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Jimin's Perspective

Namjoon hyung was spot on—KK was quick to pick up on things. It was only the first hour of school when Hoseokie hyung introduced me to the class, specifically the social psychology course. As if things weren't awkward enough, he decided to seat me beside Kim Jinnie.

From the moment I sat down, she was on me like a hawk, trying to get to know me better, asking questions, and throwing flirty comments my way. It was relentless. She wouldn't even give me a moment to breathe, let alone do what I was supposed to—observe and study KK. The plan was to discreetly keep an eye on him, but that quickly went out the window. Instead, I found myself stuck in this bizarre conversation with Jinnie, trying to juggle her endless questions while KK quietly observed me.

It felt like our roles had reversed. I was supposed to be the one gathering information, but there I was, trying to keep Jinnie entertained while KK probably watched me, amused by the whole situation. It was frustrating, but I had to play along, at least for now.

"Is this how my entire day is going to go?" I thought to myself, barely suppressing a sigh as Jinnie leaned in closer, clearly enjoying the attention she was getting.

Finally, after forty-five minutes of struggling, I could breathe! Releasing a sigh of relief, I started packing my stuff, eager to head to my next class, and put this whole ordeal behind me. Just as I was zipping up my bag, I felt a presence beside me—someone moving in quietly, almost too quietly.

Before I could react, KK appeared out of nowhere, startling me so badly taht I nearly jumped out of my skin. My heart raced as I turned to see him smirking, clearly enjoying the fact that he'd caught me off guard.

"Don't do that ever again! I was literally scared to near death!" I exclaimed, my right hand resting on my chest as I tried to calm my racing heart.

"Yah! Kunpimook, you can't just scare Jiminnie oppa like that. Look how terrified he looks," Jinnie scolded, stepping closer with a look of concern—or maybe it was something else entirely. She reached out as if to hug me, and I instinctively tried to back away. But before I could escape, KK, that sneaky bastard, decided to make things worse. He placed his hand firmly on my back and started pushing me toward the psychotic bitch.

"Oops! Sorry, Jinnie-ah. I didn't know your Jiminnie oppa was such a scaredy cat. I'll be more considerate from now on," KK said with mock innocence, a smug grin on his face. The audacity of this guy! He was clearly enjoying every second of my suffering.

As KK continued to push me closer to Jinnie, I tried to maintain my composure, but it was nearly impossible with her eyes locked on me like a predator eyeing its prey. My mind raced for a way out of this awkward situation.

"KK, seriously, cut it out," I muttered through gritted teeth, giving him a sideways glare. But he just chuckled, clearly enjoying my discomfort.

Jinnie, on the other hand, seemed completely oblivious to my internal struggle. She flashed me a sweet smile.

"Jiminnie oppa, you don't have to be scared. I'll protect you from meanies like KK," she said, her voice dripping with faux sincerity as she finally stopped advancing, much to my relief.

"Thanks, Jinnie," I managed to say, though it came out more like a squeak than I intended. I took a subtle step back, trying to put some distance between us.

KK just laughed, clearly having too much fun at my expense. "Alright dude, what's your schedule? Come on, I'll show you around," he said, his tone still teasing but with a hint of genuine friendliness.

"Sure," I agreed, handing him my schedule. But as always, things didn't go as smoothly as I hoped.

"Huh, oppa, I thought we decided on me touring you around?" Jinnie interrupted, suddenly grabbing my hand. Her voice was sweet, but there was an edge to it like she wasn't going to take no for an answer.

I glanced at KK, hoping he'd help me out, but he just smirked, clearly enjoying the situation even more now. "Looks like you've got options, Jiminnie," he teased, leaning back against the desk as if he was settling in to watch how this played out.

"Uh... well," I stammered, trying to find a way to decline without offending Jinnie, who was now holding onto my hand as her life depended on it.

Before I could say anything, KK stepped forward, casually prying Jinnie's hand off mine. "Sorry, Jinnie-a, but this is a guy thing. I promise I'll return him to you in one piece," he said smoothly, flashing her a charming smile.

