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Before Reading the story, I suggest you guys take a look at the trailer I prepared for this story, it's link has been provided at the end, in the external link's option. That's all, enjoy!

So-Hee's pov

My heart raced like a drumbeat, synchronized with the ticking of the clock, each passing second a reminder of the impending chaos. Panic gripped me as I fumbled through the mess of my room, a battleground scattered with the remnants of my frantic morning routine. The difficult-to-find keys, a tiny yet crucial piece in the grand puzzle of my day, played hide-and-seek among the clutter.

"Oh god! I am already running late!" I muttered to myself, the weight of time bearing down on my shoulders like a heavy burden. I could almost hear the accusatory whispers of my two friends, Kunpimook (KK) and Pranpriya (PP), echoing in my mind - the merciless taunts they would unleash for the delay on the first day after winter vacation.

My eyes darted around the room, in a desperate search for the keys. Amid the chaos, I caught a glimpse of the keyholder - the very place my lazy habits often neglected. A mixture of relief and self-correction washed over me as I retrieved the keys, silently scolding my past forgetfulness.

As I rushed out, locking the door with a finality that felt like sealing off my chaotic haven, I sprinted towards my worn-out, second-hand car. The engine roared to life, a symphony of strained machinery that mirrored the financial struggles of my student life. The destination was set - college, a mere 15 minutes away.

But fate, with its twisted sense of humor, had other plans. A sudden halt, a force that shook my car - and there it was, like another worldly appearance in the dull neighborhood - La Voiture Noire, a masterpiece of automotive design. The sleek black hypercar stood as a stark contrast to my humble vehicle, the representation of sophistication.

As I marveled at the spectacle, the tall and mysterious occupants spilled out of the luxurious car, before I could make sense of the situation, my own car betrayed me. It refused to start, leaving me stranded in the presence of those mysterious figures.

"I think my guardian angels are drunk, rather than saving me they are pushing me deep down the hole??!!" I cursed, the frustration bubbling within me. Abandoning my car, I fled on foot, notifying KK of my sorry condition. Moments later, he appeared at the accident site, a savior in the chaos.

However, the relief was short-lived as two imposing figures closed in on me. Panic surged, but my survival instincts kicked in. A daring headbutt and a swift punch later, I found myself freed from the clutches of the hulking adversaries, guided by KK and PP to safety.

As we turned the corner, my eyes locked with his - those dark dragon eyes that held mysteries yet to unfold.


As I stepped onto the college grounds, my friend KK pounced on me with a whirlwind of accusations and frustrations. It was the first day back after the winter break, and I was already on the receiving end of KK's relentless lecture. "The first day after the winter break, you were running late, and on top of that, you indulged in an accident, that too with that Mr. Bulky, and God knows what power he holds! How can you be so careless! Were you still sleepy when you were driving??!! How many times have I told you to quit that job of yours? It's not an ideal job, and the cherry on top is its timing. Like seriously, did you have to opt for the night shift? Can you not work with us, or better live with us?? Our work is safe and secure, we work from home and don't have to interact; moreover, our identity is well hidden as well!" he vented out, his frustration pouring like an uncorked bottle of shaken soda.

I closed my eyes momentarily, taking a deep breath to repress the rising annoyance within me. With a composed demeanor, I softly responded, "Look, I know I messed up this time, but please, try to understand. Night shifts at the club guarantee the maximum due to the rush, meanwhile, in the morning, there is barely anyone in sight. And no, I wasn't sleepy while I was driving. Mr. Bulky was the one who didn't know how to drive and collided his car with mine. My poor baby!"

I couldn't help but inject a touch of humor into my defense, referring to my car as my "poor baby." It seemed to momentarily lighten the tense atmosphere, and I continued, "Besides, working and living with you guys sounds like a dream, but you know as well as I do that it's not possible, we planned this together and you guys know my reasonings for this. Moreover, the night shift might be inconvenient, but it pays the bills, and the stories from the late hours are worth their weight in gold."

KK raised an eyebrow, seemingly caught off guard by my unexpected counterargument. The corner of my mouth curled into a sly grin as I added, "And who knows, maybe Mr. Bulky will learn to navigate the streets properly one day. Until then, I'll just have to dodge him and his clumsy driving skills."

Just as I paused to catch his breath from my reasonings, the bell rang with a shrill urgency that could wake the dead, signaling the commencement of our first period (literally being saved by the bell ^^;). It was as if the universe itself was tired of KK's lecture and decided to intervene.

Caught in the sudden urgency, I swiftly promised PP and KK that I'd join them in the canteen during recess, while secretly hoping that the cafeteria had something stronger than coffee to get me through the day. With a nod that conveyed both determination and mild panic, I set off in the direction of my first class, dodging students who seemed to come into being out of thin air.

