Goten x Nervous!Oc

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This request was made by my cousin/best friend
kamiabell963 and her oc's name is Kamia Briefs adopted daughter of Bulma and Vegeta (sorta). She wanted me to include my character too, so she'll be here. Feel free to input you or your character's name anytime. Get's a lot heated but not a lemon or smut fanfic. That's the way she's dressed in the pic up top.

(Goten's POV)

"Goten! Kamia's here!" yelled my older sister, Malazia (ok, so maybe most of my characters' names are Malazia but I love to put myself in the story. Also don't ask why.). I quickly put my shirt on, but then I decided to leave it off. She's my girlfriend and we've known each other since we were kids. I was comfortable around her and I think she's comfortable around me.

"Come on up!" I shouted back downstairs. When Kamia came in I couldn't believe my eyes. She was wearing something I wouldn't expect her to wear. I must've been staring for to long because she looked down like she was shy or something.

"My mom made me wear this" she said sounding ashamed. I went passed her and closed the door and pecked her cheek.

"Then thank Bulma for me" she giggled and had a red tint in her face. She then sighed. "What's wrong beautiful?" I asked her. She sat on my bed and looked at the door probably hoping nobody was listening.

"Well, it's about meeting my actual parents" she started. I knew she was nervous about it, heck even I was nervous to meet them, but she was more nervous then my sister and she was a nervous wreck.

"What if they don't like me? What if I'm not good enough? What if they don't want me? What if-" I couldn't listen to her talk bad about herself. I kissed her. She was taken by surprise, but she eventually started kissing back. She added more force deepening the kiss. We both stopped for air. I was the first to say something.

"I don't see how they couldn't love you! I love you so much that I think of our future every time I get the chance!"

Silence. She broke it.

"What's it look like?" she asked looking in my eyes. Her cerulean eyes looked like they were glistening. She truly was beautiful. If she was a siren, she wouldn't have to sing for me to come to her.

"You and me together, married with children, each and everyone of them beautiful. Every morning we'll wake up next to each other. We'd say I love you and always show it. We'd be happy" she looked flushed from all the blushing.

We both lean in and our lips meet, but she moved back quickly, much to my dismay. She looked like something was bugging her.

"Goten, is the door locked" she asked shyly. I nodded yes. I didn't actually know for sure, I just wanted to keep going.

I leaned in and kissed her. She kissed back. We were in sync in less than a minute. I licked her bottom lip begging for entrance. She denied and I could feel her smile in the kiss. I did something that shocked her. I pulled up her shirt and poked her belly button, making her gasp. I slipped my tongue in and the fight for dominance was on. We both did whatever we could to win it but she tried even harder. She pushed me on the bed with full force, but I wasn't going down that easily. I stood up with us still kissing and pushed her against one of the walls of my bedroom. She had her legs wrapped around my waist and my arms on the wall over her head. She moaned in the kiss showing I had dominance. To celebrate my victory I was gonna be reckless. I moved my hands from the wall, pushing her up even further, and placed them on her butt squeezing it. It made her gasp. I was so glad mom, dad, and gohan weren't here. I was about to start having my hands wander her, but we were interrupted by someone opening the door.

"Hey Goten, have you seen the whip cream- Oh my gawd!" Malazia walked in with Trunks right behind her. Both me and Kamia looked at each other then at them. We both had giant blushes on our faces. Trunks and Malazia had no words, just shocked faces. I would too if I seen my best friend on the wall with my sister. Wait, what would they need whip cream for?

"What do you need whip cream for?" now it was their turn to blush madly.

"Nothing important!" they answered at the same time. Then Kamia cleared her throat.

"Ahem!" I noticed we were still like that and put her down. Things got awkward.

"I wont tell mom or dad if you don't" Malazia said breaking the silence. We all nodded in agreement.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Kamia asked.


A/N: There you go kamiabell963 and I better get my end of the bargain. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it and request a story down below. I stayed up all night to write this on my phone then a whole day to fix/edit on my laptop. Sorry the ending sucks, but if you want I can make an alternate ending a lemon/smut ending. Well bye

MCI out, peace

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