then sent forward. Charged version surrounds X in an electric field that refills energy when enemies come into contact with it.
Splash Laser: Sprays water at enemies. Charged version sends a spray of bubbles that will automatically shoot in a spread in front of X.
Circle Blaze: Sends a fireball that causes an explosion upon impact. Charged version creates multiple explosions.
Moving Wheel: Fire a single saw blade wheel that moves across the ground and up walls. Charged version fires three explosive wheels, two of which bounce.
Sniper Missile: Launches a homing missile. Charged version fires three missiles at once.
Wind Cutter: Shoots a fast moving air-based boomerang. Charged version sends out eight fast moving homing shots.
Explosion: Sends out a slow moving but powerful energy blast. Charged version fires energy blasts in all directions.
Gaea Shield: Creates a stone shield that blocks attacks. Charged version creates a huge boulder that splits in two.
Green Spinner: Fires a large green rocket forward. Charged version shoots a rocket upward that causes smaller missiles to rain down around X.
Shining Ray: Fires a burst of light upward like a firework that explodes. Charged version creates multiple rays of light and multiple explosions.
Shadow Runner: Fires a fast moving homing boomerang. Charged version fires five larger and stronger boomerangs.
Squeeze Bomb: Shoots an orb that attacks enemies and absorbs projectiles. Charged version expands an orb across a massive area which will neutralize all attacks but doesn't do damage.
Crystal Wall: Creates a large, spiked crystal barrier that defends against attacks and can be knocked over for damage. Charged version creates a larger Crystal Wall that can dig items out of the ground.
Thunder Dancer: Shoots out a bolt of electricity that connects to other enemies and attacks them. Charged version fires three bolts.
Drift Diamond: Fires two ice blasts in opposite diagonal directions that can freeze enemies. Charged version surrounds X in a snow barrier that will freeze those who come into contact with it.
Melt Creeper: Shoots a wave of fire pillars across the ground. Charged version shoots in all surrounding directions.
Energy Fists
Hadoken: When X is at top condition he can fire a ball of focused energy.
Shoryuken: A rising uppercut. 

Powers/Abilities/Hax:(from his Father's side)Extraterrestrial Machine physiology: Adaptive Appearance,
Cyber Mind,
Adaptive Mind,
Interface Creation,
Digital Soul,
Energy Signature Manipulation, Absolute/Godly Condition:Strength, Speed, Durability, Healing Factor, Invulnerability, Invincibility, Endurance, Stamina, Agility, Reflexes, Combat/Martial Arts, Senses, vision, Power Source,
Adaptive Energy, Ability Creation/Power Destruction, Artificial Element Manipulation,
Artificial Energy Manipulation,
Energized Body, Nanite
Namite mimicry, Plasma manipulation, Self Sustenance(All types), Large Size(Type 1 and Type 10), Inorganic Physiology(Type 2), Air Manipulation, Vibration Manipulation, Data Manipulation, Reality Manipulation, Space Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation, Fate Manipulation, Resurrection, Absolute Flight, Absolute&True Immortality, Logic Manipulation, Plot Manipulation, Physics Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Dimensional Travel, Dimensional Manipulation, Higher Dimensional Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Summoning, Vehicular Mastery, Size Manipulation, Technology Manipulation, Homing Attack, Energy Manipulation, Energy Absorption, Reactive Power Level, Awakened Power, Durability Negation, Power Negation, Power Immunity, Meta Power Negation, Meta Power Immunity, social influencing, Cosmic Awareness, 4th wall awareness, 4th wall interaction, 4th wall break, Flawless Precognition, immunity to heat manipulation and fire manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Absolute Zero, Radiation manipulation, Acid Manipulation, Magnetism Manipulation, Fear Manipulation, Erase Manipulation, Empathic D Void, Deconstruction and Corrosion Inducement, Anti Matter Manipulation, True Divinity, Existence Erasure, Conceptual Manipulation, Conceptual Erasure manipulation, Death Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, Disease Manipulation and Poison Manipulation, Life Manipulation, Statistics amplification, Empathic manipulation, Existence Erasure, Energy Projection, Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Extrasensory Perception, Sealing and BFR, Purification Manipulation, Holy Manipulation, Weapon Mastery, Absolute Creation, Absolute Destruction, Longevity, Quantum Manipulation, Causality Manipulation, Time Travel, Barrier Creation, Cosmic Energy Manipulation, True Divinity, Light Manipulation, Holy Light Manipulation, Dimensional Storage, Matter Manipulation, Portal Creation, Law Manipulation, Pocket Reality Manipulation, Morality Manipulation, Void Manipulation, Higher Dimensional Existence, Abstract Existence(type 2), Non Physical Interaction, Absorb manipulation, Matter Transmutation, Anti Matter Transmutation, Good Empowerment, Virtue Empowerment, Absolute Infinity Manipulation, Indomitable Willpower, Willpower empowerment, Indomitable Hope, Hope Empowerment, Complete Freedom manipulation, Oath Manipulation, Harmony Embodiment, Creation Embodiment/Victory Embodiment, Life Aspect Manifestation, Purity Empowerment, Omnibenevolence/Good Embodiment, Chaos Immunity/Chaos Negation
Divine Force Manipulation/Angelic Force Manipulation, Fact Inducement/Truth Inducement
Enlightenment/Meaningfulness Embodiment, Order Manipulation,
Heroism, Balance Embodiment, Divine Machine Physiology, Benefic Force Manipulation
Purification/Purification Manipulation
Photokinesis/Light Manipulation
Light Side Aspect Manipulation / Order Mode / Positive Form
Lightside View/Miracle Embodiment
Light Embodiment/Positive Embodiment/Aether Embodiment
Divine Technology Manipulation / Angelic Technology / Pure Technology Manipulation
Pure Data Manipulation/Pure Technology Manipulation
Absolute&True Omnipotence, Absolute&True Omnipresence, Absolute&True Omniscience

Tier:High Outer- Boundless- Layers Into Boundless- Multiple Layers into Boundless- Infinite Layers into Boundless- Infinite Layers and beyond into Boundless

Looks:(Holo form)


Other Armors:

Armors(From his mother's side):

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Full Cybertronian Looks(From his Father's side)

Truck mode:

Jet power form:

Jetpower v2:


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