Kamen Rider Build Hazard Oc

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Name: Yami Kiryu

Gender: Male


Age: 14(But is Immortal and Eternal)

Driver: Build Driver

Weapons:(Depends on the full bottle Best matches)

Powers/Abilities/Hax: Superhuman Physical Characteristics
Genius Intelligence
Transformation with Build Driver and Fullbottles
Weapon Mastery
Martial Arts
Former Multiple Selves (Type 1; can talk to his former personality, Takumi Katsuragi, inside his own mind. Takumi separated from him upon arriving in the new world)
Illusion Creation (Tricked Gentoku with an illusion of Pandora's Box)
Statistics Amplification when amped with FullBottles (Can increase his speed with Rabbit Fullbottle or his striking strength with Gorilla Fullbottle)
Empowerment and Reactive Power Level with rising of Hazard Level (Can increase his Hazard Level depending on his feelings and emotions)
Analytical Prediction
Purification with Genius Bottle (Type 1; Purified Killbus's poison)
Breaking the Fourth Wall (Thanks to the voices of the audience for regain the power of Genius Fullbottle)
Enhanced Senses (Has dodged HellBros's gear shoot that faster than eyes)
Information Analysis (He was able to detect Evolto's rising Hazard Level while fighting him)
Resistance to Gas Manipulation, Fragrance Manipulation, Biological Manipulation (Exposed with Nebulas Gas would immediately be converted into a Smash) and minor Memory Manipulation Energy Manipulation (Most of his attacks and creations are energy-based)
Statistics Amplification via equipment (Each equipment of most forms can increase various stats on Build)
Mathematics Manipulation (Can create white energy charts or spherical graph during many finishers which used to traps the enemies)
Shapeshifting with many Fullbottles. To transform, Build needs to use a combination of one Biotic and one Abiotic Halfbodies.
Explosion Manipulation (Can cause enemy to exploded via various Finisher)
Self-Sustenance Type 1 (Rider System can survive on another planet and in space) Rabbit: Superhuman Speed, Acrobatics, Analytical Prediction, and Enhanced Senses. Gorilla: Damage Reduction (The armor reduces the damage in half), Enhanced Senses via Left Eye Gorilla (It can detect enemies by detecting their sounds), Fear Inducement via Knuckle Face Module (It is a threat producing device that projects the 'aura' or 'essence' of a gorilla into an enemy's spirit, terrorising and intimidating them) and Tough Chest Armor (By banging against it, Build can easily intimidate enemies), Statistics Amplification via Sudden Destroyer (It has a built-in power unit that doubles the power of punches). Taka: Enhanced Senses (It can instantly lock on to moving targets from several kilometres away, and is excellent at aerial searches. It has excellent visibility during night as well), Flight and Air Manipulation. Ninjya: Afterimage Creation, Enhanced Senses (It can detect enemy's killing intent, so it could calculated and avoid attacks trajectory), Sound Manipulation (Can mute his own steps and the Build Driver to improve stealth), Camouflage, Electricity Manipulation (The Kakuraider Shoes it can spread out multiple Stun Makibishis, makibishi which electrocute anyone that steps on it) and Weapon Creation (Can use metal particles on the air to create different Ninja weapons) with Ninjya Halfbody. Ninja Skills with the 4Koma Ninpoutou (Its special attacks can generate fire, wind, Smoke Manipulation and Teleportation as well including summon clones). Panda: Sense Manipulation and Enhanced Senses via Left Eye Panda (It can jam an enemy's visual sensors and turn it completely monochrome and a special olfactory sensor is incorporated that allows the user to find bamboo and other things more easily), Environmental Healing via BLD Natural Shoulder (It can heal