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The light shining through the window had successfully awakened Pete, who slowly opened his eyes. Hearing the birds chirping, he knew it was early morning. He turned his head to immediately met with the face of the person who was clutching on him tightly. Vegas's face looked a lot softer while he was sleeping, there was no danger shown from the sharp features. Pete gently lifted his hand from the blanker and poked the sleeping figure's cheek, only to be self-amused by his own lame action. 

"Babe, don't mess around."

Vegas complained in a sluggish tone about having to get up early. He brought Pete's head into his chest and his chin resting on top, rubbing Pete's head with his stubble before laying still as if he fell asleep again. Even though pete was tightly hugged that he was unable to move, he felt comfortable and snuggle closer to be a smaller spoon. Pete drifted into sleep again with Vegas' scent lingering around him.

They have been clinging to each other for days, acting as if the world would end to be away from each other. 

Pete felt the indescribable happiness in his heart. 

It was like the last remaining piece of his body has been completed. From now on, his soul would no longer be lonely and empty. Contentment and fulfillment. 

When Pete woke up again, the sun was already high and Vegas was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he woke up first and went grocery shopping. This has been their daily normal thing. However, without Vegas' pheromone, Pete felt a tad bit uneasy. Because he was so used to the idea of waking up next to Vegas; presence, but today wasn't one of those days. He grumbled and got up to use the restroom. Today, they would be heading home. 

If it had been half a month ago, Pete would be whistling and singing nonstop for delight. But now, he knew deep down in his heart he couldn't bear to leave this place. He would miss this a lot. 

Eventually, he had to go back. He had his grandparents, his bosses in the Main Family, his job. Masters must have worried to death. 

Pete exited the restroom just in time to see Vegas come back carrying food. 

"Come here and have breakfast, darling." Vegas approached and gave him a smooch. 

"Good morning, I bought food. You must be hungry now."

As he once more relished the delicacy of being in love and being loved by this person, Pete still felt surreal. He was on cloud 9. 

After a quick breakfast, Pete started packing his belongings in preparation for the boat at midday. 

Vegas seemed irritated as he packed his bag next to him. He too seemed reluctant to leave this place. In this place, they for the first time enjoyed a carefree and peaceful life, plus the newfound happiness, it was a no-brainer that they felt nostalgic. 

Pete's thought was confirmed when Vegas turned to face him after folding 2 shirts: "Pete, we'd better stay here."

He has enough money to provide for both of them, enough to start a new tranquil life here. With Pete, Vegas believed he could let go of his envy, his crave for power with the Main Family. 

His father was the one who wanted to take control; despite the fact that the Minor Family lost to the Main Family a few years ago, he was obstinately determined to fight event if it didn't go anywhere. Mr. Korn turned a blind eye on his father, knowing he couldn't stir up any major trouble. Currently, his father was still in good health, running a successful business, and enjoying company with a few of his mistresses. He just couldn't admit defeat. Vegas grew up being used as his puppet since birth. He was spanked harshly if he couldn't beat Kinn in any competition, he was slapped when he opposed his father's order. But, he still tried to excel at his things, only to prove to his father that he can be better than the Main Family.

Vegas has spent days, months, years fighting against Main Family with harbored hatred. He also knew that his resentment didn't come from him, it was influenced from his father's blind ambition and he had no choice but to be his puppet. 

At that time, Vegas was obsessed with being recognized and overlooked the fact that a puppet's fate was to rot over time. He never knew he would never be acknowledged. 

As time went by, reality hit them hard. After the Minor Family was overthrowned, his father once again intended to regain control with as many filthy means as he could. Even selling out his own child. 

Mr. Kan gave Vegas the order to get married to the sole child of another gang leader because he wanted to borrow their power. That gang needs an Alpha to lead the next generation and Vegas was offered by his father. No matter how hard Vegas argued and reasoned that they wouldn't take extreme measures to do such illusory thing for him, he was disregarded. He had a big fight with his father, this was the first time Vegas didn't compromise. 

More than anybody else, Vegas always yearned for a true family. 

He who didn't grow up basked in his parents' love, always wanted a whole family to which he could retreat when things get rough. He wouldn't never treat his wife in the same manner as his father did to his dear mother. He might release his rage by having sex with anyone, but once he had his family, he would wholeheartedly care for them.

He couldn't yield.

Then, somehow, Mr. Kan changed his mind and informed Vegas that the marriage was no longer necessary. He actually believed his reasoning had awaken his father. 

But, he was wrong about his father, again. 

His father gave the order to drug Vegas for aphrodisiacs. Vegas might not be here right now if Macau hadn't overheard the talk between him and his goons back then. 

