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[ Laura ]

There were a few wooden stairs which cranked when stepped on. Down here, it was a different cafe altogether. Many people were seated at numerous tables, discussing various things - some talked about demonic activities, while some bragged about killing down a nest of vampires. So vampires were real too. Wow, not even a day had passed and I was learning about the existence of so many different species. Great.

There was also a small bar down here. Well, a perfect place for hunter I guess. Judging from Sebastian I thought all hunters loved to drink.

Sebastian was standing just before me.

"If you hadn't had saved my life back then, I swear I would have kicked your ass." I said.

Confusion rose in his dark blue eyes.

"Look." I pointed at a lady who emerged from a washroom - the ladies' washroom.

"Oops, sorry. I didn't know." he apologised.

"Well, this sure is a dandy place.What's all this?" I asked after we stopped at a thumb pin board.

"Jobs. We choose one, complete it and we are paid according to the price. It's sort of a bounty thing, well, if there are bounties on ghosts and demons and what not." he chuckled.

"Oh, so you are a bounty hunter?" I said.

"Kind of, yeah." He said and turned his attention to the board where a number of posters were pinned.

"What job are you picking this time?" Laura asked. The moment her eyes fell on the board, she felt a bit disturbed. Not a single thing on the board could be called sane by ordinary people. And it also conveyed what kind of lifestyle Sebastian, and now, herself too, had to live for a while.

"Maybe, this one". He pointed at one of the posters.

It read "C Class. Ghost hunting. 500 dollars." And it gave an address along with a creepy ghost picture.
I looked at other posters. The format was similar. But then my eyes locked on one of the 3 big posters on the top.

"A Class. Investigation. Unknown. Location - Gates of Hell, Thornton, Colorado. 10000 dollars." And there was a picture of the famous Gates of Hell attached to it.

"Hey, what about this one?" I pointed towards the Gates of Hell. I didn't know why but this job seemed quite appealing. Not that I was that much into the creep but Gates of Hell had been one of my 'once in a life time' thing. And now that I knew the world was full of mystery, I was quite curious what really resides in the Gates of Hell. Or is it really a gateway to Hell?

"Nope, we can't. Hunters like me can only take D class or C class job. I can't go beyond that." He said. His face, as usual, conveyed no emotion at all.

"But why not? I mean you just killed five demons right before my eyes."

"It isn't like that Laura. Killing demons is a normal thing in our world. We have got certain tests, you see. You top that and your reach is extended." But later I found out, there was one more point to the criteria.

Those who were locked down in Casstelia under a murder charge could only have C or D class mission.

Before I could question him about the tests, something happened. The noise of the hunters stopped. I looked around and saw that all the hunters had frozen. People had stopped talking and moving. A bald guy who was drinking, froze and the whiskey didn't move. It was as if time had paused.

"Dammit!" Sebastian sounded worried and looked like he was expecting someone, someone really unpleasant. What kind of time manipulating freak was after me now, I wondered. Was Delroy back? My heart almost stopped by the thought.

But it wasn't some demon or any other similar creep. It was a lady. A lady so graceful I momentarily wondered whether time hadn't had just paused, but also turned in the reverse direction. For she wore such an attire no teenage girl of today's age would wear.

A beautiful silky gown made most of her outfit. Her long braided hair slithered along the gown and almost reached her knees. The first item that froze my attention, by admiration and not by fear was the beautiful golden necklace that adorned her neck. Two thin chains, one of gold and the other of silver, slithered along each other and spiralling one another they terminated to the prettiest pendant I had ever seen. It was a silver cross, the Christ's cross that hung on the chain so intricately made. However, when I noticed it more properly, I was surprised how a person could wear something so hideous.

The cross wasn't what the pendant entirely depicted. The top of the cross was trapped inside the head of a ghastly serpent whose body was the intricate chain of gold and silver and whose tongue curled the length of the cross while teeth dug into it. The chain depicted the swallowing of Christ by a hideous serpent.

What in the world was happening? Why had people frozen? Who was this girl who seemed to hate God so much? My mind was flooding with questions.

"Oh Sebastian, I'm so glad I finally met you. What are you exactly doing here, Sebastian. Why didn't you come back when I called you?" She started as soon as she saw Sebastian.

"You know why I didn't turn up." Sebastian sighed as a tinge of uneasiness appeared in his dark blue eyes.

"Well well well, who's this beauty?" Clara asked looking at me, ignoring Sebastian's reply.

"Sorry, I didn't introduce. Laura this is Clara Deathstar, an old friend and Clara, this is Laura Hannigan."

I shook her hand but something told me she wasn't a very nice person. Her dark grey eyes which looked so ancient for some reason sparkled as soon as she heard my name.

"It's lovely to meet you dear." She greeted me.

