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So Hee's Perspective

I arrived at the abandoned factory, the same factory that held answers to my own question, but now was not the time to focus on my questions related to the past right now I was working for Namjoon and I should be focusing on that only, so here I was after a two-hour ride on my bike. V got there a bit quicker, in about an hour and a half, while Jimin arrived just ten minutes after me. "Nice of you to join us," I quipped, flashing a grin in Jimin's direction. "Did you bring the popcorn for our spooky adventure?" I joked referring to the creepy-looking factory in front of us, "I left it at home, along with the ghost repellent," Jimin's response to my joke elicited a silent smirk, his eyes gleaming with amusement, while V's chuckle echoed through our microphones from his vantage point watching and providing us coverage. His silhouette, illuminated by the pale moonlight, seemed to blend seamlessly with the darkness, like a ghost haunting the ruins... "Looks like we'll have to face the spooky adventure without popcorn then," I remarked with a grin, scanning the decrepit surroundings. The moon, casting its pale glow over the crumbling structures, seemed to lend an otherworldly aura to the scene. Jimin's dry retort came swiftly, "Guess we'll just have to rely on our charm and wit to ward off the ghosts."

With a playful roll of my eyes, I turned my attention to the looming shadows that stretched across the factory floor. As I stepped into the eerie atmosphere of the abandoned factory, a chill ran down my spine, sending shivers dancing along my skin as if warning me not to enter the area that did not belong to me (anymore!). The moon cast an eerie glow over the crumbling structures, casting long shadows that seemed to dance with malevolent intent. The air was thick with an unsettling silence, broken only by the distant hoot of an owl. "Concentrate everyone! Let's save the ghost stories for later, shall we?" Namjoon's authoritative voice cut through the playful banter, reminding us of the seriousness of our mission. Yoongi's sarcastic remark "Bold of us to assume this notorious creature will ever listen to us!" added a touch of levity to the tense atmosphere, earning a chuckle from the rest of us.

With our focus redirected, we proceeded cautiously through the abandoned factory, our senses on high alert. Every creak of the floorboards, every rustle of the wind, sent a jolt of adrenaline coursing through my veins. The darkness seemed to swallow us whole, enveloping us in its oppressive embrace.

As we navigated the labyrinthine corridors, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. The shadows danced eerily along the walls, playing tricks on my mind. But I pushed aside my apprehension, steeling myself for whatever lay ahead.

With each step, we drew closer to our objective, our movements calculated and precise. The silence hung heavy in the air, broken only by the occasional whisper of our breaths and the soft hum of our footsteps. We were surrounded by that itchy rusty smell, and dripping water sound making the blood in our body flow at an unbelievable speed! Turning around I slipped on a step seemingly twisting my leg, "Fuck, shit hurts like hell" I cursed at the sudden pain I felt in my ankle area, " Shh..! You fine? What happened?!" Jimin was quick to inquire about my state along with PP and KK shouting in the microphones asking me about my safety but before anyone could get any more railed up I assured them that I was fine and it was just my clumsy self who slipped the step, but upon closer inspection to make sure I was completely fine Jimin noticed that surprisingly it was the only step present there, none other step present going up or down! Thanks to my clumsy self we found this or anyone could have missed it by how unnoticeable it is almost seeming like a poor construction mistake!

We were about to move further when Jungkook and Rose stopped us from going away and looked for any sort of locker thingy that might open some door or some entry because according to the cryptic note I found attached to the scarecrow Enter a den where shadows dance, Amidst whispers of secrets, they prance. In darkness' embrace, truths may lie, Awaiting brave souls to unearth and defy.

With Jimin's help, I gingerly tested my weight on my injured ankle, relieved to find that it was nothing more than a minor sprain. Assured of my ability to continue, we turned our attention back to the mysterious step. We carefully examined the surrounding area, scouring every nook and cranny for any sign of a concealed entrance. As we worked together, our senses on high alert, I couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation that gripped me. With each passing moment, the tension in the air thickened the anticipation building to a fever pitch. Every shadow seemed to hold a secret, every whisper a clue waiting to be deciphered. We pressed on, driven by a shared determination to unravel the mystery that lay before us.

Suddenly, Jimin's sharp eyes caught sight of a faint outline on the wall, barely visible in the dim light. With a surge of excitement, we rushed to investigate, our hearts pounding with anticipation. Sure enough, hidden behind a layer of dust and cobwebs, we discovered a small, inconspicuous lever. Namjoon through the microphone asked us to carefully and slowly pull the lever down and back away as soon as we were done, but that would have been way riskier so ignoring Namjoon's words in my mind I asked Jimin to stand a bit away from both the seemingly invisible door and the lever and be prepared to welcome who so ever was there at the other side of the door, and so with bated breath, I reached out and pulled the lever in one go. At first, nothing seemed to happen but later the sound of gears grinding echoed through the abandoned factory. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, a section of the wall began to shift, revealing a hidden set of stairs leading to a basement chamber, beyond relived I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding!

