XXXIX A battle of Angels

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"To inhabit a body of an innocent babe, how could you have fallen so down, Anahita?" Kasstiel asked.

"One thing you are forgetting, Kasstiel. Remember in whose body you linger. In the name of God's Will you blindfold several humans, killing away their life, destroying the lives of their families, stealing the comfort of their friends, and take away their body, calling them mere vessels. Even demons won't be as low as you are." Anahita said as she approached Kasstiel, circling around him, the rim of her white gown brushing against the soft touch of recently calmed waters beneath.

"You know what happens to their soul? First, illused by your irrational words, they hide in the darkest of the shadows of their own psyches, thinking they're the chosen ones for a divine cause. So proud of themselves they feel then." She said with mild anger glowing in her eyes.

"Later however they succumb to the dark. In all that darkness, a faint glimmer of light materializes in their dead consciousness. What if I'm tricked? " Now the rage of her soul was more than visible. A white streak slithered around her and faded quickly.

"Then memories of their family and friends, of their lives start haunting them. They wish to reclaim their bodies, now reduced to mere clothes abused by you foul  entities. They wish to return to their old lives, not so godly perhaps but divinely good lives. But they can't. Tormented they are, scared they are of those who call themselves guardians and saviors. Who would have known these servants of good will are nothing but serpents with twisted intentions?"

"And you know what happens of them? They embrace the dark. They finally come to the conclusion god never existed and angels are no more than demons in masks. To destroy every entity, living or otherwise, that has to do anything with the God, becomes their sole dream. Then they find themselves a new god. They start worshiping the darkness that grants them these desires. They become pawns of the darkness."

"Your futile efforts to save this world from the dark only creates another darkness through their chaotic thoughts of hatred. And the science of the psyche is even beyond our understanding. But we do perceive the consequences of your carelessness. The darkness is inevitable. It will devour all of us. Devil's Moon shall rise and so will Satan and all of us shall fade from existence. That's the fate of world as I see unless a change is forced. And Laura here, my  most special incarnation, along with her friends, only they can bring this change." She said while nearing a frozen Kasstiel's ears. Her lips almost touched his cheeks.

"Go back Kasstiel. Go back to heaven. Or perhaps join me to save this world." Anahita whispered in his ears, her hands caressed his cheek while her voice caressed his thoughts.

"Save the world? I don't need to hear the fate of the world or that of the vessels from the likes of you. At least we do ask permission to those fortunate people. Stealing away a baby by forcing its soul to pass on to the other world even before a life begins, never would I've thought you would fall to such levels ." Kasstiel furiously threw her hand off him. His eyes were no longer calm.

"I'm here on a mission. I'm here to take Laura before Devil's Moon could rise. This faint ripple in the ocean of destiny has been summoned through unimaginable efforts our caring Father has done to save this realm of existence. Let me make this ripple into a gigantic wave and free this world from the clutches of the dark."

"So you know. You know the Prophecy." She said.

"The complete prophecy I know not, I agree. But I do know the gist. Laura's the key to revive Devil's Moon. You are the key to materialize havoc in this world. And if you cease to exist, so would this threatening. So come to me, Anahita. In your life of endless sins, make one virtue at least. Perhaps Father will forgive you."

"I seek no forgiveness for I've done no wrong. Neither will I let you take me. If making the earth fall into chaos is your wish, so be it. Remember, I was once a commander of an entire legion of angels. You do realize with whom you're willing to clash swords, don't you, Kasstiel?"

"You were in hiding for far too long, Anahita. For the legion you once used to command is mine to order. We may not par in experience but in power we indeed do. Should a full-fledged  duel is to occur between us, and should you be the one losing, I won't hold back from spilling your silver." Kasstiel said.

"But before that..." He said.

