Chapter 3: Sidhisha Sharma

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As the morning sun began to filter through the curtains, I groaned and shifted uncomfortably in bed, my head throbbing mercilessly. Slowly, I blinked my eyes open, only to be met with a sight that sent my heart racing and my stomach churning.

This wasn't my hotel room.

Panic surged through me as I scanned the unfamiliar surroundings, my eyes widening in horror as they landed on the figure lying beside me. A man, clad in a wedding suit, lay fast asleep, his features peaceful in slumber.

But it was the sight of myself in a magnificent white wedding gown that sent shockwaves coursing through my veins. My hands trembled as I reached up to touch the delicate fabric, my mind reeling with disbelief.

No, this couldn't be happening.

I let out a strangled scream, the sound echoing off the walls of the unfamiliar room. Frantically, I shook the man next to me, desperate for answers, for some semblance of clarity in this nightmare comes to life.

"Hey! Wake up! What's going on? Where are we?!" I cried, my voice trembling with fear and confusion. As I shook the man next to me, panic coursing through my veins, I couldn't help but let out a strangled cry, "Who are you?!" I demanded, my voice trembling with fear and confusion.

The man stirred, his eyes fluttering open as he blinked slowly looking at me. Recognition dawned in his gaze, followed swiftly by a surge of panic mirroring my own. He too jolted awake, his eyes wide with shock as he took in his surroundings, "Who are you?!" he shouted back, his voice matching mine in urgency.

But as our eyes met, a flicker of recognition passed between us, followed swiftly by a surge of panic. We didn't know each other, yet here we were, waking up in a strange room, dressed in wedding attire. "Wha... What? Where are we?" he stammered, his words slurred with sleep.

"I don't know! But look at us! We're in wedding attire! What happened last night?!" I exclaimed, my heart pounding in my chest. The man's eyes widened in shock as he took in his surroundings, his gaze darting around the room in a frantic search for answers.

"Oh my God... Did we... Did we get married?" he whispered, his voice barely audible over the pounding of my heart. I felt a wave of nausea wash over me as the implications of his words sank in. Married? To a complete stranger? In Las Vegas? What had we done?

"We need to figure this out," I said, my voice trembling with urgency, "We need to find out what happened last night, and how we ended up here." Frantically, we searched the room for answers, our hands trembling as we reached for anything that could shed light on the events of the previous night.

And then I saw it.

A wedding certificate, lying abandoned on the floor, its edges crumpled from where it had fallen. I reached for it with trembling hands, my heart pounding in my chest as I scanned the document for any clues. Meanwhile, the man beside me grabbed hold of a photograph, his breath catching in his throat as he took in the image captured within.

It was us.

In the photograph, we stood locked in a passionate embrace, our lips pressed together in a kiss that spoke of a moment of reckless abandon and wild abandon. My hands shook as I clutched the wedding certificate, my eyes wide with disbelief, "We... we got married," I whispered, the words barely audible over the pounding of my heart.

The man beside me nodded slowly, his expression mirroring my own shock and confusion, "It looks like it," he replied, his voice hoarse with emotion. As the reality of our situation sank in, a wave of nausea washed over me, threatening to overwhelm me with its intensity.

I was in fact Married, that too to a stranger and in Las Vegas, out of all places while being heavily drunk.

As we scrambled to piece together the events of the previous night, one thing became painfully clear. This was going to be one hell of a hangover.

How had this happened? And more importantly, what were we going to do now?

As the shock of our situation began to sink in, the man and I exchanged nervous glances, our minds racing with a million questions and no answers in sight. With trembling hands, I reached for my phone, my fingers fumbling as I dialed the numbers of my best friends, Prisha and Yami. They were my rock, my pillars of support in times of crisis, and I knew I needed them now more than ever.

Meanwhile, the man beside me did the same, his expression tense with anticipation as he dialed the numbers of his own friends, he hoped they would have some insight into the events of the previous night. As the phone rang on the other end, my heart pounded in my chest, my mind swirling with a jumble of emotions.

What would I say to Prisha and Yami? How would they react to the news of my impromptu marriage to a stranger in Las Vegas?

On the other side of the room, the man's voice was low and urgent as he spoke into the phone, his words a frantic stream of questions and confusion.

I guess he too had the same question in his mind like me. What would his best friends make of his predicament? Would they be able to shed any light on the events of the previous night or not?

As I waited anxiously for Prisha and Yami to pick up the phone, my heart pounded in my chest, my mind swirling with a million thoughts and fears. What would they say when they heard the news? Would they be angry? Disappointed? Shocked? Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the calls were answered, and we both took a deep breath, steeling ourselves for whatever came next. It was time to face the situation, to confront the reality of our drunken escapade, and to figure out what the hell we were going to do next.

Prisha's groggy voice came through the line, "Hello? Who is this and why are you calling at this ungodly hour?"

"Prisha, it's me, your Siddhi baby," I replied, my voice trembling with urgency, "I need you and Yami to listen to me, it's important." There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, followed by a loud groan from Prisha, "Ugh, Sadu Amma, can't your important talk wait until afternoon? We're trying to sleep off the hangover from last night."

I winced at the irritation in her voice, knowing that this was not going to be an easy conversation. "I know, Prisha, but this can't wait. Please, just listen to me," I pleaded, my voice shaking with emotion. "Fine, fine, what is it?" Prisha grumbled, her tone impatient.

Taking a deep breath, I launched into the story, recounting the events of the previous night in a rush of words. As I spoke, I could hear Prisha and Yami's gasps of disbelief, their voices growing more frantic with each passing moment.

When I finally finished, there was a stunned silence on the other end of the line, broken only by the sound of Prisha and Yami's rapid breathing. And then, without warning, they both erupted into a flurry of questions and exclamations, their voices overlapping in a chaotic symphony of shock and disbelief.

"What the heck? Married? In Vegas? To a stranger? Are you serious? Sidhisha Sharma, what have you done?!" Prisha exclaimed, her voice rising in disbelief. "Sadu Amma, tell me you're joking! This is some kind of prank, right?" Yami added, her tone equally incredulous.

But as the reality of the situation sank in, their voices grew more subdued, their questions giving way to a stunned silence. "Oh my God, Siddhi baby, I can't believe this," Prisha whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. Yami's voice was equally subdued, her tone filled with concern, "Are you okay, Sidhi baby? What are you going to do now?"

Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I struggled to find an answer, my mind reeling with the weight of the situation. "I... I don't know, Yami," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper, "But I needed you both to know. Please come here, I need you," I pleaded.

There was another moment of silence on the other end of the line, followed by a deep sigh from Prisha, "Okay, Sidhi baby, don't worry, we're coming to you right now," she said firmly, her voice filled with determination, "We'll figure this out together. Send us the location of where you are right now."

As I hung up the phone, a sense of calm washed over me, knowing that I had my best friends by my side. And just like that, a wave of relief washed over me, knowing that I didn't have to face this nightmare alone, however daunting it seemed. With Prisha and Yami on their way, I took a deep breath and braced myself for whatever came next. No matter what, we would face it together.

Sidhisha is shocked to find herself married to a stranger. What is she going to do now?
Stay tuned to find out!

Word Count: 1537 words

With love ❤
Signing off

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