Nordics x Reader (Hetalia)

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Nordics x Reader: What Friends Are For


Denmark - Mathias
Norway - Lukas
Iceland - Emil
Finland - Tino
Sweden - Berwald

(Y/n) = your name
(H/t) = hometown

Sorry people, but I'm not doing Berwald's accent. (Because, come on, wr't'ng l'k' th's is ridiculous)

This one shot needs more fluff...


"OK, PEOPLE! THIS MEETING IS OFFICIALLY IN SESSION!" Mathias exclaimed, hovering over the other Nordics as he rested his hands on the table in front of him. Mathias' voice wasn't as cheerful, and instead was more serious.

"You don't have to yell, you stupid Dane," Lukas spat coldly, his expression as stoic as ever as he glared at the loud blonde. Mathias decided to ignore Lukas this time, and continued with the meeting.

"As most of you have seen, (y/n) hasn't been herself lately," Mathias pointed out, keeping a stern face as he averted his gaze to each of the Nordics. Each of them nodded in agreement.

"And I think we should do something about it," he continued, his expression softening as he slumped back in his chair. "Any ideas?"

Berwald was the first to open his mouth to talk after a while of silence, but Lukas cut him off.

"Furniture isn't going to cheer her up." Berwald closed his mouth again, and averted his gaze to his lap to think of another idea. Emil was the next to open his mouth to talk, but Lukas cut him off, too.

"Neither is licorice." Emil closed his mouth again, also bringing his gaze to his lap to think of another idea. "I think--"

"No trolls, Lukas," Mathias cut the blonde Norwegian off.

"I didn't ask for your opinion, stupid Dane," Lukas replied, crossing his arms and looking away. Tino, who had stayed quiet most of the meeting, suddenly perked up at the thought of an idea.

"What about a party?" Everyone brought their gaze to the smiling Finnish boy, who was obviously excited about his idea. Mathias seemed to perk up as well, a smile stretching across his face.

"PERFECT!!" He screeched, causing most of the others to flinch, throwing his fist in the air happily. "LET'S THROW A PARTY! You guys go do whatever, AND I'LL GET THE BEER!"


Great, what are they doing now? You thought as you walked up the porch to your house you happened to share with your five Nordic friends. Music was blasting loudly, and the house looked completely dark if not for the colorful lights you could see through the curtains of the windows.

You opened the door, instantly being greeted by Tino.

"Hi, (y/n)!" He beamed happily, handing you a red plastic cup as you closed the door. You eyed your friend suspiciously, before grabbing the cup from him. Tino was also holding a cup of his own.

"Hehe, sorry for not telling you about this earlier," he apologized as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. You almost hadn't noticed basically the entire world was in your living room, dancing and drinking alcohol.

"What's going on?" You asked as you brought your attention back to Tino.

"We decided to throw a party to cheer you up!" He replied, smiling happily at you before his smile disappeared and his expression saddened. "You've been seeming down..."

"It's nothing..." You assured, averting your gaze from the usually happy blonde in front of you sadly, before looking back at him. "I'm not really in the mood for partying right now. I'm going to my room."

You handed Tino your cup before walking past him. He watched as you walked away, before looking over at the other Nordics who happened to be nearby, and had watched you walk away and up the stairs to your room.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Mathias yelled once he was close enough for Tino to hear him over the loud music.

"She said she's not in the mood..." Tino explained sadly.

"I don't get what can have her so down," Emil wondered out loud, searching the deepest depths of his mind to try and figure out what could be wrong.

"If someone touched her, I swear to God--" Berwald trailed off, suddenly having a dark and intimidating aura surrounding him as he clenched his fists.

"She's not upset at us, is she...?" Tino asked fearfully, looking over at the other Nordics. They all exchanged glances, before rushing up the stairs, almost tripping over each other in the process.

"(Y/N)!" They all yelled as they barged through your door, instantly stopping as they saw you sitting on your bed, staring at your lap sadly as a few tears dripped down your cheeks.

"(Y/n), what's wrong?" Tino asked softly, sitting down beside you.

"You're gonna think it's stupid," you replied, chuckling softly as you wiped away your tears. Each of the boys shook their heads furiously, even if you weren't looking at them.

"I promise, (y/n), we won't think it's stupid."

"I-It's nothing," you assured, your voice cracking slightly.

"It's obviously something," Lukas pointed out, sitting down on your other side. "And you're going to tell us what it is." You sniffed, your gaze locked to your lap like it was the most interesting thing in the world, before explaining.

"It's just... I started thinking about my family..." You explained quietly. Your voice was unstable and your lip quivered as you thought back to your family, causing more tears to drip down your face. You sniffed before continuing. "And my friends..."

The Nordics stayed quiet, listening intently to you.

"I-I just wish I could go back to (h/t) and see all of them again... But I know I can't, and never will..." Talking about it was painful, but it felt good to get it out of your system.

"A-and it hurts, 'cause while everyone else around me grows old, I'm staying the same forever. My entire family is gone, and I'll never see them again!" Tears streamed down your face freely, all your emotions suddenly pouring out.

"And I guess I'm just scared that one day, I won't remember them anymore..." Silence washed over you and your friends as you continued to cry. The others kept quiet, watching you sympathetically.

"Being a country sucks," you suddenly said, your sadness being replaced by more hurt and anger. "We can't get attached to people, because they're all gonna die while we stay the same, and it freaking sucks!"

You covered your face in your hands, sobbing loudly as you let your emotions take over. You jumped slightly when you felt a pair of arms wrap around you, and looked up from your hands to see Berwald hugging you. You decided to hug back, since it was probably the only time he'll ever hug anyone.

"You'll always have us by your side, (y/n)," Berwald explained softly as you cried silently into his chest. You felt another pair of arms wrap around you, and realized Tino had decided to join in. Soon enough, everyone had joined in on a group hug — even Lukas.

"Thanks, guys," you said as you parted, smiling softly at the group of boys you were so grateful for having as friends and roommates. They all smiled back — including Lukas and Berwald, even though their's were small.

"That's what friends are for," Mathias explained, before suddenly running out of the room. "NOW LET'S PARTY!"


I'm so sorry for not updating much! School has started back up and I have a gazillion other stories to write!

The sad part is, it's not even the writer's block that's the problem. I have quite a few ideas for one shots, I just can't get myself to write them. I guess I'm just a lazy author...

Anyway, feel free to request~! Just remember that I can't update in super Sonic speed, mmkay?

- Kate ⭐️

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