7: Secrets and Languages

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"Okay, who touched something?" Sky asked.

Everyone turned to me. I raised my hands in a defensive position.

"Hey, it wasn't my fault," I said.

"Well it wasn't any of us and- Hey, where'd Sub go?"

We looked around the small space. Sub was nowhere to be seen.

"Where did he disappear off to?" Bajan asked. "This isn't a big room, there's nowhere to go."

"Maybe he went back up?" I suggested.

Someone whistled. We looked around again, searching for the source of the sudden sound. The person whistled again, louder this time.

"Sub?" Sky called.

The piston clicked again, and a section of the floor underneath Sky disappeared. He yelped and fell, landing with an 'oof' noise.

"Sky!" I yelled, running to the edge of the hole.

"I'm okay!" he called back. "Sub's down here, come on!"

Bajan, Jerome and I looked at each other.

"Ladies first?" Jerome suggested.

I glared at him.

"Okay, I'll go," he said, dropping down. Bajan followed him, and I came last. I tried not to land on my feet, so I awkwardly rolled when I landed. The ground cushioned my landing somehow, even though it seemed to be made of the same hard stone.

This room was about the same size as the one we had just left, but it wasn't bare. There were old carvings on the walls, words of some strange language. There were also five banners hanging on the walls, two on the left and right walls and one on the back wall. Underneath each banner was an armour stand. As expected, armour hung on each stand, and they each glowed with a different colour. Each armour stand held a glowing weapon, the same colour as the armour that hung on it.

"What is this place?" Jerome asked in a hushed whisper.

"I don't know," Bajan answered, also in a hushed whisper.

I took a closer look at the banners. Each of the 5 banners had a different design and colour scheme. The first one was mainly greens and browns, like a forest. An axe was embroidered in the middle with golden thread. The armour stand underneath it had what looked like iron armour, but it was a camouflage design of different shades of green. It held a double bladed axe, with a sturdy handle, engraved with a word that I couldn't understand. Both the armour and the axe glowed a soft brown colour.

The second banner, the one beside the first, was golden. There seemed to be a golden sun rising from the bottom of the banner, with a light blue sky at the top. A sword and bow were embroidered in black thread. The armour stand had golden armour, but it was engraved with patterns, and had a slight yellow glow to it. A golden sword was held by the stand, its blade sharp and long. It also was engraved with a word.

On the opposite wall, the third banner hung. It seemed to have a battle going in the background, with black, red and orange colours everywhere. A sword was embroidered in silver thread in the middle, tip pointing up. The armour was diamond. It was thin but seemed to be very strong, and it glowed red. A sword hung at the side of the armour and the stand held a bow, also glowing red. Both were engraved with a word.

The fourth banner had a blue background with a white column in the middle. At the top of the column was a small black spot that could have been a human. Two daggers were embroidered in golden thread at the centre of the column, their blades crossed. The armour looked like iron, but there wasn't very much of it. It looked like it was built so that the wearer was able to move a lot more. Two daggers were being held by the stand, their blades sharpened but not polished. Each blade had a word engraved on their blades, and they glowed light green.

The fifth banner was the one hanging all by itself on the back wall. The background looked like a map, showing trees, lakes, oceans, villages and plains, as well as Herobrine's castle and the Stadium. There was nothing embroidered on it. The armour stand underneath it had diamond armour, simple and plain, but beautiful to me. It glowed with a white colour. The sword was also made out of diamond. It looked like a normal sword: it didn't glow and it wasn't longer or shorter than a regular sword. Like all the other weapons, it had a word engraved on the blade.

"What are these weapons?" Sky asked. "Why are they here?"

We had no answer. I went closer to the banner at the back. I found it interesting. All the other banners had a scene (If I can call it that) and a weapon embroidered in the middle. This banner looked like a map, with no embroidery on it. The armour was different too. All the other sets of armour had something special and unique about them. The only different thing about this one was the white glow, which didn't seem that special at all. The sword was the same as the armour, just minus the white glow.

"I wonder what the word is," Bajan said from behind me. I turned to see him. He was at the third armour stand, the one with the red glow around it. Sub was beside him, at the daggers. Jerome was at the first stand, admiring the axe (Nothing new) and Sky was at the golden armour.

"It looks like it's in a different language," Jerome muttered, reaching out and gently tracing the words with his finger. He yelped and jumped back as the soft brown glow grew brighter. It faded as soon as he removed his hand.

"Touch it again Jerome!" Sky said.

Jerome tentatively touched the axe again. The glow returned, growing brighter the longer he touched it. It seemed to reach a point where it couldn't get any brighter, instead pulsing like a heartbeat.

"That's both cool and terrifying," I said.

"I can read the word!" Jerome exclaimed.

"What does it say?" Sky asked.

"It's my name. Jerome."

Bajan's face grew thoughtful. He carefully reached out and touched the bow he was standing in front of. The red glow strengthened, surrounding him in red light. Like with Jerome, the glow grew until it stopped growing and pulsed.

"This one has my name," he said.

"Do each of them have our names?" Sky wondered.

"They're personalised," I realised. "Made just for us. But who knew we were coming back?"

"Herobrine?" Jerome suggested.

"But why didn't he give them to us when he first brought us?" I questioned.

"What if he doesn't know about them?" Bajan suggested.

A new glow appeared in the room, this one light green. I spun around to see Sub, his hands resting on both of the daggers, surrounded by the glow. Like Bajan and Jerome, the glow reached a certain light strength before pulsing.

"It's like a heartbeat," I said, saying out loud what I had been thinking the whole time.

Bajan kept one hand on his bow and put a hand to his chest. "It is a heartbeat," he said softly, dropping his hand.

Sky and I each touched the sword in front of us. Yellow and white glows joined the red, green and brown glows. Each glow pulsed in time with our heartbeat, surrounding us in light. As the glow pulsed, the strange word seemed to unscramble itself and it created my name in curling letters.


"We can use this," I said, my voice seemingly loud in the quietness. "These are meant for us, we are meant to use it."

"How can you know that Riley?" Jerome asked.

"I just do. Why else would they be here?"

"So what, we just put this on and walk out?" Bajan asked.

"Yep," I said, taking the sword from the armour stand and gently putting it on the floor.

Sky shrugged. "Okay."

10 minutes later, we were wearing the glowing armour and had the weapons strapped to our side. On impulse, I also took down the map banner and rolled it up. The armour was surprisingly light and fitted well. It felt.... natural. Like we had been wearing armour our whole lives. We slowly made our way back up the steep stairs to the ruined castle and back out into the open. Once we reached the grass, I spread out the map banner on the ground.

"What's that?" Sky asked, looking over my shoulder.

"This is the banner that hung above my armour stand," I said. "I thought that we could use it to- It's changed!"

The map was different now to how it was before. In the bottom left corner was Herobrine's castle and five coloured dots -green, red, brown, yellow and white. A blue line connected the castle with a structure that was in the centre of the banner. It was big, black and was surrounded by something orange. Lava maybe?

"Is that... could that be Entity's castle?" Bajan asked.

"We need to go there," I said. "I bet that's where Herobrine and Entity are."

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