Chapter 24- End of an Era

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Enjoy! This is an extra sad chapter! Just for you! :)

Third POV

"I knew you'd come around." Harumi said, still maintaining her smirk.

Lloyd frowned. For the first time ever he didn't have doubts. No regrets, no nothing. He just followed Harumi's plan like a puppet. Even though the idea seemed good in his mind.

"Can we.. Wait until the morning? I .. Want to say goodbye.." Lloyd spat out. He felt like a heavy weight was lifted off of him. He felt relieved saying that.

"Why would you want to do that?" Harumi raised a brow, leaning against the wall.

Lloyd gulped. "Please, just let me." He pleaded.

"Whatever. Just make it quick and go pack your stuff." Harumi rolled her eyes. Lloyd nodded, quietly returning to his room.

He started by packing his clothes in the same backpack he had when he stayed with Jay. It was blue, of course, as it was the only spare one Jay had at the time.

He took a deep breath, then continued packing. By the time he had finished, it was already 3AM. He then remembered something important he had to do. Money. They were going to need money for food and weapons.

He thought for a bit, until he came up with an idea. He remembered his uncle wanting to open up a tea shop for some weird reason. He never questioned it, though. But he did remember him keeping some savings in a vault near the stable. He said the dragons were trained to protect, therefore it would be a good idea to hide it there.

He grabbed his backpack and exited the room, slowly making his way to the stable. All the dragons woke up once they heard his footsteps, but luckily didn't make much sound.
He went through all the pens, passing every one of the dragons. It was his second time encountering Flame and Reef, yet he could already tell their personalities.

Being originally owned by Kai and Nya's parents, they were very affectionate towards the two. Flame was more affectionate towards everyone though, compared to Reef, who seemed to be very protective of Kai and especially Nya.

He managed to look through all the pens, surprisingly finding the money in the last, empty pen.

Confused, he went closer to it, only making himself more confused. The vault was already open.

He turned around to find a smirking Harumi behind him once again. He gasped out of fear, only making her giggle.

"I guess I got here first." She said.

"Yeah.." Lloyd blushed. "I guess you did."

Lloyd, without saying anything returned back to the kitchen. That encounter was.. Strange. Almost creepy. Seeing there was nothing else to pack, he returned to his bedroom. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw Harumi wasn't there, something he'd never thought he would do.

He layed on his bed, still in his pajamas. He fell to sleep immediately once he closed his eyes. He was going to need it, after all. Tommorow was going to be a hard day.


Harumi finished searching Sensei Wu's room, only finding a cabinet full of teapots. No surprise there. She narrowed her eyes, exiting the room.

She passed through all the rooms once again. Luckily they were all empty, considering everyone was awake. Well, almost everyone.

'That idiot's still sleeping?' She gritted her teeth, standing outside Jay's room.
She was about to leave when she heard noise coming out of the other side of the door.

She couldn't wait anymore, so she carefully opened the door, just enough so she could see inside the room. He was awake, as he seemed to be speaking to himself on the mirror.

"Heey, Nya! Would you like to train sometime? Since you've got your powers and all, maybe I can help you..? No, this is bad!" Jay facepalmed.

'So he's got a thing for the water girl?' Harumi thought for a bit, then smirked. She entered the room, tapping Jay's shoulder.

"W-what are you doing here?" He stuttered, still maintaining his calm.

Harumi sighed. "Well, I came here to tell you that Nya has been looking for you. She needs some help with some aim exercises and told me to get you." She sheepishly smiled.

Jay became flustered. Way quicker than Harumi thought he would. "M-Me? Nya wants me? I mean, Zane has got much better aim than me, are you sure she doesn't want him-"

"Just go and help her!" Harumi pushed him towards the door, a bit annoyed.

"O-Oh, right! Yeah! I'll do that!" He said, exiting the room, sprinting towards the training area.

Harumi narrowed her eyes. "Talk about one-sided love." She said.

Now that Jay was gone, this gave her the chance to finally search for it. The final piece to the puzzle.

