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"You don't know how foolish you are, dear Seb. It doesn't matter now; the deal is sealed and we both must obey its clauses." Delroy said.

"Sure, dear uncle. Bring forth my aunt." Sebastian said through gritted teeth. His eyes glittered with violent enthusiasm. Soon revenge would be his. The one goal his life was left with would be satisfied soon enough. He'd avenge the murder of his parents and destroy this demon once and for all.

"Um, don't you think the set up here is too boring. I mean look at those trees and grass and the building...I want something stony, something earthy." Delroy said.

"What about the Behemut's Castle?" Delroy said.

"Aah, I long for the smells of the stone and the moist cavern. What say you Sebastian? Should we move there?"

Sebastian wondered if the making of deal had somehow reached the core of his uncle's head and made it soft. Behemut's Castle was in ruins and kilometres away from where they stood. It was so far from here it'd take no less than a day to visit there even by plane.

"And how do you plan to make the transfer, uncle Delroy? I say we do the deal here itself." Sebastian said.

Never to trust a demon's words even though he's bound by any sort of deal. He was a demon, and the deal was a demon deal. Surely he would know better how demon deals worked and would use that knowledge against him.

"Pelussia, you heard? Sebastian wants us to go to the fallen Behemut's Castle. Could you arrange a quick transfer?" Delroy said.

"Of course, master." She said and closed her eyes.

Sebastian gave Delroy a nasty look. Every second was precious. He wasn't sure if his aunt was absolutely safe and unhurt. He wasn't sure if Delroy was acting straight or he had something nasty behind his mind.

He jumped out of his reverie as soon as a dozen things started happening around him all at once.

It begin with the flickering of the violet lamps bordering the garden. Temperature seemed to drop further and the moaning of the winds became more intense. Leaves started rustling in accordance to the increased wind. Plants danced so furiously flowers began to perish as they collided with each other or got lifted in the winds altogether.

Sebastian looked at Delroy who showed no characteristic emotion. His attention then turned to Pelussia and for once he realised who was the source of all these sudden developments in the surrounding.

"Ah, finally my dear Seb notices. You see, Pelussia is not any ordinary demon. She is my soon-to-be bride." Delroy said proudly as if marrying a fat ill-shaped, ugly creature was the best of his achievements ever. He was so happy of this betrothal that for the first time Sebastian could see a true smile painted wide on his face, not the fake ones he usually showed.

"But more important than that, Pelussia is Alzaknos' daughter, the third most powerful demon in all of West Tithriss." He hissed. If Pamela had been here, Sebastian would have actually felt a pity towards Delroy. She wouldn't have left a single question of hers unanswered. How can a demon reproduce?

Soon, the wind was no longer a problem for the ground had also started shaking. Sebastian had to strain his muscles to remain standing. It was as if an earthquake had hit Motel Risotto. The grass around him was no longer even and the once beautiful garden was now destroyed beyond repairs. Mud from beneath the grass surfaced and even huge trees started to lose balance.

He could not hold anymore. The winds were fierce. His hair and coat ruffled violently against the wind and something dark started surrounding him. Layer after layer of thick darkness shrouded him isolating him from the rest of the world. His eyes could see nothing, his ears could hear nothing. Even the sense of touch was lost when he was devoured by this darkness most likely called by the Demon King's daughter Pelussia.

Was this Delroy's trap? Had he seen through Sebastian's seemingly intelligent idea and had something else in mind right from the beginning?

Before Sebastian got a chance to truly comprehend his situation or Delroy's intentions, however, everything strange that had been happening stopped.

The swirls of darkness started deforming and the layers turned to nothingness. He was free. There was land beneath his legs, air around his body.

But the air no longer smelled pleasantly of the fragrant flowers that grew in the garden. It smelled damp and earthy. Neither was the ground beneath him grassy. It was damp and certainly wasn't a lawn. Slippery stony surface supported his legs.

On looking around himself, Sebastian realised he was not at all in Motel Risotto. He was somewhere he never expected he'd ever go.

The ruins of the Behemut's Castle, one of the most important structures of the history of hunters, stood looming over him.

