Writer's Note

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Hello wonderful readers,

First of all, thanks a lot for sticking up until here. It makes me very happy to see that my efforts of countless hours isn't going to waste. Thank you for reading this and helping me live my dream. For that, I don't know, I think I'd send angels to your house to take you to the Heaven's Disney land
( and obviously bring you back, if you want to )
if I could.

Now, coming to the essence of this note,

As few of you might already be knowing, Devil's Moon happens to be the first book of the Venator series. There will be 3-4 books in this series which I'll write as and when possible.

Now, Venator : Devil's Moon is further divided into two parts. The part one, which we just finished, as you shall recall, dealt only with how Laura was brought to this entirely different world of ghosts and demons and mummies and what not, how she teamed up with Sebastian and struggled against the demons, while searching for answers to why demons started chasing her and when all this would end. She then finally came across Alzaknos and things took a major turn. Then it was the part with Pamela and in her mental journey, she saw many many strange things which must've resulted in a large scale volcano of questions in her poor mind.

Over her journey, the tale also threw some light on Sebastian's past and a few mentions of the hunter capital Castellia with some Deathstar spell mentions. But in no chapter did Sebastian used his Deathstar.

The second part of this series will start from where we'd ended and continue the tale further. Now, Laura would want to know what exactly is she which will lead her to several secrets about her life. She might take a peek in her past, in her origins. Laura's life would become darker than what she'd anticipated and she may never get her old life back. Times shall come
( quite soon ) when Sebastian would have no other choice but to use his Deathstar which would forever destroy a part of his soul and then the search for Devil's Moon, the central theme of the first book of Venator series will start.

Now, you know Laura is no ordinary human. It might also be wrong to call her human.

What exactly is she?

What is her relationship with Devil's Moon?

Who is the Devil's Moon?

What kind of guy Sebastian really is?

The second part will focus on similar lines and the relationship between Sebastian and Laura will again take turns. There also will be a short visit to Castellia where...

Well, I must limit myself here or I might end up putting the entire tale here.

So hop onto this amazing demon-busting roller coaster, the main part has just began!


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