Chapter 3- Nunchucks of Lightning

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I didn't know how to call this chapter so excuse me for the unoriginality XD.

Also, I need to explain how dragons work in this AU: They obviously protect the weapons, BUT when they are untamed, aka before the user claims the weapon, their form is the season 4 form, aka the pure element one. Kai and Nya are an exception, you'll see why in the following chapters. But don't you worry, as they're still our favourite dragons from s1!

Onto the story!

Third POV

"Hey, wake up." Lloyd whispered to Jay. It was finally morning and they were both pretty tired. They had both found out that the old man had left a map for them on where to find all the weapons, which led to many questions. For example, why couldn't he get them himself if he already knew their location? But whether they liked it or not, that was the only choice they had.

After they finally got ready and ate whatever food they had packed, they started walking away from the village, being greeted by the villagers along the way.

"Oh, looks like the tower wasn't so far after all.. Makes you wonder why we didn't see it on our way here.." Jay chuckled, showing the map to his friend.

"Mom and Dad must be home by now.." Lloyd sighed, trying to break the awkward silence.

"Yeah.. But we're doing this for them, remember? And everyone else in this country. Let's just use the power of positive thinking!" Jay exclaimed, cheering up Lloyd a bit.

They kept walking for quite some time, discussing their strategy along the way, as they didn't know what to expect.

Once the tower was in their line of sight, they both yelled in delight and ran towards it. The tower wasn't too complicated, but it sure was really tall. It looked like it reached above the clouds, though that was probably just an illusion, as they thought. It didn't have an entrance, just a few rocks scattered on the walls for them to climb on. It almost looked like a really thin mountain at this point.

"That's all? Seriously?" Jay laughed. "We just need to climb up there and boom! We got the Nunchucks. Easy." He started to climb the tower along with Lloyd, joking about the 'toughness' of this challenge. Though they were starting to get a bit tired.

"Who knows? Maybe after all this climbing, your Rapunzel will wait for you.." Lloyd joked, climbing a bit faster now.

"Yeah, like that's gonna happen.." Jay lowered his head.

Lloyd thought for a bit, but then responded: "You're right. She's probably going to be saving you." Lloyd smirked, making the him playfully punch his shoulder.

"Are we up there yet?" Jay complained, barely holding on to the tower. They were both exhausted at this point, but they tried their best to keep their balance and not fall to their death. Lloyd just responded with a slight nod, as they could now see the top of the tower.

They both gave each other a relieved look, as they started to climb faster in order to reach the top of the tower.

"FINALLY!" Lloyd shouted in delight as they finally reached the top. Feeling their feet touch pure, stable ground, was like heaven to them.

They turned around to see the Nunchucks laying on a pillar-like stand. Their golden texture and their dragon-like design were reflecting a bright light through the sun. The two pieces weren't connected by chains, no. Instead they were connected by a pure lightning bolt, that could electrocute someone in almost an instant.

"Heh, told you this was going to be easy." Jay smirked, turning around to face Lloyd.What he didn't notice though was that the color of the sky was.. changing. And not in a good way.

Grey clouds started to surround the area as lightning bolts were shooting out of them, causing their vision to get really blurry.

"Uh.. J-Jay..?" Lloyd stuttered. A red eye was staring at them through the fog. It was quiet.

"What? Let's just go grab the Nunchucks and-" He saw the creature's full body as he turned around. The dragon was huge compared to them. Its blue body was made out of pure energy as its blood red eyes were filled with anger. Its enormous wings were causing strong wind to hit the two as they tried to keep their balance.

"Hey.. your uncle said that it trusts the Master.. R-right?" Before Lloyd could answer, the dragon shot lightning at them, but they luckily avoided it. They tried to dodge its attacks -with a few close calls- but at one point, it was
-almost- too late. The dragon managed to hit the platform so hard, that a piece of the tower fell. That piece happened to be the place where Lloyd stood.

"Gotcha." Jay saved him at the last second, using all his strength to pull him up.

"Go grab the weapon while I distract the dragon." Lloyd whispered, picking up broken pieces of marble from the ground. Jay nodded as he tried to sneak behind the dragon, which was really hard, considering it was silently watching his every step, ready to strike.