"Isn't it beautiful? I've always loved the ruins." Delroy appeared before Sebastian. He however was not cloaked by numerous layers of fading darkness when he appeared. He simply materialised out of air. Demons might be the foulest of God's all creations. But they certainly had the best gift - that of teleportation.

"Petyrick Behemut was a loyal attendant at King Robert's court. Well known for his unparalleled skills in architecture, little wonder was it that he was named as the Master of Buildings all those years ago." He began while Sebastian glanced all about him, wondering if he was in some kind of trap.

It did look like a trap, as he had expected. For one thing, he was no longer on open land. It appeared to him that he was in some kind of a huge cave, larger than a cavern. Then there was no opening. The cave was however illuminated, though dully. There was water everywhere. It wasn't some kimd of an underground water reserve. Nor did the cavern seemed to terminate to a huge lake or ocean. It was just a layer of stagnant water that grew deeper where Delroy stood. And beyond that, Sebastian could finally notice an opening. Not an opening really, a staircase, a series of slopy stony structures that led deeper into the cavern, possibly to the source of water.

"The history of Behemut's Castle goes hundreds of years back. King Robert, the first King who ever ruled Casstelia and the Hunter Society, was the person who had founded this society and brought together numerous isolated groups sharing the same aim - to bring down the paranormal once and for all." Delroy continued. Strange it was to see a demon actually cared to appreciate the development of a society which was designed to obliterate their kind.

"Give your stupid history lessons to someone else. Where is my aunt?" Sebastian demanded yet again.

"That's true. The formation of the Society is of little concern here. What needs to be told is of the glamorous Castle built by Behemut." Delroy said as he walked towards Sebastian, splashing water.
Sebastian instinctively placed his hand on his dagger.

"Behemut took sixteen years, sixteen years of extremely careful planning and tedious executions to create this masterpiece. King Robert expected him to present his majesty this wonderful castle he had built, the Behemut's Castle. But our poor Behemut had different plans." He said while pulling away his sword.

Sebastian looked at him, shocked.

"Behemut had promised his love this castle and he could not break her heart." He paused briefly.

"A tough choice presented itself before him - to give his love this castle, as he had long intended, or to give it to the selfish King Robert. It turned out, his love was more powerful than the loyalty towards his King. For that, he was declared a traitor and beheaded for treason." He said as he unsheathed his sword.

"But that isn't the end of his story. It is said, soon after his murder, the castle collapsed right above this cavern. What remains of it is this artificial cavern which feels so real, doesn't it?" He paused.

"It looks like Behemut was an innocent man here. Turns out, he wasn't. For he kept telling both his king and his wife that the castle was for them. For this falsehood, he was gifted wealth and honour in huge amounts by the King from time to time while his wife did her best to gift her beloved the best of her carnal pleasures."

"Guards, bring 'em to me." He turned towards the stairs and clapped his hands.

Two men, all dressed in black formal wearing emerged from the opening pushing two chairs on which two immobile bodies rested. Sebastian could not figure out who they were from this distance. But an uneasy feeling grew in his heart.

"The castle was promised to his wife, desired by the King and yet it met with the earth from which it was created. Behemut was a fool to let two people believe the castle was for them. In the end, the material benefits he gained through it were nothing when compared to the ultimate thing he got through his false tongue - it only gave him death."

He completed and suddenly his eyes radiated a fierce anger and Sebastian realised why the Ruins of Behemut was chosen to be the place for the completion of the deal. Cold sweat tricked down his forehead.

"I believed you Sebastian. I thought we were doing a fair deal. I thought I'd have a nice time finishing this deal and both of us will face no trouble at all."
He said.

"But you intended to take a disadvantage of my kind nature. You tried to defile my trust in you, dear Sebastian, you faked the deal." His statement made Sebastian freeze like a statue.

But the shock of Delroy's revealing that he knew his plan right from the beginning was nothing when compared to what followed it. A mind shattering shock shook Sebastian so fiercely he believed the land beneath him had started shaking once again.

For the two immobile bodies the guards were bringing here were the only people he cared the most for. There sat before him pale bodies of his dearest persons in the world - his mother-like aunt and his love.

"Your soul was promised to Lady Melissa, desired by me and you attempted to take benefits through both of us. And for this treachery, Sebastian, you will have to die, just like Behemut did."

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