I nodded. The incident had shaken my senses so thoroughly I'd lost my ability of speaking temporarily.

"Well,why are we standing here. I'm sure we have got a lot to talk about, don't we, Sebastian? Let's have a seat." She insisted.

However, no table was vacant. Then Clara approached the nearest table and waved her hand to kick the couple seated at the table as they flew across the room.

"Oh, they won't feel a thing." She said after looking at my blank expression.

Sebastian reluctantly followed her and sat at the table. I did the same gulping down the thought whether she was a demon.

"So, Laura, I haven't seen you around much." Clara began.

"Yeah, Laura's a novice here. If you had met her one month before, she would still have been just a Banny." Sebastian interrupted.

"Sebastian, don't you dare poke your dirty nose or you know what I'd do." Clara threatened him and Sebastian surprisingly didn't react. One thing was certain, whatever their relationship was, they weren't friends. Or perhaps the definition of friends itself was different in the hunter world.

"Hmm, so you are new to hunting. I see." She said looking at me as if she was studying me.

What was going on? Why was Sebastian calling me a hunter when I wasn't? Why was he, the one who fearlessly destroyed five demons, not reacting to her threatens? Who was this girl who made a brave guy like Sebastian nervous ?

"So, Laura, tell me, why did you become a hunter?"

I looked at Sebastian who seemed pretty tense. Something in his eyes told me I was not to reveal my identity. Whoever this person was, she didn't appear to be trustworthy.

"Well, everyone of us have our own reasons. Why should I reveal mine." I took on a mystery note.

"Hmm, I see, you really are a hunter then." she smiled at me.

So my guess was right - hunters believed in secrecy. I wondered why Sebastian became one. Would he answer if I asked him? He never talked about himself but we'd just met. Why was I thinking like this? Was this Clara's doing too?

"Clara, why exactly are you here? There's some issue, right?" Sebastian interrupted again.

"Sebastian. I will not tolerate this disrespect. Even though you've left the your post, you still carry the Mark of Venator. You still are my pawn." she gritted her teeth as Sebastian's eyes flickered with a tinge of anger.

"But you happen to be correct. There are more pressing deals." She turned her attention to him.

"I need you back at Casstelia. We cannot lose." What were they talking about? I wondered.

"I'm sorry. You know I left my post long ago. I won't assist you further. We've already suffered a terrible battle, we cannot afford more bloodshed. I say you too should accept their supremacy." He said in a controlled voice.

"Accept their supremacy? Are you out of your mind? Yes, I agree what your father made you do was terrible. But all he and you did was for the clan. Unlike you I still care about my clan and believe in winning." Clara said furiously.

"Do you? After all the lives we lost, you still want to go to war. We can't win, we don't have enough men."

"I told you I'm not a soulwielder any more." Sebastian continued.

"Yes. Exactly. We don't have enough men and that's why we need you. And don't say that. You are a soulwielder whether you accept it or not. You cannot change who you are, Sebastian. Your soul belongs to Lady Melissa. Don't forget you still are a Deathstar"

"I said NO." Sebastian snouted as soon as Clara said Deathstar. The entire conversation went straight above my head.

"I've left that life. I'm not a Venator. I don't belong to the clan and neither would I assist you to bring down Casstelia by betraying the Throne." Clara was surprised by Sebastian's rage.

"Laura, we are leaving." He went to the board, grabbed a job poster and walked through the door, stomping his feet. I had never seen Sebastian getting so angry. But then again I had just met him. I didn't know the guy well.

I was about to rise up and follow Sebastian but Clara held my hand.

"I believe our talk didn't end satisfactorily. Sit." she said and surprisingly I walked back and sat in my chair! What was she? A witch! As it turned out, she was someone way powerful than a normal witch. She was the leader of an entire legion of Deathstars for more than half a century. A woman so fierce and heartless that people called her 'Lady of the Death'.

"I know you are a hunter. But if I were you, I wouldn't be working with a man like Sebastian."

"What do you mean?" I asked nervously, clueless what she was talking about.

"Of course he didn't tell you." she said rolling her eyes.

"Anyway, I suppose you are not too curious about his past, his bloody past just yet. But when you do, just call me. I'll be more than happy to tell you. Just remember, he isn't as good as he might seem. If what I think is true, for getting back Catherine, he might also be planning on trading you to a demon."

As soon as I heard Catherine and a demon deal, I recalled my dream and my heart nearly stopped as visions, frightful visions of that scary nightmare went through my mind. Was that nightmare really a premonition of my near future? I wondered.

A business card appeared in my hand. She then gave me a long stare and said,

"Don't ignore your dreams, Laura. They can tell you what reality can't." She warned.

I couldn't believe my ears. How did she know my dreams were bothering me? And what did she mean by considering dreams? Did she imply that all that thing about Alzaknos and the deal was going to come true?