The room was messy, with tools and mechanical stuff scattered all around. There was even some dirty clothing laying around, even underwear.

"Ugh.." Harumi groaned. "Where is it?"

She looked around the room once more, finally finding what she needed under the bed sheets. The Nunchucks of Lightning. The final piece.

"And for the final addition to my collection~" She smirked, putting it in her backpack along with the other ones.

She had completed her first mission. Well, part of it, but she wouldn't be able to get the black ninja to follow them as well. But it didn't matter. She had it all figured out.

She walked towards the training area, a faint smirk on her face.

Once she arrived, she saw something she didn't expect. Everyone, even Cole, who was feeling awful just yesterday, hugging Lloyd.

'They do really care about him, huh?' She couldn't help but smile.

She walked closer to them, with no emotion. Just a blank stare.

"You coming, Lloyd?" She asked, making everyone turn towards her. The ninja didn't react towards her, some of them hiding glares. Meanwhile, Wu remained quiet, not saying anything.

"Yeah." He spoke. "So.. I guess this is the end, isn't it?" He frowned.

"It is not the end until you say so. It is your choice." Wu said, looking at him with sad eyes.

He stood between them. His childhood friend and his beloved family. He took a deep breath, then moved towards her.

"It is." He lowered his head. "Come on, let's go Rumi."

Harumi gave him a surprised look. She wasn't expecting him to follow her. She grabbed his hands as they started to walk towards the exit. The others stayed there, slowly heading to the kitchen.

Harumi and Lloyd exited the Monastery. Lloyd remained silent. Harumi tightened the grip on his hand, but even that didn't seem to cheer him up.

When they made their way towards Jamanakai, she thought of something.
She opened her backpack, gesturing at him to see what's inside.

"You-You took the weapons?!" Lloyd gasped.

"Don't worry. They won't need them."


"She took the weapons. And money." Cole came back to the dining area, taking a seat next to Zane.

"I knew something was wrong from the start." Zane sighed. "She is manipulating him, isn't she?

"We are not quite sure yet, Zane. We cannot jump to conclusions like that." Wu said, sipping a cup of tea.

Kai, the one who would normally protest, was quiet. Lloyd, even though he hadn't known him for long, felt like a little brother to him. And seeing him gone just like that, it broke his heart.

"Sensei, no offence, but her behavior doesn't seem normal to me." Zane replied.

"Speaking about strange behavior, what was that all about?" Nya glared at Jay, raising an eyebrow.

"What are you talking about?" Cole asked.

Jay gulped. "W-well, you see, Harumi told me she needed help with her aim and turns out our elements don't work out when it comes to surprise hugs.." He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.

Awkward silence followed, until Kai finally spoke up. "So, I guess we're not a team anymore, huh? Now that the world doesn't need us and all." He sighed. "What now?"

"I guess we'll return to our homes." Cole sighed.

"But I don't have a home." Zane sighed.

"What do you mean? You have Dr.Julien-" Jay was interrupted by Zane.

"Jay, I'm not an idiot. I know about my father." He frowned. It was strange.. Seeing Zane show such little yet so much emotion.

"Oh Zane.." Jay hugged him along with the others, except for Nya, whose anger seemed to rise by the second.

"No." She spoke.

Everyone turned to look at her. "No." She repeated. She was so calm, yet so mad. It was almost scary.

"We won't give up. Not now." She sighed. "This team made me feel something for once. I'm not letting it fall apart."

"We can still help them. We can't destroy Garmadon's plan, but we'll make sure it doesn't happen." She continued.

"I've already told Cole and Sensei. We have a plan." She looked at her brother. "Kai. Do you remember were Delara and Nadakhan live?"

Kai gasped. "You mean them?! Yes, yes I do."

"Great. Then we're setting off tommorow morning."

So, I hope I made you feel at least a bit emotional.

I hate how I have more ideas for fanfiction rather than original books XD.

But anyways, next chapter we're begginning -or rather finishing- a subplot. Guess which one 😏

C ya!

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