But the relief was short-lived as soon Jungkook's annoyed, Namjoon's stressed and Yoongi's 'so done with this girl' sigh was heard along with V's, KK's, PP's and Rose's relieved sign, Jungkook went crazy over risking Jimin's life with my stupid naughtiness, while Yoongi tried calming him down stating Jimin was fine and nothing happened and he would scold me on everyone's behalf for giving them all a mini heart attack. Namjoon being the leader and the responsible one lectured me not to ever pull off stunts like this in the future. Suhsing them all we resumed our journey into the so-called den.

As we stepped into the hidden chamber, the air seemed to thicken with an ominous presence, sending a chill down my spine that refused to dissipate. Shadows danced along the walls, their movements casting eerie shapes that seemed to shift and morph with each passing moment.

Despite the darkness that enveloped us, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. It was as if unseen eyes followed our every move, their gaze piercing through the veil of shadows with an unsettling intensity.

Jimin, ever the vigilant one, scanned our surroundings with a cautious eye, his senses on high alert. His hand rested on the hilt of his dagger, ready to spring into action at the slightest sign of danger. With our senses heightened and our nerves on edge, we cautiously explored the hidden chamber, our footsteps echoing softly against the stone floor. The air was heavy with the weight of anticipation, each breath filled with a sense of foreboding.

As we ventured deeper into the chamber, we encountered a series of cryptic symbols etched into the walls, their meaning shrouded in mystery. Runes and sigils adorned the ancient stone, their intricate designs hinting at a hidden purpose.

Namjoon's voice crackled through the microphone, breaking the tense silence. "Be careful, everyone. We don't know what we might find in there. Stay alert and stick together."

With Namjoon's warning echoing in our ears, we pressed on, determined to uncover the secrets that lay hidden within the chamber. Every step brought us closer to the truth, every symbol a clue waiting to be deciphered.

As we ventured further into the abyss, the shadows enveloped us, casting an eerie veil over our senses. Whispers, like ghostly echoes, danced through the chamber, their urgency palpable yet shrouded in mystery. With a silent exchange, I directed Jimin to explore the right while I ventured left, our hearts pounding in anticipation.

But before our footsteps could break the silence, a flickering light pierced the darkness. A video materialized before us, projected onto the barren walls. A figure materialized on the blank canvas, cloaked in darkness yet exuding an aura of commanding presence.

Dressed in a suave, dark grey suit adorned with golden cufflinks, a lavender pocket square peeking out, and a Rolex watch gleaming on his wrist, the mysterious man commanded attention. His polished leather shoes tapped against the ground with purpose, while a black homburg hat perched atop his head, revealing only a glimpse of his salt-and-pepper hair. In his hand rested a formidable Australian Buloke cane, polished to perfection, hinting at both elegance and strength.

Seated upon a regal leather chair, he commenced his address, his voice carrying the weight of authority but a robotic tone. He spoke, "Long time no see, Namjoon," he sneered, his tone dripping with contempt. "I always knew you were a fool, but this? This is beyond foolishness. You dare to send your lackeys, Jimin and Rose, in your stead? How disappointing. Did my instructions not penetrate that thick skull of yours?" He seemed to have thought of me as Rose, meaning he knows a lot about the Black Syndicate and its' members!

With a flicker of malice dancing in his eyes, he continued, "But fear not, I have prepared a little surprise for you, dear Namjoon. Prepare to be shocked." The screen flickered to life, revealing a scene so chilling it seemed to freeze the very air around us. A mountain of white powder, ominously stacked high, served as a macabre pedestal for a bloodied figure, his torso grotesquely mutilated, ribs protruding like jagged daggers from his chest. The pallor of death clung to his lifeless form, casting a shadow of dread upon the room.

The horror of the scene proved too much to bear as bile rose in my throat, spilling forth in a violent expulsion of revulsion. But there was no respite, no reprieve from the terror unfolding before us.

"And now, for the pièce de résistance," the man declared, his voice dripping with sadistic glee. With a sudden jolt, the video abruptly cut off, plunging the room into an eerie silence. Then, as if summoned by the darkness itself, the chamber exploded into a blinding light, revealing a legion of armed men, their faces twisted into expressions of ruthless determination, poised to unleash chaos upon us.

The air crackled with tension as the armed men emerged from the shadows, their weapons gleaming ominously in the harsh light. Adrenaline surged through my veins as I instinctively reached for the hilt of my sword, ready to defend myself and my companions.

With a swift motion, Jimin unsheathed his guns, his movements fluid and precise as he assumed a defensive stance. His eyes burned with determination, a silent promise of unwavering resolve in the face of danger.