"Something tells me we would meet soon." she said, clapped her hands and disappeared. The people in the room started talking again normally as if nothing had happened, except for the fallen couple who were looking at me confused.

I noticed that I wasn't bound to the chair any
longer so I made my way back through the ladies washroom this time and out of the Aber Cafe. I saw Sebastian seated in the driver's seat looking down continuously. I quickly got there and opened the door. Alarmed, he looked at me and I saw something in his eyes - tears, not of sadness but anger flickered in his eyes. Sebastian was crying. But why? Who was that Clara girl who made him cry? I always thought he was a tough guy. What exactly was happening?
About his past I recalled Clara telling me back inside. Something really was bitter about his past but this wasn't a good time to ask.

Sebastian quickly looked out of the window, cleared his eyes and asked.

"What were you doing in there?"

"Umm, nothing. I went to the washroom. I mean, to use it not just pass through it." I lied.

Now, I wasn't exactly a liar. But all that conversation back in the Hunter's Cafe and Sebastian crying made me think I should hide my conversation with Clara. After all, there was a Sebastian in my nightmare. And even though he'd saved my life, after meeting Clara, I wasn't too sure whether I trusted him. Perhaps Clara had a power of radiating paranoia.

I sat in the car and asked the only question that arose in my mind.

"Who was she?

"Can we talk about this later?" Sebastian's stern statement didn't sound like a question.

I didn't want him to feel any sadder so I didn't force the question. But I was really curious about this Clara person. I'll ask him again soon, I assured the curious side of me.

We passed the next few minutes silently. He might have been thinking about the clan or his fate Clara was talking about while I was trying to make sense of what she'd told me. Why was she warning me about Sebastian, my saviour? Was he really supposed to be non-trustworthy?

Before I could start doubting Sebastian and jump out of the car to be chased by another set of demons, I put a lock to the topic. Sebastian had saved me and I couldn't possibly doubt him.

"What's Banny?" I remembered Sebastian referring me as a Banny when he spoke to Clara.

"We hunters call the ordinary people as Bannies." He said. The change of subject dulled the anger and grief in his eyes.

"Derived from the word banal." He continued.

"Why, we are not boring?" My protest itself sounded like a question.

"And it kind of sounds like bunny." I said.

"Well, what's the difference. Both are dumb." Sebastian smiled weakly.

"Hey! Humans are not dumb or stupid. They've done a million impossible things possible. We are also this close to build a new human without natural reproduction processes-" I protested.

"And you continue denying the existence of a million things which can directly influence your survival. Besides, no human can be created if you fail in introducing a soul to the dead lump of flesh you've designed." He said.

"Um, let's talk about what job you have grabbed." I changed the subject.

"Well, there's a ghost haunting a family. We gotta get rid of it." He said, coming back to normal.
So there was another thing about hunters, they could really adjust to changes in topic if it isn't personal.

"Sounds lame." I said. I did mean it. After being chased by demons, a ghost thingy did seem pretty lame.

"Yeah. Talk about it." He sighed

"But since you are an amateur. It would be interesting for you. But you are not supposed to deal with the ghost directly. About you being a hunter thing, it's just a lie. You know right?"

I nodded wondering why did he say that but then again he wouldn't answer if I asked now.

"What exactly do you mean by working indirectly?"

"You always wanted to be Sherlock Holmes, right?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Meaning?" I asked.

"It's the boring research part." He smiled.

"Research is not boring." I complained. Being a curious med student, I loved research. In the last semester, I'd even gotten an A grade for my project.

"Once you realise how interesting it is to hunt down those creatures, you'll realise how tiring research is." He said.


"Could you go in mart and bring yesterday's newspaper?" He asked once we'd halted outside a mart a kilometre away from Café Aber.

"Yeah sure. But why yesterday's?" He pointed at the date on the job poster. It said 1st May, 1013.
"Dude, we cannot take a job so old. It's almost a thousand years old." I asked, surprised.

"What? No! 1013, that's the current year according to Casstelia's system. Our world was formed quite late." He laughed.

Before I could question anything about Casstelia or the system, he promised, "I'll tell you everything in detail but not now."

"Yeah, sure." I was about to leave when he requested me to buy a pie too.

"We just had breakfast!" I said.

"Well, I love pies." He defended his wish.

I went in the mart, bought a newspaper and a pie and returned in about 15 minutes. Ever since the black eyes bartender incident, I was always in the 'check for eyes' mode. Fortunately, I didn't see any black eyes.

I was finally going to do something I'd never done before - working with a shady guy on a ghost mission. I was kind of excited about it, rather than scared. At least it would keep my mind off from thinking about those demons back at Silverton and my old life.

I sighed at the thought.

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