Chapter 19- Torture

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Third POV

"What..? How.." Kai lowered his head. He was alone in the main room, tied on the side of the wall, watching the dragon next to him battle for its freedom.

Suddenly, another figure entered the room. All they did was smirk. Just.. stand there in front of them and smirk.

"What- what are you going to do to them..?" He stuttered, slightly sobbing.

"Your parentss, they will be gone. We don't need them anymore. Asss for your sisster, well.." Makia cackled.

"Well what?!" Kai snapped.

"Well, let's jusst sssay that when we change the passt with her on the machine.. she'ss going to have a bad time.." She said. "Your sssister will be killed by the very machine your parents created."

"What do you mean? Our parents? Change the past?"

"Oh, you didn't know?" Makia laughed. "If we travel to the passt, no one can stop us.. Killing the Elemental Masterss the day of their birth would benefit uss. We would prevail in the war. And mossst importantly, prevent them from.. breeding. Wouldn't want that to get in our way." She said.

She moved closer. "Let me tell you a story. When your father left for war, your precious mother decided to fight alongsside him, leaving her two little children alone. They didn't care for you. They didn't stand a chance againssst us." She held her sharp claw against his face.

"We managed to capture four of them. Their names were Ray, Maya and two brothersss, Krux and Acronix. The brotherss.. they didn't make it. But they gave us the power we needed to activate the machine. Your parentss meanwhile.. they helped uss build it."

"No.. this- this isn't true..!" The red ninja lowered his head, bursting to tears. How could have his own parents betrayed him? Betrayed them?

"Believe me," Makia dug her claw deep into the right side of his face. "Everything is." She walked away leaving Kai yelling in pain, trying to cover up his wound.

He started to lose too much blood. His vision got blurry as the dragon panicked, trying to come to his aid. He couldn't take it any more. He fainted.



The two kept their mouths shut, trying not to make a noise. Although the voice sounded more like a scream of help rather than a furious growl, they still kept their guard up.

Suddenly Lloyd felt someone grab him from behind. Though they didn't want to strangle him or anything. He was instead pulled into a tight.. hug.

"You did it! Thank you!" The figure cried out.

Zane and Lloyd immediately turned around to see a girl, about Lloyd's age, looking at them with a worried look.

The first thing that stuck out to them was her snow white hair. It reminded Lloyd of something, but he couldn't quite put a finger on it.

" Excuse me but, who are you?" Zane enquired, taking a somewhat defensive pose.

"Oh, I am sorry.. My name is Harumi." She awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck. "Lloyd here may already recocnize me." She moved closer, grinning.

Lloyd physically flinched at the call of this name. After so many years, he found her. They would finally reunite.

He pulled her into a tight hug. "I've missed you so much!" He cried. "But.. how?"

She giggled. "I was always cunning, remember? I can manipulate people into anything. Tricking them was very easy. But you two distracting them gave me the final shot. You helped me escape!" She said, her voice becoming happier with each sentence.

"Ahem." Zane coughed, interrupting the two. "I believe it's time for us to go. They might be after us and getting you and Harumi to safety is for the best." He smiled.

"Oh.. Right." Harumi said, playing with her hair.

" We will take you to the Monastery. You can explain everything from there." Zane informed her. That voice.. It reminded him of something. Something he had recently heard. It couldn't be.. Could it?

"Yes sir!" Harumi bowed, grabbing Lloyd's hand.

"Come on! Let's go!"


"So, what you're saying is, we juat go there and beat them up?"

"Pretty much." Jay and Cole answered.

"Are you out of your mind? These guys want to go back in time and beating them up with rocks and zappers is our best strategy?!" Ronin snapped, glaring at the two.

"Why? Do you have a better plan?" Jay said, raising a brow.

Ronin got up from their hiding spot and sighed. "HEY! YOU, SNAKE FACES! OVER HERE!" He shouted, throwing his arms in the air.

The Vermillion immediately turned around and warned the rest. They all ran after them, weapons in their hands as they pulled down the metal bridge that connected them to the temple.

"What the heck Ronin?!" Cole yelled.

"If they're distracted with us, it'll be easier for them to get out. Now run!" He pushed both of them forward to lead the way.

"I still don't think this is a good idea!" Jay said, trying to take out his Nunchucks. "They might not even be in there! Just call Zane and Lloyd already!"

"Already tried. They're not answering. Do you think they're in trouble?" Cole said, knocking one of the soldiers down.

"How about you care for your own lives for once?" Ronin said.

"Well, sorry, but we could've let you die here!" Jay snapped.

"Just focus here okay! Your friends are fine!"


"Put me down you vermillion skank!" Nya punched the Vermillion's back as hard as she could. "Ugh, what's the point if you don't even have a soul.." She mumbled to herself, sighing.

The Vermillion soon put her down after arriving to the other room, tying her in some kind of.. Machine? It was a metal, snake like machine, but it was a lot bigger than this temple. It only fit because it wasn't yet activated and hang there like a corpse.

"Look, Makia, or whatever your name is, I know you're hearing me through that thing's ears." 'If it even has ears..' "But you better let us leave this place."

"Ssomebody called for me?" A figure popped out of the shadows, smiling.

"Just when I thought you couldn't get any creepier.." Nya smirked.

"I wouldn't use that ssarcasssm conssidering your ssituation." Makia smirked.

Nya gulped. "Okay, then, show me your boss, it would be better if I spoke with them instead."

"I don't have a bosss. Only allies."

Nya scanned around the room, looking for a way to escape. That.. shadow. Probably the same person that followed them. It looked skinny, yet deformed. Not like any human of sorts. It couldn't be the others.

She looked back at Makia who was holding a sword like weapon, almost like a dagger. It's shape was unique, as it was also glowing a bright blue colour. "What is this?" She asked.

"Thiss, thiss is the final Time Blade I need to activate thiss monsster. To go back in time." She pointed at the machine, laughing.

'Back in time..? What does she mean by back in time?' "What are you going to do to us?"

"I'm afraid this would be better if kept ssecret. Your brother knowss. But.. just like I.. left a sscar on him, tormenting you for a bit won't hurt." Makia took a few steps closer to her.

Nya's eyes widened, as she saw her move closer. 'Oh no..'

She was about to strike any moment now. She weilded her sword up in the air as she slowly moved it closer towards Nya's face.

"No!" She heard a voice shout. She slowly opened one eye to see someone holding Makia's hand. And she recognized that someone. She knew him very well.


So that's why I didn't describe Kai's scar when we first met him ;)

I'm so sorry for not updating as much! I know that these Chapters are a bit too short, but I don't really have enough time! Again, sorry! 🙏

C ya!

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