He closed his eyes and when his eyelids fluttered open, the grey of his eyes was gone. Two intense beams of light shot through the bright white orbs that had replaced his eyes, dancing around him, brushing against the water beneath, making it vaporize. Soon the two beams branched off into several others and the cavern soon was overwhelmed by its brightness. And so was the darkness. Kasstiel suddenly looked at Delroy. He closed his eyes yet another time and its opening was followed by a gigantic surge of energy that danced around Delroy, craving to devour him. The light soon slithered along his black robes. All his darkness vanished, all his prowess fell short to rival that of Kasstiel's. The shadows were gone as soon as their demise was realized. Delroy shrieked in pain and fright while the light hungered to obliterate every bit of his dark essence. His skin sizzled with the touch of purest kind of energy. Soon his entire body was on fire, burning and scorching. Delroy could no longer take more. All his demonic prowess had been killed. He was stripped off his powers and his destruction was unstoppable.

A black torrent began to rise through his foul mouth. A failing attempt of escape was it for even this torrent couldn't avoid the flames of the angel's fire. His skin had melted and burned, his bones had turned to ashes and the back smoke, Delroy's true essence, was trapped in multiple layers of light. Kasstiel balled his hand and the light grew more intense. It was a matter of seconds before Delroy's dark spirit turned to nothingness. Even his ashes then burned to nothingness.

Delroy was dead.

"Dare you do the same to Sebastian." Anahita said. Even her form glimmered white and silver.

"Oh, so you've developed a soft spot for demons as well?" Kasstiel said.

"A demon is not what he is." Anahita said. She was trying hard to control her rage. Presence of Kasstiel was too troublesome for her to bear.

"But he will be. Or something worse. Though not yet completed, he'll have to face the Curse of Thanos. He may not cease from existence but he'll pay a terrible price. No one escapes Thanos' clutches, we both know this too well. He'll gradually feed on him and finish him finally. So go ahead, save him now but you cannot alter his fate." Kasstiel smiled.

"Thanos' deal is like a demon's deal. It can't be broken indeed. One's existence for unimaginable power.No one can bring him down, not even an entire army of demons nor the force of all legions of angels combined. So don't tempt me. No fool I'm to lose all my prowess over a cause unachievable." She said.

"So what do you intend to do with him?" He asked. The babyish innocence on his face reminded her of old days, when she used to play with a five year old Kasstiel before joining the Divine Order.

"I've been in hiding for far too long. My prowess keeps on deteriorating while all other angels keep on growing in strength. And apparently no one but I can comprehend the true plans of the Order. So, to fight against all demons as well as my fellow angels, what is that I'd need the most. Oh yes, strength indeed." She said.

"I don't understand." Kasstiel looked puzzled but Pamela, even in her state of true panic, had her neurons working.

"No, you can't do that. The psyche will break!" She screamed.

Anahita, while still circling Kasstiel, gave a quick glance at Pamela. In her dazzling white eyes, Pamela could see something brown shimmering. Soon the white of her eyes gave in to rematerialize her big brown eyes. Laura said no word but a faint smile spread along her lips.

"Kasstiel, nice meeting you." Laura smiled. He looked at her, completely bewildered. In one quick move, she stepped away from Kasstiel. She muttered something under her breaths and something white started to shimmer around her palms. His eyes widened with fear when the realization of what she was upto hit him.

"No!" He yelled as she pressed her palms against a huge rock over which she had jumped on to. Several silver-white streaks danced on the rock and slithered towards Kasstiel. No ray touched him but soon, as they grew and multiplied, a mark formed around where Kasstiel had been standing.  A pentagram was formed of these silver streaks which blazed brighter as time passed. Strange letters appearead on the periphery of this mark and circled around him. And then, in less than a second, Kasstiel was gone.

"Farewell Kasstiel, never escape heaven again." Laura said. Ignoring the broken confused questions of Pamela, Laura ran towards Sebastian. The silver of her form dimmed as her eyes welled. She was growing weak. And so was Sebastian's nearly gone essence.