"Hey, Zap-Trap!" Lloyd shouted, making the dragon face him. He started to throw these pieces at it, only angering it in the process.
"Mess with someone that's somewhat your own size!" He stuck his tongue out, making the dragon attack him. He continued this strategy while Jay was heading for the weapon.

He was about to reach it, when the dragon suddenly turned around, making him startle. It started to charge his next attack, though this time, it was a physical one. It was ready to straight up bite him. He flapped his wings, making once again strong wind in order for them to fall. It flew around the tower, making the wind stronger. Their feet started getting off the ground, as they tried to keep their balance.

Jay tried to fight back against the wind. His hand was barely a few centimeters away from reaching the weapon. Once the dragon went for the attack and stopped flying, the wind finally stopped. The creature was getting closer, as they only had a few seconds to grab it before it was all over.

Just as it was about to reach them, it stopped. It landed on the ground, shaking.

"YOU DID IT!" Lloyd ran over to his friend, giving him a tight hug, as Jay started doing his little victory dance, as always. He had claimed the weapon. The clouds in the sky started to fade away, as they turned their attention back to the as they assumed dead dragon.

"Do you think it's dead?" Jay questioned. As soon as they said that, a small blast of energy pushed them a few meters back, as they covered their faces to protect their eyes from the brightness. They looked up to see the dragon once again, standing in front of them. Its energy-like appearence was now gone as its body type resembled a cross breed of a chinese and european dragon. Its scales were all kinds of shades of blue, making beautiful patterns on its body.
The only thing that hadn't changed where its blood red eyes.

"W-woah there buddy. We-we don't want to hurt you.." Lloyd stuttered as the dragon got closer to them. But instead of eating them alive, it cuddled its head up against them.

"Aww! She just wanted a hug, after all!" Jay giggled at the creature's loving behavior. "I think I'm going to name her.. Wisp!" Jay exclaimed, petting the dragon's head.

"How do you know it's a female?" Lloyd questioned.

"You just look down! Duh!" He grinned, making Lloyd facepalm.

"Well, what matters is that we got these." Jay held out the Nunchucks. "And.. I can do this." He smirked, opening his hand to reveal pure lightning. "How cool is that?! I'm never gonna need a hand buzzer again!" He exclaimed.

"Well, it's cool you got your powers and all, but how are we exactly going to get down?" Lloyd raised his eyebrow as Wisp lowered down her wing for them to get on her back. They both held close to her as she flew off to the distance.

Once they arrived they noticed something off about the village.. That was when they realized.. "Wisp! You brought us to the wrong village!" Lloyd shouted. But it was too late. The creature had already started to fly away.

"Wait, no! Come back!" Jay shouted, with no result. They both sighed as Jay put the Nunchucks in his backpack.

They walked around for a bit, looking for some help. They came across a group of strangers near the lake and tried to ask them some questions.

"Um, excuse me.." They tried to gain their attention, making them face the two. "Where are we?" Lloyd politely enquired.

The strangers laughed for a bit, when one of the men finally spoke up.

"You seriously don't know?" The man chuckled. "You're in Ignacia, of course!"

I bet you all know what's about to happen next..😏😏

Woah! Two chapters in a week?! I'm on a roll right now!

Also, here are what I believe to be the genders of the dragons, just to clear things up:

Wisp- Female

Rocky- Male

Flame- I was going to say female, but in the pilot, Kai refers to him as a 'he', so male

Shard- Female

Reef- (The name I gave to Nya's Dragon) Male

Energy- (The lazy name I gave to Lloyd's dragon) Female.

As Lloyd and Nya don't have season 1 dragons, I'm going to be describing new appearances. Also, Energy, is the same dragon as the Golden Dragon. I don't know whether or not I'm going to have the ultra dragon appear in this story.

Okay, I have to admit that I made Nya's dragon male just to mess with the Jaya subplot.. But if it means more Jaya, I'm okay with it!

In addition, once the weapons are claimed, the dragons leave. You'll see them again and where they went when you see Wu again. Okay, that made it kinda obvious XD.

C ya!

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