That was the hardest slap, not physically, that shattered Vegas into pieces. He realized not only he was never treated as his father's son, but he also never been treated as a human being. Puppets were served as objects of sacrifice, they were not allowed to have emotions, or choices. 

But because of that, Vegas began to face reality. He no longer followed his father's directives and focus on what he did best. He protected Macau from the evil grasp of their cruel father. In the end, he devised a strategy and cooperated with Main Family to assassinate the thug who gave his father the aphrodisiacs - the same person Vegas shot and killed on the boat just days ago. 

The toxic thought that people live together only based on benefits also came from being betrayed by his father. It was gone until he spent half a month here with Pete. 

He had never "lived" such a lively and worth living life like here. He dreaded if they return now, would things go back to the previous past? There were bunch of people who do not want him to live in peace; what if they harm Pete instead of him, if they do, no matter how much Vegas avenge, their actions would be too late to reverse. 

Pete observed Vegas's gaze waver once more in confusion. He threw everything out of his hand and crouched down next to him. Pete reached out to hold Vegas' head, let him lean against his chest, giving him the sense of comfort.

"Vegas, I know that you don't wanna leave. Me neither. I enjoyed being here with you too much. But we must return. I have my grandparents and the Main Family, you have Macau to take care of. You do understand me, right?"

Pete became a little less agitated as Vegas placed his arms around his  waist and lean closer to listen to Pete's steady heartbeat. That calmed him down a bit. But, Vegas still tried to negotiate a bit more:

- I can bring everyone here to stay with us..."

Pete burst out laughing. "Oiii my baby Vegas is sulking again? Haha, now come on let's go. I know you are capable of many things, but don't give up on your will for me. You have a bright future ahead of you. Friends and relatives are there for you. Of course I will be there too. We will still be happy together, we are just changing the place where our happiness takes place, that's all."

While patiently waiting for Vegas to stop sulking, Pete massaged his hair. He was certain that Vegas was a man of his words, he could actually live a new life here all taken care of by Vegas, but he didn't want Vegas to give up his own ambitions and life goals.

Although he knew there would be many difficulty, he was willing to face it with Vegas. 

After a while, Vegas sighed and buried his face in his neck, still irritated about having to go back. To comfort him, Pete patted his back softly "Okay okay, you can sulk a bit, but then we need to finish packing up."

"I don't sulk."

"Alright, it's me who sulked. Happy now?" Pete chuckled and gave in to Vegas. 

Pete was too cute that he would die on the spot. Vegas lay still in Pete's arms until there was a knock on the door. 

Vegas opened the door and wanted to slam it when he realized who they were. But it was too late, Pete also came near...

Damn it.

As expected, Pete yelled "Master Tankhun?" as soon as he saw the guy standing behind the door. "Why are you all here?"

There were Tankhun, Kinn, Porsche, Kim, Porschay, Macau, Pol and Arm. It's a full house. 

Vegas's gloomy face was in contrast with Pete's bright smiling face joined by Main Family. He wanted to chase them out of this place, but he was afraid of upsetting his boyfriend. He could only stand there fuming. 

"Why am I here? Oiiii Pete I am here to pick you up, what else can it be? I had to catch the early boat here. The sun is killing me. Go, go home now. I am tired."

With no more word, Tankhun grabbed and yanked Pete's hand. He also ordered Pol and Arm to clean up everything. Vegas over here was going to stop his damn cousin when Macau sprinted over to hug him tight. Just like that, he was seperated from Pete.

Fuck you moron, give my back my wife. 

"Wait, master. Slow down, I have something to say to Vegas." Pete was equally miserable. He couldn't get rid of Tankhun, at the same time he couldn't tell him he and Vegas had got together. If they fight against each other here, it would be dangerous for Vegas since no bodyguards were here for Vegas and Macau side.

Well, let it be. Pete whirled around and made an effort to look at Vegas in the eyes, hoping he would be a little bit patient.

Vegas held back his rage when he saw Pete pleading eyes. He thought Pete was asking to return to the Main Family. Despite the discomfort in his heart, Vegas had to suppress his anger. 

They were completely seperated on their way from the island to the mainland. 

That night, aunt May came in to clean up the room after they left. She looked at the place where there used to be two lovebirds and suddenly felt nostalgic. 

The shining moon was going to be hidden by the clouds in the dark sky. Maybe it will rain tonight. 

"Tch, these kids, why did you leave your suppressants under the bed like that?"

End #11

Translator note: maybe you didn't remember but Pete couldn't find his suppressants and that led to the hot scene ;)  You can visit Light11071303's original story and vote up there as well :)

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