Jinnie pouted, but it seemed KK's charm worked on her, too. She reluctantly let go, giving me a final, lingering look. "Fine, but don't forget, oppa, you owe me."

"Of course," I muttered, relieved to finally be free.

KK chuckled as we walked away. "Man, you're popular already. I'll have to keep an eye on you, Jiminnie. Can't have you stealing all the attention.""Sure, go ahead. At least that will save me from Jinnie," I joked, and we both laughed, the tension easing a bit.

As we walked down the hallway, KK glanced at me curiously. "So, what's up with the transfer and all?" he inquired. I knew I couldn't tell him the whole truth, but I figured a half-truth would suffice.

"Ah, you see," I started, choosing my words carefully, "Namjoon hyung was concerned. With you guys just joining the group, people now know So Hee, at least by her face, and also because she was injured not too long ago... he thought it would be a good idea to have someone around. So basically, I'm here to keep an eye on things and, you know, bodyguard you guys."

KK raised an eyebrow, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Bodyguard, huh? Didn't think I'd need one in school, but I guess Namjoon hyung does think of me as an important asset." he joked "Yeah, sure. Why not," I replied, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "We just want to make sure everyone stays safe. Plus, it's not like I'm just here to play babysitter. I get to hang out and have a normal life. Being just a part of the mafia sucks the life outta us."

KK chuckled. "I don't think it's that torturous. Like, what do you guys have to do on the field? Just deal with a bunch of people once in a while."

"Hah, I wish it was that easy," I said, shaking my head. "But you wouldn't know, KK. You've been working behind closed doors all this while. It's real shitty out there."

He nodded, his expression more serious now. "Hmm, I guess. It was So Hee's first mission, and she got herself cut open. I really am not the one to say much about it."

"And that wasn't even the 'S' of the shitty life we live. It's far more intense sometimes," I continued, thinking back to the countless missions and close calls. "Anyway, what does my schedule say? How do I live my normal life?" KK glanced at my schedule, then stopped walking. When I looked back, I noticed a small frown on his face. "What is it? Is there some problem?" I asked, concerned.

"No, it's just that," he hesitated, "are you sure it's yours and not Jinnie's?"

"What? No. I kept mine in my pocket and now was the only time I took it out to give it to you. And what do you mean Jinnie's?" I replied, confused.

Holding his laughter, KK said, "Looks like you'll have to bear with me and Jinnie throughout this semester. We've got the same classes and the same clubs. But wait, how is that possible? Did you look into my schedule and copy it?"

I stared at him, bewildered. "Seriously? I didn't copy anyone's schedule. I'm just as surprised as you are."

KK shrugged, still grinning. "Well, it looks like fate—or maybe just a really weird coincidence—has paired us all together. Jinnie's schedule must be almost identical to yours. Guess you'll be seeing a lot of both of us."

I sighed, trying to wrap my head around it. "Great. Just what I needed—more time with Jinnie."

KK laughed. "Hey, it could be worse. At least you'll have a familiar face around."

"Yeah, I suppose," I said, forcing a smile. "Let's just hope it doesn't turn into a circus."

As we continued down the hall, I mentally prepared myself for what was shaping up to be an interesting, if not chaotic, semester.

By the time recess rolled around, I was relieved to finally have a break from the relentless barrage of Jinnie's attention, thanks largely to KK. Despite his help, Jinnie's relentless attention had made the day feel like a marathon. Throughout the third, fourth, and fifth periods, she didn't miss a beat—sending me chits, tossing small paper balls, and even changing her seat to sit directly behind me. It was as if she was determined to make sure I couldn't escape her presence. How crazy could one girl be? On our way to the cafeteria, we bumped into PP, who looked genuinely excited to see me. It was a refreshing change from the earlier chaos.

"Whoa, Jimin! Didn't expect to see you here," PP exclaimed, her face lighting up with a big smile.

"Yeah, it was kind of a rushed decision. Namjoon hyung asked me to join you guys for safety purposes," I explained.