nearby plants that have been damaged in battle) and Empowerment (The mobility of Build increases when he is in an environment where plants and bamboo grow). Harinezumi: Shapeshifting (Can make spikes appear around his body) and Enhanced Senses via Left Eye Hedgehog (It has a special olfactory sensor for detecting enemies lurking in the ground). Lion: Possible Limited Invulnerability(The armor has the characteristic of being almost impenetrable to physical attacks using weapons), Enhanced Senses, Vibration Manipulation and Energy Projection via Gold Lio Gauntlet (It can shot roaring shockwaves and lion-shaped gold energy blasts). Dragon: Fire Manipulation, Statistics Amplification via Left Eye Dragon (It enhances the user's speed and increases their attack avoidance rate in combat) and Empathic Empowerment (When the emotion of the user increase, the Dragon Face Module increase the heat of the flames). Kaizoku: Damage Reduction (When struck by a striking attack, the surface of the Marine Chest and Head Armor undulates and wavers, dispersing and absorbing shocks to reduce damage to the interior of the armor), Enhanced Senses (Has sonar that allows Build to find underwater objects) and Water Manipulation. Octopus: Ink Manipulation, Camouflage, Surface Scaling (The Halfbody has powerful suction cups to scale walls and steal enemies' weapons and tools) and Statistics Amplification (By wrapping the Fury Octopus's tentacles in the right arm to increase the Striking Strength eight times). Phoenix: Energy Damage Reduction (The armor reduce the energy damage in half), Emotion Detection via Left Eye Phoenix (It can detect malicious intent), Fire Manipulation, Flight, Healing and Power Nullification (Can cure damage objects with his flames and change his forms, and when is used a finished, the flames can nullified all kind of attacks). Wolf: Plasma Manipulation (The armor can create a silver light blade for cutting attacks), Energy Projection (It can realease a Wolf-shaped energy wave with a punch), Superhuman Speed] (During Finisher the speed is increse five times) and can synchronize user and allies for team attacks. Rose: Plant Manipulation (The Floral Shower Shoes can spinkle special petals that can absorb energy, such as Smash), Fragrance Manipulation (Using the BLD Fragrance Glove, he can calm raging enemies with a punch that spray rose scent with calming effect) and Enhanced Senses (The Left Eye Rose can identify and visualize surrounding scents and use it to track persons and they base). Tora: Martial Arts via the Wrestle Fang Arm and leg (They are a power arm/leg specializing in fighting attacks, and specializes in a variety of throwing techniques from sharp punches/kicks and tackles that pierce the gaps of guards), Plasma Manipulation via the BLD Trafight Glove (It can generate Light-nails blades) and Enhanced Senses (The reaction speed has been increased with an emphasis on fighting, and a special olfactory sensor for tracking enemies is also incorporated). Kirin: Matter Manipulation (The Killinek Breaker can take in surrounding grass with the mouth, break it down and absorb it to convert it into working energy). Kujira: Water Manipulation, Sound Manipulation (The BLD Whale Shoulder can unleashed a ultrasonic wave that can paralize underwater enemies) and Enhanced Senses (In conjuntion with the Whale Shoulder, the Left Eye Kujira gives clear view of the seabed). Kuma: Honey Manipulation, Size Manipulation and Purification (Type 1; The BLD Deep Forest Shoulder has a enviromental purification funtion). Same: Water Manipulation, Radiation Manipulation, Energy Projection (The BLD Shark Head Shoulder can project energy sharks to attack the enemy) Enhanced Senses (The Left Eye Same has a olfatory sensor that can find enemies lurking in the sea) with Same Halfbody.