The school corridors turned into a chaotic blend of backpacks, flying notebooks, and the occasional stray sock (because why not?). As I sprinted, I couldn't help but wonder if this was the universe's way of keeping me on my toes after the morning's fiasco with Mr. Bulky.

Reaching my classroom, I stumbled through the door just in time to avoid the disapproving gaze of Mrs. Haversham, the formidable mathematics teacher with a knack for turning quadratic equations into the stuff of nightmares. As I took my seat, slightly out of breath and desperately trying to look like I'd been there all along, I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all.

Lesson learned: never underestimate the power of a bell to rescue you from a friend's well-intentioned, although never-ending, lecture. And so, with a silent thank-you to the bell for its ideal timing, I prepared to face the challenges of the day armed with the knowledge that even in chaos, there's always room for a good laugh.

As the school day progressed, my mind swung to and fro between the boring lectures and the morning's chaotic events. The promise of a caffeinated break loomed in the distance, a beacon of hope to endure the academic storm.

As the bell rang for recess, I hurriedly joined KK and PP in the bustling cafeteria. The aroma of food and the chatter of students created a comforting symphony, temporarily drowning out the lingering echoes of Mr. Bulky and the morning's misadventures.

"Finally, you grace us with your presence," KK teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "We were starting to think you'd been abducted by aliens or something."

I rolled my eyes, a well-practiced response to KK's theatrical exaggerations. "Aliens would probably have better driving skills than Mr. Bulky," I retorted, earning a chuckle from PP.

Our banter continued a rhythmic dance of familiar friendship that go beyond the chaos of our individual lives. As we navigated the maze of tables and students, the trio of friends found solace in the ordinary, a refuge from the extraordinary challenges each of us faced.

Seated at our usual spot, surrounded by the hubbub of student life, I sipped my coffee, letting its warmth soothe the lingering tension in my veins. KK, ever the inquisitive one, couldn't resist probing into the morning's events.

"So, spill the tea, So-Hee. What happened with Mr. Bulky?" he quizzed, leaning in with an eager expression.

I recounted the collision, the unexpected encounter with the mysterious figures, and the subsequent escape with KK and PP. As the tale unfolded, their expressions shifted from amusement to concern, mirroring the rollercoaster of emotions I had experienced earlier.

PP, with her expressive eyes, gasped at the daring headbutt, while KK nodded approvingly at the swift punch. The cafeteria became a theater of animated reactions, our laughter harmonizing with the background noise.

Amidst the retelling, my eyes inadvertently sought out the enigmatic figure from the morning fleeting memory that lingered in the recesses of my mind. The dark dragon eyes, filled with mysteries yet to unfold, haunted my thoughts like an unsolved riddle.

As the bell signaled the end of recess, we dispersed, ready to face the remainder of the day's challenges. The trio of friends, bound by the threads of laughter and shared stories, ventured back into the labyrinth of academic pursuits.


Greetings, avid readers! First and foremost, a heartfelt thank you to all of you who have plunged into the depths of my narrative, eager and ready to unravel the story that awaits.

Now, allow me to unveil the protagonist of our tale, the beating heart of this unfolding drama - Han So-Hee. Picture a 20-year-old dynamo, navigating the tumultuous waters of academia as a third-year business major at the illustrious Seoul University. But, dear readers, her journey is not one paved with silver spoons and academic accolades; rather, it's a narrative woven with threads of resilience, etched by the ink of life's trials.

So-Hee, an orphan since the tender age of 10, stands as a testament to the strength that can emerge from the ashes of loss. Her guiding light through the stormy seas of youth is none other than her uncle, the unsung hero, Kim Jiwoo. Yet, don't be fooled by the seemingly ordinary facade of this support. So-Hee, with a heart that bears the weight of a painful past, chose not to burden her uncle with the intricacies of her struggles. The help she receives is a mere whisper, a subtle thread connecting them in the tapestry of survival.

Now, let's shift the spotlight to the pillars of friendship that stand alongside So-Hee: - Pranpriya Manobal and Kunpimook Bhuwakul. Imagine a trio bound by the invisible threads of childhood camaraderie, a friendship that weathered the storms of adolescence and emerged stronger. Pranpriya, a burst of vibrant energy, and Kunpimook, the epitome of laid-back charm, complement So-Hee's journey in ways only true friends can.

So, dear readers, buckle up for a ride through the corridors of Seoul University, where the mundane transforms into the extraordinary, and where the echoes of the past resonate with the beats of an uncertain future. Join So-Hee and her companions as they navigate the intricacies of friendship, love, and the resilience that blooms in the face of adversity. Welcome to a story where every page turned unravels a little more of the enigmatic tapestry that is Han So-Hee's life.

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