Of course I will! YouTuber Max (Mithzan) x Reader

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requeted by: @ShadowCryWolf  Warning: Extreme sweetness

(This took me long because I'm lazy)

You woke up early in the morning and rubbed your eyes before walking downstairs to get a glass  of water and walking back upstairs to go to bed before you realized 

it's monday

time to upload

You jumped on Max laying in his bed "Baaaaaaaaaabe! We have woooork, get uuuuuuup,"



Still spread eagle under the covers Max remained still

"If you don't get up your going to have a bad time dun dun dun dun dodododo~!"

And then he flipped you over and bear hugged you, lightly tickling your side

"Ahhhhhh! MAX LET GO!"

"Nope!" he continued to harass you with tickles "And what do you mean, we have to go to work? the work space is like a foot from my room and you, missy, barely actually do your job anyway."

You smiled and hugged him back after escaping his tickles "Psssssh~ what could you possibly mean? I do all my work!" you said a folder of unedited videos you have to edit and upload sitting on your computer.

Max stared at you with a face, knowing you were fibbing.

"Whatever, if you want help editing you can just send it to my computer and I'll do it for you, ok?"

"Or you could sit next to me and edit me at my computer" you said proud of your 'great' idea.

You both stood up and walked over to your laptop, next to your desktop, where you edited your videos (your desktop was for recording) and you sat on the arm of your twirly chair "there in that file" you said taking a sip from a sip of water you brought earlier.

"Aye aye m'am" Max said opening the folder just to see one video and audio mash video sitting there with the subtitle '(edited)' next to the name Max.open you tried very hard not to smile but you were getting slightly  nervous so you brought your cup closer to your face.

"(Y/N)? what's this? it looks like it's already edited" you shrugged faking a confused look. 

Max didn't question why it was named after him because you casually have videos listed by who was in it and if you did it alone you just put them in the file titled 'me'.

"it's probably just a glitch, just help me or we won't get anything done today."

Max stared at you for a good minute,

"please?" you said giving him a small smile pushing the cup away from your mouth.

He nodded satisfied and opened the video on the screen and a stop motion video started auto playing.

You hopped off the chair handle and grabbed your small vlog camera, that you never used, and started whispering out of Max's ear range "Hey Guys! (YouTube Name) here and today I'm showing my boyfriend or it'll be that way for a little while, like .1 seconds, and I wanna show you guys the video, Hehe" you turned the camera away from yourself and pointed it at Max and a bit over the shoulder so they could see the video too.

On the screen of your computer the video was rolling 4 separate strips of paper came together then they separated.

You brought the mug back up to your face and sipped more water the animation was slightly slow but you knew max had enough patience to wait.

4 characters walked in looking similar to your friends, except animated, and they all wore shirts saying 'something', just that word.

Jess flipped over her sign it said "Old"

Ross flipped over his sign it said "New"

Sky flipped over his sign it read "Borrowed"

Tim flipped over his sign"Blue"

Then they exited the video and it changed to cinematic with the same colored strips except all red and they spread themselves apart then came together and made a sentence 





Max sat their shocked before turning his chair around tears apparent in his eyes (which he refuses to admit where there later on) "(Y-y/n)?"

You peeked out at him from behind the camera "Mm?" you were kneeling (on both knees) on the ground with a small Bill cipher yet Ruby looking ring and were attacked with a hug "D-dummy, I wanted to propose to you!" he said nudging his face into your shoulder, Face absolutely red, You giggled softly when he kissed your lips. 

"You can still do it, I don't have a ring yet~" You grabbed his hand and slipped the ring on before he could protest and he kissed your forehead.

You smiled remembering "It's still monday, We still have work to do"

Max smiled and stood up an stood at the door "Whatever Nerd, see you later"

You smiled and re-opened your video to start editing the actual video files before you saw a new mysterious file on your desktop labeled 'Hey'

You opened and it was bunch of you and Max's memories together and you saw little flashes of letters, getting suspicious of this you slowed down the video and saw random assortment of letters.

or that's what it appeared to be before you remembered, 

What's the first code Max used for the treasure hunt he did on his channel?


..............you think.

You arranged the letters. 

I love you (Y/N) Will you marry me?

you felt tears stinging your eyes and ran into Max's office jumping on him and giving him a hug "Of course I will"


You guys like titles? I do XD it's just something new I wanna try

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