Tank: Vibration Manipulation via the BLD Impact Shoulder (It can send a shockwaves into contacting objects to destroy internal functions) and Damage Boost via Canon Face Module (It can increase the power of shooting weapons, range and explosive power upon impact). Diamond: Attack Reflection and Light Manipulation via BLD Prism Shoulder (It houses a special shield deployment function, generating a special light barrier to deflect enemy attacks), Illusion Creation via Right Eye Diamond (It can create illusions by refracting light), Diamond Manipulation and Transmutation via BLD Prism Glove (It can turn matter that came into contact into diamond. This include energy attacks and even being with inorganic physiology like Bugster). Gatling: Durability Negation (It can create special bullets according to the enemy defense) and Explosion Manipulation (The BLD Gunner Glove and the Gun Battle Shoes are coated with special gunpower). Homing Attack and Paralysis Inducement with HawkGatlinger. Comic: Ink Manipulation (It can make what he draws with the Realize Painter real). Rocket: Heat Resistance (The Aero Shell shoes can deployed the Aero Shell when entering the atmosphere to resist the heat) Type 1 Self-Sustenance, Spaceflight, Flight and Energy Projection (The BLD Rocket Glove has a laser irradiation device to remove space debris). Shoubousya: Fire Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Dimensional Storage (The Brave Chest Armor can store rescue equipment and fire extinguisher tanks), Enhanced Senses (The Right Eye Fire has Thermal image analysis devices) and Resistance to heat and Poison Manipulation. Soujiki: Deconstruction and Energy Convertion (The BLD Trash Converter can decompose the stored objects into energy), Air Manipulation, Absorption (It can absorb the converted energy in the BLD Trash Converter) and Resistance to Disease Manipulation. Lock: Chain Manipulation, Power Nullification (The Lock-Up Shoes has a contact-type jamming device that can block special funtions on enemies armors) and Limited Resistance to Deadly Attacks. Densya: Statistics Amplification (Using a electromagnetic accelerator installed in the Train Gauntlet, increases the attack speed of the left arm by four time) and Electricity Manipulation (The BLD Express Glove allows to use the Train Gauntlet's electromagnetic accelerator operated at high speed to deliver electric punches). Homing Attack with the Kaizoku Hassya. Light: Light Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation and Electromagnetic Field Creation. Robot: Weapon Creation, Physical Technology Manipulation and Resistance to Poison Manipulation. Smapho: Forcefield Creation, Statistics Amplification (It increse Build's strength as the number of people who support him in SMS increse) and Information Analysis. Helicopter: Dimensional Storage (The BLD Pilot Shoulder can store rescue supplies, first aid kits and wire hoisting equipment), Air Manipulation (The Aerial Fight Shoes can generated an inverted conical air field from the toe, and using it as a Drill) and Enhanced Senses (The Right Eye Helicopter has night vision and Left Eye Rose can identify and visualize surrounding scents and use it to track persons and they base). UFO: Flight, Size Manipulation (The Abduction Beamer can emit a light that shunk and collect enemies), Portal Creation (The BLD Portal Ship Shoulder can open a gate to a 'different space' and throw shunked enemies in it), Hacking (The Inbay Dodge Shoes can take control over a UFO and used it to fly), Extrasensory Perception (Right Eye UFO that makes possible to detect, analyze and visualize a existence that cannot be seen with the naked eye) and Radiation Manipulation (The Armor emits radiowaves that calls for aliens, without the user permition). Senpuki: Air Manipulation, Absorption and Statistics Amplification (The Wind Force Leg has a power enhancement device that operates by wind power and the more the wind blows around, the higher the attack performance of the legs). Jet: Dimensional Storage (The Weapon Bay Arm and Leg stores larges amount of missiles and rockets that can be fired during close combat), Flight at super sonic speed and Homing Attack (It can control the trayectory of the missiles fired using the Fighter Face Module). Televi: Thread Manipulation (With the Cable Rush Arm and Leg it shoot entangle wiring to restain the opponent), Electricity Manipulation (It can absorbs electric energy from surrounding overhead wires and outlets and then stun enemies by releasing the stored electric energy at once with the Charge Stun Shoes), Low Mind Manipulation (It can deprive the enemy of concentration by showing nostalgic program in the TVs of the Analog Chest Armor), Information Analysis (with help of Televi-Chan and the BLD Report Glove), Energy Projection (Using the Tuner Face Module, it can project a bear hand-shaped energy attack from the each TVs in the armor). Bike: Vehicular Mastery (Using the BLD Riding Glove, Build can ride the Machine Builder, cars, heavy transports, ship, etc. with the techniques of a top racer) and Superhuman Speed (Using the Accelerator Face Module, allows to operating the assist motors of each part of the whole body at high speed, making possible to fight at five times the speed of normal. When the brake grip is squeezed, the speed returns to normal).

Web Manipulation with Spider Halfbody, Magnetism Manipulation with Magnet Halfbody, Heat Manipulation with Dryer Halfbody, Teleportation with Keshigomu Halfbody. Powers of Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Level 2 with Doctor and Game Fullbottles Power Scanner: The user is able to scan the DNA and powers of any sentient life form in a 10 meters area, the scanned DNA gets converted into a transformation, Hyper Level Genius Intelligence, Darkness Manipulation, Dark Matter Manipulation, Anti Matter Manipulation, Combat mimicry
Explosion manipulation
Portal creation
Space time travel
Anime & manga materialization
4th wall awareness
Weapon proficiency
Videogame contructs

Tier: Complex Multiversal


Primary form:

All Super Best matches:

Sparkling Hazard:

RabbitRabbit form:

TankTank form:

Rabbit Tank form:

Dragon Dragon form:


All Fullbottle form:

Genius Hazard form:

Nova form:

Cross Build form:


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