Namjoon's voice rang out through the chaos, his orders clear and concise as he directed us to run for the exit as soon as possible where V could provide us some cover and in the meantime we could get away from the battleground, as much as I despised the idea of running away without even trying to fight I knew it would be inviting my own death when we knew we would never get an upper hand in this case so with a nod of understanding, we prepared to face our adversaries, our hearts pounding in anticipation of the battle to come.

The first wave of attackers surged forward, their movements swift and coordinated as they advanced upon us with lethal intent. But we were ready, our training and instincts honed to a razor's edge as we met their assault head-on.

Blades clashed and bullets flew as we engaged our foes in a deadly dance of combat. Each strike was met with a counterattack, each blow calculated and precise as we fought tooth and nail to defend ourselves.

Amidst the chaos, I caught glimpses of Jimin who was about to be attacked from the back and so with a second thought I ran to save him and fight whoever dared to even backstab someone while being present in the same room as me, cause in the whole world the things I hate the most are backstabbing and lies! However luck seemed to have left my side the moment I stepped into this room, cause before I got a chance to attack, the dagger pierced my skin and made me fall down on my knees with a thud. The sound caught Jimins attention whose agile form darted through the fray, his daggers flashing in the dim light as he dispatched the one to stab me with ruthless efficiency. His movements were a blur of speed and precision, a testament to his skill as a warrior.

But despite our best efforts, the enemy's numbers seemed endless, their determination unwavering as they pressed their assault with relentless ferocity. We fought with all our strength, our resolve unbroken even as fatigue began to weigh heavily upon us.

As the battle raged on, a sense of desperation settled over us, the odds stacked against us as we struggled to hold our ground against the relentless onslaught. But we refused to yield, our determination burning bright even in the face of overwhelming odds.

With a final surge of strength, we pushed back against our foes, our weapons flashing in the darkness as we fought with everything we had. And slowly crawled back to the gates we entered from, as soon as we stepped out of the room, the door closed itself, shocked and cautious we search for any other form of danger, but on the contrary, we found V who came to help us, explaining the sudden increase in dead enemies while we were still going slow and focused on getting out of the damn room. All three of us ran out of the bloody building before any other group of men could attack us, as soon as we stepped out of the factory gates we could hear the roaring car engines closing up on us, so without thinking I said simultaneously switching my microphone on to update others as well about the plan brewing in my head to get out of this situation. "Everyone we got out of the factory safely but we can hear more men coming so I suggest, Jimin you go along with V, and I'll go later distracting them (referred to the enemy cars), I very well know how to get out of situations like these, KK and PP will lead me out through the forest area that came in the route from which I came here, that would help me camouflage in the night forest, which would lead to them losing me and I'll get out of there!" Everyone was silent for a moment until all of them started saying anything and everything together, Jimin and V who knew I was stabbed were totally against it, and KK and PP knowing me agreed right away Rose was hesitant while Namjoon, Jungkook, and Yoongi were out of words to form anything logical; however, didn't had any time to waste so I not so politely asked everyone to shut the fuck up and concentrate on the only option we had for now, where we would not waste any other second formulating a plan, to which Jimin replied, "If this is the only option then I be the bait to distract, I at least have a gun and surely not a..." I knew he was about to mention the still stabbed knife standing against my abdomen, and that would surely create distress among the group, so I said "You may hand me one of your many guns, moreover I know you are not the one experienced with running and fighting, moreover Jungkook would want you to be safe, so I request Namjoon to finalize the plan before it's too late and we all die here tonight!" the last phrase seemed to trigger Namjoon as even before I could finish my sentence he ordered Jimin and V to do as we (I) planned when Jimin tried to oppose Namjoon angrily asked him to do what he was told to. And so Jimin reluctantly gave me one of his guns, not caring what Jungkook had to say about the matter, and left with V after I made both of them promise me not to tell anyone about my injury until we reached back to the club. I moved towards my bike put on my helmet and waited for a few seconds when I saw four cars approaching the factory gate, thank God both Jimin and V left when they did, else our plan would have been a massive flop! Before they could find me I connected back to our group "They arrived, Jimin and V go safely, and Namjoon please prepare a tub full of ice, it's lacium! Rest I'll tell you when I reach" I didn't tell them about my injury so they do not panic for no reason, they can't do shit while I am here, I need to be present with them so that they could take care of my injury! And so without wasting any other precious moment of mine near this dreadful factory, I shot a bullet in the direction of the cars to gain their attention before I zoomed out of their eyesight, however, I knew they were following closely behind me so I listened intently to the directions KK and PP gave for me to escape through the forest route.

Author's Note:

Finally, I am uploading a chapter!!! I had to do certain things which is why I wasn't able to upload any chapter, but here's a long one, I hope you guys enjoy reading this and do comment your views on this chapter!!

With love,

Your author,

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