Chapter 1

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Porchay ran. He was running as fast as he could, not looking back to meet those murderous haunting eyes that's been chasing him. It's as if the road he was taking was endless. He was moving, yet he was not moving forward.

"RUN! RUN! RUN!" a polyphony of voices echoed through the road followed by a wicked laughter.

He then suddenly fell into a whirlpool of nothing but darkness. A void of visible blackness illuminating his surrounding. His eyes were open but his vision was nothing but an endless pool of shadow.

The eyes that was chasing him showed up again. It's the only thing he could see among the endless murk surrounding him. It's getting nearer and nearer.

He wanted to move further away but his body couldn't move, his body couldn't react.

"-ay! Chay!" A strong grip was felt by Chay as he find his consciousness being awaken by the arms shaking his body.

Porchay gasped as he let out a breath he was unconsciously holding.

He chased his breath as it became difficult for him to breathe.

When he finally relaxed, a hand met his vision holding a glass of water while the other caressing his back.

"Another nightmare?" The man let out a sigh full of worry. "Chay, I told you to take the pills. Why won't you listen to me?" A worried voice was let out by his brother Porsche.

"I told you, they make me nauseous. I don't like taking them." He replied with a groggy voice as he swung his blanket aside and stood up.

Porsche let out a sigh of defeat because he knows, he'll never win a single argument with his little brother.

"Be down and eat breakfast with me before you go to school." Porsche didn't wait for an answer as he made his way out of Porchay's room.

The cool and warm breeze collided as Porchay opened the window to his room hitting his bareskin. Looking outside by the garden early in the morning has become a habit of his.

After staring at the garden outside, he made his way to a room where he finds solace, comfort and longing. His parents' room.

He slowly approached the bed they used to sleep on and layed there for a bit, inhaling the scent. The scent of home. Hoping that it's still there. Hoping that their scent never disappeared and faded... But it did. They're gone.


The smell of freshly cooked bacon and egg welcomed Porchay's nose as he made his way downstairs to the kitchen.

Porsche was preparing the table when he saw Porchay approaching.

"He's going to our university today ." Porchay suddenly announced before picking up his spoon that was neatly prepared on the table.

Porsche looked at him puzzled and confused. "Who?" He asked with a furrowed brows not getting what his brother meant.

"Kimhan." The single word reply gave Porsche enough context to contemplate everything.

"Will you be able to do it?" The older one asked looking for a little uncertainty from the younger, but the only reply he got was a blank stare and that was enough for Porsche to be convinced.

There's no one in this world that Porsche trusts more than his brother.

Growing up without a single guardian made them and their bond tighter than the strings of Orpheus' lyre.

Porsche did his best to raise Porchay, but the truth is: he didn't have to. He didn't need to raise Porchay because Porchay has always been independent.

He didn't really rely on his older brother growing up. He didn't ask nor demand anything from Porsche. He did his best to not burden anyone by becoming their responsibility.

That's just the kind of person Chay is. Smart and independent. For that, Porsche was grateful, but sometimes he wanted the younger to bug him, to ask for his help, to demand him something, but he knows that's too much for him to ask. That's just how his younger brother is- a person who shuts everyone out.

"Did you make progress on your target?" The sudden question made Porsche look at the younger across the table.

Porsche let out a deep breath before brushing a hand on his hair.

"I still need a little time. I am his bodyguard but he still doesn't trust me enough to go on meetings with him." Porchay nodded as he pierced his fork on the last peace of bacon on his plate. "We will get there Chay. Trust me. Just a little more time." Porsche added reassuringly.


The clock reads 8:30 a.m.

Porchay puts his shoes on to match the university uniform he's wearing before making his way to his secret room.

The room where everything's in place.

The room where he organized the plans he has in store for the person responsible for his parents' death and the people involved in it.

He calculatively looked at his investigation board, placing another pin on it with a picture of a boy.

Porchay picked up a dart and threw it on the darting board that was placed in the far corner of the room.

There, in the middle of the dart board placed a picture of a man. A man he can only described as the devil.

"I'm gonna get you Korn Theerapanyakul. Just wait. I'm gonna get you."

End of Chapter 1

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