PP nodded in understanding. "Got it. So, how was the first half of your day? Did you enjoy it?"

Before I could answer, KK jumped in with a grin. "Enjoyed it? That would be an understatement. Jimin's been the center of Kim Jinnie's relentless attention all day. And it looks like that's not going to change anytime soon. He's got her full focus for the rest of the semester!"

PP's eyes widened in surprise. "Seriously? Jinnie? She's quite the character. I hope she's not giving you too much trouble."

I chuckled, shaking my head. "Trouble is one way to put it. It's been a whirlwind, but I'm managing. It's all part of the adventure, right?"

PP laughed, clearly amused by the situation. "Sounds like you're in for quite the ride. But don't worry, we'll help you get through it. Just hang in there."

"Yeah," I replied, heading towards my locker to drop off my things. When I returned, I found PP and KK chatting and leaning casually against their lockers, which were directly opposite each other.

"Aren't we going to the cafeteria?" I asked, slightly puzzled.

PP shook her head, while KK replied, "We will, but not just yet. There's something you need to know first. Listen carefully."

"Okay, what is it?" I asked, intrigued.

PP jumped in, "See, So Hee still doesn't know you're here, so we're planning to surprise her. We usually meet outside the cafeteria before heading in. When we do, you'll slip into the cafeteria first and hide under the table—the corner one on the left side near the window."

KK grinned, adding, "That way, when So Hee walks in, you can give her a surprise she won't forget!"

"You guys sure this is a good plan?" I asked, still doubtful.

"Of course!" KK insisted. "Now, let's get going."

However, when we reached the cafeteria, we saw that So Hee was already at their table. "So now what do we do? She's already there," I pointed out.

KK, ever the notorious strategist, replied, "Now, we both go and jump on her to distract her, while you hurry and hide under the table. When I say, 'Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, the one and only, Park Jimin!' you jump out. Got it?"

Though a bit hesitant, I agreed and went along with the plan. What actually happened, though, was beyond our imagination. When I jumped out from my hiding spot, the unexpected chaos ensued. So Hee and KK toppled over, and poor Tae ended up with a sweet, sticky shake splashed all over him. It was a complete disaster, but the laughter and the surprised looks made it all somehow worth it.

After a refreshing lunch and a good laugh over funny stories from the present and past—like Jinnie's relentless pursuit, So Hee's attempt to get away with cheating, and other memorable moments—we were all set to head to our next classes. Just as we were about to part ways, my phone rang. It was Jungkook.

Since KK was standing behind me, he caught a glimpse of my phone and saw who was calling. His playful demeanor shifted abruptly to a more somber expression. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt, knowing that I was somehow part of the reason for the tension between him and Jungkook. Without a word, KK shrugged it off and headed to the next class, leaving me alone in this maze of a school.

PP was the only one who noticed the shift, as So Hee and Tae, fortunately, seemed to be getting along well. At least some part of our mission was proving successful. I guess it's because So Hee doesn't know Tae's true identity, allowing her to open up more easily around him. However, in front of me, they were both a bit more guarded, their interactions slightly more conscious, as if they were aware of the underlying tension I was trying to hide.

Deciding against picking up the call, I shook my head and slipped my phone back into my bag. PP watched me for a moment, then gave a small nod of understanding. Without a word, we turned and headed off toward our classes, while Tae and So Hee went their separate way. The weight of the call lingered in the back of my mind, but for now, I chose to focus on the day ahead.

Author's Note:

안녕! Here's another update before things get even busier for me—my exams start in less than two weeks! It's crazy how time flies, right? Despite the pressure of upcoming exams, writing this book has become my escape. Whenever I felt overwhelmed while studying, I'd take a short break and work on this chapter to refresh myself.

I hope you all have a hobby or someone to help you relieve stress too. It's so important to stay healthy, both physically and mentally. Let's also keep our fingers crossed for Yoongie, hoping he overcomes any obstacles in his path. And here's to the rest of the members returning soon, as healthy as ever!

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