Avoiding the slippery parts of the cavern, hurrying through the gushing water or bearing the stings of small stones beneath, Laura ran towards the fallen body of Sebastian. With the darkness veiling him, he looked afloat in a raging dark storm cloud. Sebastian's eyes were closed. There was no sound of heavy breathing and his bloody chest was also devoid of any motion. He was not breathing. Laura quickly attempted to check his pulse but the moment her eyes fell on his abdominal part, she was petrified by fear and dread. The strong abs his body once adorned were now torn apart from Delroy's furious slashes from before. A wide gash zigzagged over his stomach. There was blood everywhere. But the blood no longer was red.  A shade of darkness lingered in every drop.

Seeing him like this had broken her completely. She fell to the ground, her hands on her sobbing face. She heard foot steps approaching from behind. A moment passed and similar thudding sound fell on her ears. Pamela had also joined her.

A minute passed and then another. As time passed, the condition of both girls would only worsen. They held hands and sobbed relentlessly, looking at each other and crying more bitterly.

But then suddenly, a silver streak passed through a puddle of water that stretched behind them. Pamela rose her teary eyes to look at Laura. Afraid that something paranormal would happen again, she grabbed at Laura's eyes more strongly. Aunt Jane was gone. Her Uncle had no clue where they were. Sebastian was beyond any help. Laura was the only person she could be with and not in the slightest could she tolerate any disturbance in her form.

"We've to do something, Pams. We have to." Laura's voice, no matter how bitter it was, was still reassuring. Pamela was momentarily gladdened that Laura had not given up.

"Please connect me to his psyche." Laura whispered. Pamela, who'd been resting her head against Laura's shoulder, rose.

"You can't be serious. To bring Sebastian back, I won't let you kill yourself." She said, holding her close to herself.

"It's the only way, Pam." Laura said bitterly.

"Besides, I ain't the old Laura you used to know, I've changed." Laura said. The turning of her hair from blonde to silvery white, growing in stature by an inch or two were indeed a few unnatural changes. But that wasn't what Laura had implied. She had now came to know of her true self, her fourth face. Anahita's complete prowess or knowledge was not yet available for Laura to exploit but a part of her essence had truly been absorbed by Laura. She had indeed changed.

"The Third Gate. It's my Demonic Mercapto." Laura closed her eyes and sighed.

"What do you mean? How do you know?" Pamela's eyes widened.

"I don't know all things yet. Mysteries of my past are still mysteries. But the flow of my knowledge was always controlled by Anahita. She's now gone, merged with my deeper subconscious. But her momentary revival has broken a few chains of my memory. Few blocks of this memory previously unknown to me are now unbound and I can now make sense of them. This realization is nothing but one such free memory block now reconnected to my memory spiral." Laura explained.

"Please Pam, help me. Connect me to Sebastian's psyche. Let me absorb all his darkness." Laura begged.

"No, Laura, never. I now realize Alzaknoss' intentions. He did succeed in creating something demonic in your psyche. But that Gate is powerless. Once you fill it with demonic prowess..." She stopped, horror rose in her wide eyes.

"I can't even think, Laura. It'd be disastrous. You're a human. A supposed vessel of an angel as well, or you're yourself an angel, I don't know yet. And in addition to all this confusion, you intend to strain your psyche further by adding another foreign entity, a demonic one? It will destroy your psyche, don't you understand?" Laura nearly screamed with terror.

"I know. But it's the only way. Besides Anahita will assist me if something nasty really grows in there." Laura said.

"Only on one condition." Pamela said after a thoughtful while.

"Marry him when he's back." She smiled.

Her strange condition made Laura shake with surprise. She knew how much Pamela cared about Sebastian and yet she wanted her to marry her love?

"Marry him and drive him away from the Hunter Society. Go back to Silverton and build your crappy hospital. Appoint me as a psychiatrist there maybe. Let's then live a boring life, a boring but a safe one. Promise me, Laura, promise me." She said.

Laura smiled shyly. She hugged her and nodded.

Sorry for the abrupt break! But next update will be soon!

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